
Young Writers Society

Oi to the... forum. =O

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Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:17 am
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tadaasana says...

Hi. I'm Tada'asana. Call me Sana. Hannah made me come here. =O

Here's the basic stuff. I'm eighteen, nearly nineteen. I'm female.. mostly. I live in the US, but I like to think my intelligence is a little higher than that. I'm married for over a year now. I live a very alternative lifestyle. I wrote my first book when I was fifteen. I got an English credit for it, and I enjoyed it. I like to pretend my writing is better than that now. (Yes, there is a softcover.) I'm not much for poetry - too many angsty teenagers have mutilated that word beyond recognition. I do like ballads, though - like minstrels sang. I'm good with fiction - my nonfiction writing blows. =/ I hate writing essays, because I always go on too long and overwrite the limit. Ask me to write ten pages? Sure. Two? Not happening.

I'm not great at talking, or paying attention to people. I hate drugs/alcohol/etc, so.. just a point. Clean 16 months and counting. =D I think monogamy is cheap without trust, and I prefer music over talking any day. I would have been a musician, but I can't sing the lyrics I write, so I just listen to other people's talent and write novels.. or, the beginnings of novels which wither and die because I lose inspiration or don't have time to write. I still have a lame novel I wrote when I was eleven, called Noctem Aeturnus. It had nothing to do with night or eternity, just a modern novel, something of stupidity. But I hand-wrote over 100 pages, worked on it every night for over a year.

I'm not always great, but I'm damn determined.

I'm kind of a spasm-case, I don't stay on topic well, and my entire life and speech is made of stream of consciousness rambling. I don't like skirts. I swear too much. I love cheesecake.

I think that's all. Hi there. =]

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Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:20 am
Hannah says...

Call me Sana. Hannah made me come here. =O

:D :D :D :D :D

Look, it's my name!!! -points at it-~

Yayyy, welcome, Sana~ Here are the two major rules that we tell everybody!

1. No chatspeaking -- I know you won't have trouble with this though~ ^_^
2. You have to review two works from other members before posting anything of your own. From then on you should keep the ratio about the same {or higher on the review side} -- 2:1. ^_^ Also, try not to post a lot of your work at the same time, as it floods the forum... I speak from personal experience.


Yay, though! Welcome to YWS~ I can't wait to get your book in the mail. ^_^


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:22 am
Meep(: says...

Hey there!
Interesting name you've got there.
You're married? Congrats to you then :D

Anyhoo, Welcome to the YWS family full of whacky lunatics.
You can find them lurking around the forums all the time.
I've managed to keep myself sane with cookies and talking to my radioactive pencil.

Noctem Aeuterna?
Pardon me if I spell it incorrectly,
But that sounds like an awesome name for an 11-year-old to come up with.
What does it mean?

Oh, feel free to PM for anything whatsoever, kay? :)

Also, here's my million dollar question for you:
What genres do you like to read about?
~Liverpool F.C Supporter~
"You'll never walk alone"

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Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:12 pm
casey_kent says...

Oi to you too!

Welcome to YWS!

You've got a pretty interesting things about you there. And you already have a book. That's AWESOME. I'm not done with mine yet!

So basically, the rules are no chatspeak. Since this is a writing site. For every post, you got to have at least two reviews. You should also try reading the FAQ, since you're a newbie. You have to read the rules on the Help and Support wiki on the header.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to PM me anytime!

I hope you enjoy YWS! See ya around!


Cheesecakes are AWESOME.
Christianity is not a religion, it's a relationship.

I may not be perfect but Jesus thinks I'm to die for.

"Let's destroy these little darlings..."- W.Beckett

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Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:12 pm
Night Mistress says...

Hey Hannah,

Welcome to YWS.

Pm me if you need anything.

See ya around.
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

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Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:24 pm
mizz-iceberg says...

Hey Sana! My cousin's name is Sana. ;)

Welcome to YWS! Awesome, you have nice book written, finished and published. Well, welcome aboard! I'm Zehra.

You really seem like devoted writer. You'll fit right in. I'm glad Hannah introduced you to this place. It's great.

Looking forward to seeing you around the forums.
Have fun!

I'm a godmother, that's a great thing to be, a godmother. She calls me god for short, that's cute, I taught her that.
--Ellen DeGeneres

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Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:33 pm
Stori says...

They say that poetry is music for the deaf. That must be true.

Your book is very interesting. Can I have a copy? :wink:

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Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:02 pm
Winter's Twelfth Night says...

Hello! I'm Winter's Twelfth Night (or just Winter). You've a book published? I'm jealous! What else are you writing/have you written? If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me!
Mamillius: Merry or sad shall’t be?
Hermione: As merry as you will.
Mamillius: A sad tale’s best for winter. I have one
Of sprites and goblins.

The Winter's Tale

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Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:13 pm
tadaasana says...

All right, replies!

@Hannah: Aww, rules?! -Grins.- I know what you mean. I'll probably lurk and look around for a while, then maybe later do reviews, and MUCH later, post my own... I don't have anything worth posting right now anyhow. =P Thank you, though... and you MUST tell me what you think! <333333

@Meep: Thanks, haha. It's not my real name, just my online alias. I figured this one (my normal one) was better than the one Hannah knew me by originally - BovinaSancta! (It's Latin for "Holy Cow"... popular culture meets epic geekdom. =O) This one is Indian... a reference to the starting position for the yoga sun salutation I learnt a long time ago. Mountain pose. Hooray for references to presumed stability without anyone getting it!

Cookies.. I like cookies! -Steals them.- You can keep the pencil.. my food is radioactive enough from our old microwave. =P

"Noctem Aeturnus" is Latin as well. It means "Eternal Night".. I just liked the way it sounded. The book was supposed to become darker and supernatural, but I decided my main character would make a crappy vampire, haha. =X

Thanks for the invite - I'll keep that in mind.

Genres.. oh man. I like a lot of stuff, mostly non-fiction. My favourites are anything satirical, sarcastic or humourous, mysteries and detective (or other such, including scientists of sorts, think Mark Billingham's books, or Kathy Reichs) stories.. but only with good character development, I want to be right in that detective or other mystery-solvers head. Right inside it.

I also have an unnatural liking for children's books of any sort... picture books are amazing to me because I can't imagine trying to put pictures to my writing. I just write, and hope that everyone else is seeing what I'm seeing. And... hm, I like historical fiction a lot, and just about anything supernatural or sci-fi... example of a great book in my opinion: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Humour, satire and sci-fi... amazing. The Ballad of Sir Dinadan was great, too. Historical Fiction and humour - most things I read need at least a little humour, or have a damn good plot to make up for lacking it, because I like that sort of thing, and think that it can be integrated into just about anything.

I think that covers that...

@casey_kent: Thank you! And I'll keep that in mind, and take a look at those. Also - of course they are. Duh. <3Cheesecake<3

@Night Mistress: I'm Sana. The one who dragged me here is Hannah. xD But thanks.

@mizz-iceberg: Thanks, I'm glad someone thinks I'm devoted to something. =P I'm the laziest person on earth. I just like writing. I often use it as an excuse to not be devoted to other things. =P

@Stori: It's linked in my first post. It can be ordered from there. =] And I'm partial to ballads, but I think most writing is music for the deaf. xD

@Winter: Right now, I'm writing a story roughly based on my life - well, my potential life, in a few years. The characters are very, very roughly based on myself and people in my life - but not too much, haha. I wanted to write an auto-biography, but I hate writing non-fiction, and I hate writing about things that have happened, especially in past tense. I feel like it's boring, and I'm just spending the whole thing explaining things and narrating. Not enough.. life to it. So I'm writing a story that is sort of like me. xD

I've also started a sequel to my first book, but I'm sort of at a place with that where.. I'm stuck. I don't know where I want to take it. And I've written a few short stories, more than a few beginnings to stories that I never got back to, some persuasive writing (usually just me ranting about something I believe in - I do that a lot) and miscellaneous other things I can't even think of at this point. xD

Thanks for the warm welcome, folks! It's very sweet. =]]

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Wed Jan 28, 2009 9:01 pm
Rosendorn says...

Hiya and welcome!

YWS is the place to come if you need any sort of writing help! Writer's Corner might be a forum you want to look in. It's for people working on/stuck in a story.

Sci fi really isn't my thing, but fantasy is. Just not vampires. I really don't like them.

If you need anything, feel free to PM me.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:29 am
Stori says...

Can you do me a favor? Review "Catnap," in the Fantasy forum, please. As they say, *shameless plug*
"The one thing you can't trade for your heart's desire is your heart."
Miles Vorkosigan

"You can be an author if you learn to paint pictures with words."
Brian Jacques

My tongue must tell the anger of my heart, or else my heart, concealing it, will break...
— Katherine, The Taming of the Shrew