
Young Writers Society

Black and whites

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Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:24 pm
BondGirl007 says...

So I am by no means a photographer, I'm mostly a painter but I couldn't think of any of my paintings that would work in black and white, so I'm posting these to get a little feed back. None of them are posed there were all kind of done spur of the moment things. So yeah, critics are super welcome, but I'd really just like to know which on you like the best, and why. Thanks!

Talking heads

She lies in ruins

Sitting, waiting, watching


Light will shine through

Little girl in a grown up world

Anywho any kind of feedback is appreciated <3

"I'd rather be hated for being who I am, then loved for who I'm not."

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Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:16 pm
leebass says...

Hi, i'm not that good at critiquing photography but i can tell you what i do and don't like about your photos.
1. I love this. I love that it's an over the shoulder shot, almost like you've butted into their conversation; or like they're talking about something secretive and you've caught them.
2. I think this would be better without the girl in it. She draws the focus away from the building, which is a shame. The composition is great, i love that the sky is totally white, and it gives the ruins a sinister feel to it. Actually, thinking about it, it seems like the building is almost trying to keep the girl inside it, with it's walls folding over like that; really sinister and creepy. Perhaps if the girl was towards the centre and standing still it would look better.
3. I like this, although the stick towards the left hand bottom corner is a bit annoying. The picture has a kind of 'us against the world' feel to it.
4.Don't like this one. It's just a picture of a girl sitting on a wall.
5.This one is beautiful. It definitely fits the 'fantasy short story' category perfectly. Has a mythical/ mystical feel to it.
6. I think the composition of this one could be better. Maybe cut out the houses so it's just the graves in the background, and the solitary gravestone at the front.

Good job.

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Wed Dec 08, 2010 7:33 pm
Firearris says...

Hey there, Hope! These are actually pretty nice. Photography can be rather difficult, but I love it. I'd have to say, my favorite photos out of this series would be "She Lies in Ruins" and "Light will Shine Through".

I love the architecture and really just the image in general for "She Lies in Ruins". The only thing that bothers me at all with that image is actually having the woman there. I think the ruins *themselves* would make a decent picture, without a person. For "Light will Shine Through", I think it's a very nice and quite pretty picture, and the contrast between the mushroom and background is nice, except I think there is just a *little* too much of a blur around the mushroom. If there was slightly more focus on the mushroom, I think it'd be nicer. :) I personally find the other pictures hold less interest for me. They are good pictures, but there isn't anything spectacularly eye-catching about them for me.

1. - Talking Heads: I'd have to say, this one is actually my least favorite of the pictures. I think if it was taken at a different view/angle, it might look better. The idea is nice, but I think a new view would improve it by far.

2. - She Lies in Ruins: As I said, I really like this one. The only thing I'd possibly change is taking it without a person in it. It isn't too bad, but I just think it'd have a more professional look, but it'd add a bit of mystery to the ruins. Perhaps get a second picture without a person in it, and compare the two?

3. - Sitting, Waiting, Watching: This is a neat picture with a neat concept. The only thing that bothers me with it is the lack of focus. I think within the picture, there is *too much* that catches attention. There isn't really a key focus area that your eyes are drawn to. This isn't a bad thing perse, but usually pictures are better liked with a focus point.

4. - Hopeless: It's an alright picture, but slightly overused/cliche. It's common to see pictures similar to this one, which makes it uninteresting.

5. - Light will Shine Through: As I've said, another one of my favorites. It's very pretty and has a nice fantasy feel to it. Like I've mentioned, the only thing that bothers me is the incredible blur around the mushroom. This could be played with/changed in Fireworks or Photoshop if you wanted to - though it really isn't a big deal. :D

6. - Little Girl in a Grown Up World: This isn't a bad picture. It's kind of sad, really. The only thing I would change, is possibly have more focus on the grave. The grave is more in the corner, so you find yourself looking at the houses in the background and such. I think if it was more centered it might help. ^^


Very nice pictures, really. Photography can be really hard, though quite fun at the same time. You did a pretty good job, and I hope to possibly see more of your work, Hope. ^^; Really pretty stuff.

Good luck, hope I helped, and feel free to let me know if you would like more help or if any of this didn't make sense. xD

[Griffinkeeper] 10:45 pm: The guard appears "We have weasels now!"
[Firearris] 10:45 pm: askes the guard for the weasel!
[Griffinkeeper] 10:45 pm: The guard gives Firearris the Weasel.
[Firearris] 10:46 pm: aquires the weasel and renames it "Cat"

Take that, Lumi.

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Thu Dec 09, 2010 1:16 pm
Yuriiko says...

Heya Hope!

Interesting photos you have here, Bondy. The black-and-white effect has managed to complement almost of pictures you have taken. The theme is a hippy thing to experiment with, and just by looking at those pics, I know you had fun taking them.

Picture One: Maybe you could improve the angle. The statue heads didn't outstand that very much, so I say that you need some focal statement to it. It looks bland, but this is a pretty good start. I like the concept of the heads facing at each other.

Picture Two: This is a good shot. Nothing bad to say.

Picture Three: I think there are just some photos that doesn't really look good in black and white, methinks. I find it a bit blurry. Maybe a better focal shot?

Picture Four: I'm impressed by the wind effect on the woman's hair, but I definitely agree with Firearrish, it's an overused concept.

Picture Five: That is lovely, my personal favorite so far. Although the mushroom look-alike looks a bit blurry, because you seemed to focus on the background not on the mushroom. So it's a bit distracting since it's taken in the middle.

Picture Six: You might want to improve it. It seems like you have just taken it on the spot, and I couldn't sense some significance to it. Focus and better angle should be applied here. And especially that it is a gravestone, justify it. :)

Overall, I really like the photos. Thanks for sharing it to me and all YWSers out here. I didn't know you have a skill on photography. However, just like what I've said before, improve your picture's focus and angle. Practice makes perfect, right?

Hope this helps and PM me for any questions, Hope. :D

Peace out and keep shooting,
"Life is a poem keep it in the present tense." -Sherrel Wigal

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Thu Dec 09, 2010 4:32 pm
Lava says...

Hey Hope!

Some quick comments:

#1. Very good angle. Thing is, it's slightly un-focussed, and there are way too many distractions.
#2. Likes! Good composition and contrast.
#3. Methinks this would be really good with some editing. Vary the contrast, levels and just mess around.
#4. Cliched, but very very good.
#5. This is just screaming to be tweaked. GO crazy, and mess with brightness, and levels. Please.
#6. It's sad, but not a beautiful sad. The angles could've been better.

Right now, I love #2. But, if you do edit #3 & #5, I'd like to see it and then tell what I think. PM me if you do edit, okay Bondly?

Pretending in words was too tentative, too vulnerable, too embarrassing to let anyone know.
- Ian McEwan in Atonement

sachi: influencing others since GOD KNOWS WHEN.


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