
Young Writers Society

The Clock City DT

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Wed Oct 20, 2010 4:05 am
Lavvie says...

Profiles go here, as well as any questions about characters or the SB.

Here are the character slots, full or empty. I have added 2 spies, as there is so much interest. Refer to the Storybook for info on Calris and Nem.

Character Slots:


Faran- FinalFreedom
Tew- Pernicious

Girl 1- Lori - DragonWriterFanatic
Girl 2- Raina - Apple
Girl 3- Avery - Kaywiia
Girl 4- Landon - XChangeX
Girl 5- Mélisande - LavenderBlue

Boy 1- Echan - Dragonet
Boy 2- Tivan - Dragonet
Boy 3- Jameson - Apple
Boy 4-
Boy 5-

Calris- Ladyofthedeathroses
Nem- Calligraphy

If, for some reason, I miscalculated slots, PM me and I'll somehow add or remove. Not all the Boy/Girl charrie slots need to be filled. The priority slots are Delfar, Calris, Nem, Faran and Tew.
Last edited by Lavvie on Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:42 pm, edited 6 times in total.

What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:06 pm
Dragonet says...

Name: Echan (pronounced A-kin)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Echan has dark, expensive-looking skin and brown eyes. Normal height. A white smile. Medium length black hair, and dark eyebrows. He cares about what he wears, and always makes sure that it's nice.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Echan is kinda prideful. He's serious more then not, and is respected in the group as someone to be heard.

Strengths: He's strong and fit. And good at any kind of qualified activities, like horse riding, fencing, and speech. And he's talented in all of his school subjects.

Weaknesses: Low pain tolerance, though he's not a complete sissy. He's a goody-two-shoe.

Likes: Girls. Praise from his father. Looking nice.

Dislikes: Tivan. Slobs, people with no manners what so ever. The king, Delfar.

Brief History: Echan is Tew's son, one of the leaders. Tew is one of the few wealthy men that is in the group and provides for a lot of their financial needs. Echan was brought up in good education, which makes him very proper and mannerly.

Up for love: Yep



Name: Tivan

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tivan has dark skin and brown eyes. Normal height. Medium length black hair, and dark eyebrows. He doesn't really care what he wears, but most of the time it consist of ripped up jeans, he just feels lost with out them. And he usually has dirt or grease smeared on him.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Tivan is a trouble maker, mischievous, and independent. He's kinda mysterious and doesn't ever talk about his personal life. He's very loyal to the people he cares about. But he can be stubborn and doesn't follow orders easily.

Strengths: Stealth. He's quick. He can fix any kind of mechanic. He's a really good thief, so watch your pockets. He has a scheming mind that ables him to think on his feet. Although he's not book smart, he's very clever in other ways. He's very talented with his knife, and pretty good at a sword.

Weaknesses: He's not book smart at all, no spelling and reading for him.

Likes: Animals. Freedom.

Dislikes: Echan. The king, Delfar. Goody-two-shoes, people who always obey the law. Being forced to do anything.

Brief History: Tivan has been homeless all of his life, so he's very independent. He makes a living by doing odd jobs here and there (usually mechanical stuff) but mostly he steals. He is talented at theft, and can do it without even trying. But he only takes what he needs, and only from the people who already have enough.

Up for love: Yep

Other: Echan and Tivan are identical, but not related. Kinda like the prince and the pauper (Echan's like the prince and Tivan's like the pauper). They look almost exactly alike, and often get mistaken for each other. On top of that they're only 4 months apart. But they act nothing alike, and disagree about everything. They get in a lot of fights (both arguing and physical fighting) and they try to avoid each other.

Also, he's the scout for the group. Because he's so good at stealth, he is usually the one sent to spy on the king and his allies.

>I hope this is ok<
Last edited by Dragonet on Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:23 pm, edited 16 times in total.

Do you have any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?

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Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:58 pm
MilkNCookies says...

ok, im changing it a bit- is it ok?

Name: Lori

Age: 16


Spoiler! :

Personality: Lori is very friendly and bubbly. She won't hesitate to help, and it's that that usually gives her the 'perfect girl' image, but she is far from it. She doesn't care about her looks and wishes she were uglier. She likes animals more than most people. She had lots of enemies, and will go a long ways for revenge. Never reveals her history.

Strengths: Street smart, has a horse and is amazing at anything involving animals!

Weaknesses: Not school-smart, doesn't like anything phisical, doesn't like sports like activities

Likes: Animals, Gypsy (horse's name), praise, non-flirty boys, practicing fencing.

Dislikes: animal cruelty, flirts, geeks, the king

History: She was the second daughter of King Delfar. He treated her like garbage since she never did anything right in his eyes. She would never kill, or hurt anyone. She has a long, deep-looking scar in her shoulder from her father throwing a knife in his frustration. She ran away and tells everyone she's a commoner. Only Raina, her best friend, knows about her true life (is that ok apple?). She gets food and other utilities delivered secretly by her sister, but Lori tells everyone (but Raina!) that's a secret admirer.

Up for love?:Sure, but she likes to play hard-to-get and make boys frustrated. you have to be determined.

Other: Always wears this:
Spoiler! :

Her horse:
Spoiler! :
Last edited by MilkNCookies on Sat Oct 23, 2010 12:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:01 pm
Apple says...

I'm doin' twins! Oh and sorry for the lateness.

Name:Jameson & Raina Weinchasdter

Age: Both are sixteen. Jameson is one minute and twenty-five seconds older, though.

Gender: Jameson is male and Rain is female.

Appearance: Raina is the shorter one out of the group, in fact probably by everyone. Standing at 5'1'', Raina was always treased for being the height she was. She often wishes that she was seven foot tall, though everyone knows that isn't going to happen. Raina has blonde hair with natural high and low lights running through them. Freckles sprinkle her cheeks. Her figure is thin, with absolutely no curves what so ever. Raina's eye colour is different from her brother being an offshade of blue that looks almost grey. She always wears a bandana around her neck or head, always! Jameson on the other hand has scruffy brown hair that looks plainer then plan. His eyes on the other hand are a different topic. Sparkling a low green, they light up whenever he smiles. Being the opposite to Raina, he is very tall standing at 6'3'' and has a swimmers build. Next to each other, the two look like an odd couple.

Spoiler! :

Spoiler! :

Personality: As in appearance, Raina and Jameson are very different. Raina being the bubbly of the two, likes to just stare hours on end at animals, laughing at the most stupid of things. Some call her an airhead, though she is more smarter then she puts forward. Jameson on the other hand as he been described as an arrogant pig. He likes to think that he superiority over everyone, and is not afraid to point out peoples weaknesses and use them against them. He isn't all bad, as he is compassionate towards those he cares for, though it is very hard to become someone he solely focuses upon.

Strengths: Raina and Jameson have always been knife throwers. As their family solely focused on this aspect, everyone in Weinchasdter family line could hit you imbetween the eyes with their eyes closed. Raina and Jameson are not an exception of this. Though Raina is a little more excelled in this, Jameson makes up what he lacks for in strength. With a thick build, he wrestles anyone to ground and is not afraid to fight dirty if he has to. Raina on the other hand is fast on her toes. Though she doesn't like to get close to her opponents, she plays on their caution and will force her enemies to the gorund before they even know what is happening.

Weaknesses: Raina is as weak as a twig. It has always been her downfall and will probably be to the end of time. She is scared of most things, the dark especially and will not tread anywhere with a slight shadow. She is useless with a sword also as she cannot even pick it up. Jameson is to cocky and this is his biggest downfall. He thinks himself higher then everyone else and will go into a fight against a thousand men thinking he will come out victor. Raina's personality flaw is being to scared and caring if people like her. She doesn't like the thought of people hating her, and stresses herself over other peoples problems.


For Raina:-

-Bright colours
-The light
-Having people liking her
-Stuff she can swing on
-Her lucky bandana

For Jameson:-

-Being the winner
-Having people follow him
-His Sister, at times


For Raina:-

-Mean people
-Bad odours

For Jameson:-

-People who stand up to him
-His sister, at times.
-People not admiring him

Brief History: Jameson and Raina were born one minute and twenty five seconds apart. They grew up in a long line of knife throwers and were instantly taught how to throw as soon as they could walk. They were to poor to afford the finer thigns in life, so most of time they roved around camping here and there when ever they could. As there weren't any other kids in the camp, Jameson and Raina had to rely on themselves for an outlet. Often this would erupt in to fighting, though their time together was special. It was when they were fifteen, they seperated from their family on their own road, which they've failed to find anything that may be interesting.

Up for love: Yeppums for both. ^^
I spy!

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Sat Oct 23, 2010 12:11 am
Dragonet says...

So, Lavender, are you going to join your own storybook or what? :lol:

Do you have any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?

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Sat Oct 23, 2010 1:24 am
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Kaywiia says...

Name: Avery (she's forgotten her last name)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: Avery is tall, at 5'8'', and has a strong build. She is fairly muscled, and surprisingly light. She is very thin, and clearly underwight. She has dark green eyes and light skin. She has thicker lips and thin eyebrows. She has long brown hair that is always a mess. If she smiled more than once and a while, she could be pretty.

Spoiler! :

Personality: She likes ordering people around, though won't challenge athority. She knows her place and won't cross over any line. She isn't happy most of the time, though won't tell people why. She is a bit agressive, but also adventerous and likes a change of setting. She is bold and witty. She's very daring, but also is loyal once you've earned her trust. She never seems to get tierd. She has a suck-it-up-and-move-on sort of attitude. What was originally her sweet side is now burried between layers of hate and sadness.

Strengths: She is an excelent fighter, and as strong as any of the boys. She is tough, and almost never cries. She is great at hand to hand combat, and is a very talented liar.

Weaknesses: She can't read or write. Avery doesn't talk a whole lot. It takes a while for her to calm down if you've worked her up.

Likes: Getting what she wants, a good fight, the fall, apples.

Dislikes: Weak girls, sissys, the king, people who think they know everything.

Brief History: Her mother and father died in a fire when she was three. Her uncle tried to kill her then threw her onto the streets. She fended for herself from the time she was ten. She took a job where she could, in Inns or she would work for a rich family and do chores for them. She joined the group because she feels she needs something to fight for and this seemed a good enough cause.

Up for love: Maybe, she's been hurt a lot.

Other: She owns one outfit, the one she is wearing in the picture.
Love is beautiful, but what would love be without life?

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Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:48 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Name: Calris Rose
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long black hair down to her waist silvery blue eyes like a wolves pale skin she's about 5'6 she's slim and doesn't look as strong as she is. She smiles rarely she looks more innocent then she actually is.
Spoiler! :

Personality: She is the kind of person who if you are her friend she will stick by you, If you insult her friends she will tear you limb from limb, very sweet and well mannered girl is very kind and understanding and brilliant, she is curious he is very well thought and sarcastic she isn't afraid to speak her mind she is also very sweet, funny, intelligent optimistic, sassy, bold, courageous, and a good listener. She can make friends with anyone or anything with in a few minutes. She can be childish at times . She has a very quick temper She rarely talks.
Strength's:She is a brilliant researcher and can recall every single thing she has ever read. She has a ideographic memory. She is brilliant at reading lips. She can fight with anything you give her even her bare hands. She is fiercely loyal to the group even if they don't like her and will put her life on the line for them. She is extremely protective of her family, she is very good with blades, and cooking
Weakness: :She is very hot tempered and is not afraid to speak her mind. She broke her wrist when she was younger and every now and then it goes numb and she has to force it to move. Suffers from intense headaches the only way she can get rid of them is if she lays down, if she starts to talk to someone she doesn't know that well she will sputter and freeze, and she will defend anyone in the group to the death
Likes: gymnastics fighting running singing dancing writing drawing quiet animals reading and coming up with poems and songs.
Dislikes: Being told what to do, people thinking that she's weak, talking, loud noises, not having any freedom and being reminded of her losses
History: Her parents abandoned her and her older and younger brother when he was 6 she was 8 and he was 9 and they fended for themselves her older brother was accused of a crime he didn't commit and killed. She harbors a deep hatred for the king and suspects that something is going on. She joined the group after finding out her brother was part of it and refuses to leave though he tries to convince her.
Up for love: Sure
Other: She's a selective mute and communicates through a notebook that she always carries around she sings often to herself and will come up with poems and songs will recite them to herself and anyone who cares to listen she reads alot of the time and you can rarely find her without a book.
Last edited by Ladyofthedeathroses on Mon Oct 25, 2010 10:03 pm, edited 4 times in total.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Sat Oct 23, 2010 11:00 pm
Lavvie says...

Name: Mélisande (May-lee-sonde)...nickname: Méli (May-lee)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: Mélisande has red hair, but not unusually so. Her eyes are green, mixing in with hazel so they aren't fierce. She has a very delicate look about her, and an angelic smile. She always has her hair wrapped in green cloth so it doesn't get dusty and wears clothes in earth tones, like beiges, greens and browns. She has a sparkling flower brooch that she recieved from her mother, as a family heirloom.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Mélisande is a "zen" character. She finds great interest in the world around her, especially nature. Méli can be found usually sitting on the earthen ground or a rock, sketching a nearby forest or a flower. She could be considered simple in appearance and likes/dislikes, but she is very intelligent, with opinions rarely accepted for women [in Clock City society]. Méli isn't easily tricked (as in she isn't gullible), but does well in tricking others. For example, if one tries and tricks her, she'll trick them into believing they have successfully tricked her. This is nice at times, for Mélisande can then act quickly to eliminate/defeat them.

Strengths: Is good at tricking people. Can wield a dagger and/or small sword at the same time or separately, though she isn't exceptional in the skill. She knows whether a wild berry or plant is poisonous or not because she loves nature.

Weaknesses: Can't swim well, but can "dog-paddle" if in great danger and somehow ends up in water. Méli is also frightened of any creature than dwells in bodies of water, be it lakes, oceans, ponds etc.

Likes: Nature, forest(s), the colour green. Mélisande also enjoys high hills, with warm chinooks or a strong wind that blow over. She finds it relaxing and keeps her in touch with the nature.

Dislikes: Crowds. This is why Méli doesn't venture near the palace where usually throngs of people are. She also hates water, as she's frightenined of anything in it or any activity to do with it. She also dislikes people who destroy the environment, such as cutting down trees, trophy hunting etc.

Brief History: Mélisande grew up in the lower, poorer parts of the Clock City. Her father was a philosopher and lover of nature, and that is where Méli got her love of nature. Her mother worked at home as the housewife, but one day King Delfar's soldiers came to her home. The soldiers took her mother and father, saying her father had bad intentions as a philosopher and his wife, being married to him, was just the same and evil thoughts ruled her life. Her parents were both hung. Méli was an only child and so she had nowhere to go except Faran, who was very grandmotherly to her. When Mélisande was thirteen, Faran introduced her to the secret group of activists who were against Delfar, and since then, Méli has been involved.

Up for love: Yes.

Other: She wears a sparkling flower brooch that her mother gave her as a family heirloom and represents the love of nature passed down through the family. Mélisande wears it every day, no matter what. It can be seen in the profile picture under "Appearance" of this profile.

What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:12 am
Calligraphy says...

Name: Nem

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance:He is 6'1 and skinny and wiry with a high metabolism. He is always steaming hot.
Spoiler! :
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He is kind of quiet and pretty serious, but he will joke around some mostly when he is flirting. He finds it really hard to express emotions and get words out to tell what he is thinking. He doesn't like conflict and stays away from it unless he really has to. He gets angry at lots of petty things, well more like annoyed, but when something really bad happens he stays calm. He steps up to the plate for big things. He likes to watch people and is always alert to everything going on around him even if he looks like he is staring at his feet.

:Like I said above he knows everything that is going on around him and is very watchful. He can walk very quietly, fit into tiny spaces, run/swim fast and he is kind of good with bows/ throwing knives and is good at lying.

Weaknesses: He is really bad at defense and close combat. He hates most animals and is afraid of them, usually a dog or any other sort will sense his fear and be more mean to him than they would be otherwise.

Likes: He likes quiet, but also watching people, swimming, tough girls and people, and wearing shoes.

Dislikes:He hates stuck up people, being hot (as in temperature), wimpy people, people with no mercy, animals, sitting still, books, writing, talking about his feelings, and when people get emotional.

Brief History
:He lived with his mom and dad in a small house. His dad was a mason and was gone from dawn tell dusk. He always wanted something better for Nem, but Nem never did well in school. His parents abandoned him and his younger sister and brother when he was 6 she was 8 and Nem was 9. Because they didn't have enough money to feed them, but they weren't so low as to sell them into slavery. They fended for themselves until Nem was accused of a crime he didn't commit and killed. Nem did the only thing he could do to protect his younger siblings he joined the group.

Up for love: Sure


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Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:18 pm
XChangeX says...

Name: Landon Brice Mohr

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Spoiler! :

Personality: Like a sour patch kid, sour at first but sweet when you get to the middle. Can be a bitch when she needs to be but is very loving. Very witty and not afraid to speak her mind. Will protect her friends and family with her life.

Strengths: Fast hands, Good with a knife, Quick tongue

Weaknesses: Temper, Scared of water

Likes: Her collection of blades, Black hair on her men, Psychic anything, Family/Friends

Dislikes: Liars, Cheaters, Disrespectful people

Brief History: Landon's family was torn apart when she was 12. Left to her own devices she lived on the street until she was found by the group. They took her in as their own and she has been with them ever since.

Up for love: Hells Yeah!

Other: Always has some kind of blade on her, wears a ring on each finger all of which are family heirlooms.
The only constant in our lives is Change.

Revelations 21:4
He will wipe every tear from their eye. There will be no more mourning or death or pain. There will be no more crying for the old way of things has gone away.

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Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:30 am
Lavvie says...

We need a profile for Delfar and Tew, if anyone is willing.

And Faran's profile shall be posted soon. Side charrie (but not related to story much) is Lukha, a flat charrie created by FinalFreedom who's doing Faran. He is Faran's husband, but not very important to the story.

We shall start as soon as someone claims Delfar and Tew.


What is to give light must endure burning. – Viktor Frankl

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Fri Oct 29, 2010 6:11 am
FinalFreedom says...

Just to let everyone know, (and hopefully you all read this), Lukha will really only be controlled by myself. As LavenderBlue stated above, he is a flat character who will only show up in one specific place at certain times; at Faran's and his house, while they are both home. Faran will never allow anyone, not even Tew, to know where the place she calls 'hers' is. Please always remember this when controlling Faran through your posts :)

As well, Lukha is known by basically everyone as he is an herbalist, so it is totally fine to use him as topic for conversation when speaking with Faran. His looks and demeanor will only be explained through posts by myself. Please PM me if you'd like to add him into tidbits of your posts (i.e.: controlling him).

(Sorry to be so strict about it!!)

Name: Faran

Age: 43 years young

Gender: Female

Appearance: A Tall Beauty, some would call her; Faran stands at the tall height of 5 feet and eleven inches. Her build is thin but muscular, and she weighs only a mere 145 pounds. Her eyes, the darkest of brown, are outlined by a creamy skin tone and light brown hair that frames her face. She is usually found wearing a light tunic and dark breeches, but will dress more formally if need be. She also carries a cloak that is black in color, which she wears at any time she is in view of the public eye.


Spoiler! :

Her Cloak:

Spoiler! :

Personality: Graceful and eloquent, Faran is soft spoken, kind, and loving. To most she is a compassionate soul, but those who are closest to her know that deep inside she has a fiery soul. While to anyone she newly meets or chooses to know on a less intimate level Faran will act with sincerity and will become someone they can greatly count on, but others she chooses to let grow close enough to her, while she is still the same, she will let see her more feisty and joking side.

Strengths: Faran has an amazing way with words and excellent logic. She is skilled with the bow and the dagger. Her ability to decipher surpasses many but is definitely not the 'best'.

Weaknesses: Faran has a tendency to let her logical side power over her emotional side. She often finds it hard to speak or act from the heart. Faran is also completely useless with any other weapon aside from her bow or dagger. Faran also has a large scar on her back from when she was younger, which makes attacks to her back much more worse than they would be for someone else.

Likes: Faran prefers the the daylight to the night. She also likes pursuits of the mind, relaxing, as well as herbalism.

Dislikes: Faran is not comfortable in rooms that are too dark, as well as being taunted. She hates books that are missing pages and environments that are too noisy/rowdy/crowded.

Brief History: Faran grew up with an unfair father and a terrified mother. From a young child, Faran always knew that she wanted to fight for fairness and equality, which is what led her to where she is now and the secret group. The scar on her back was also given to her by her father after he kicked her into an open fire before leaving her and her mother penniless and without a place to live.

Up For Love: No, she is married to Lukha, the herbalist.

Other: Faran will never wear more than a single, specific piece of jewelry at one time; a necklace, gifted to her by Lukha on the eve of their wedding. And though she wears it day and night, she also wears clothing that will hide it while in the public eye, and claims to have 'lost' her wedding band, even though she secretly carries it with her at all times. In short, she more or less tries to hide her marriage to Lukha whenever away from him.

The Necklace:

Spoiler! :

The Ring:

Spoiler! :

"In Vabbi , I was ambushed by six of them! They wielded blunt wooden sticks and were hissing at me about overdue fines... Bandits? Oh, no. These were library envoys."

-- Vael/Nathanael, Guild Wars: Eye of the North

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Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:15 am
Pernicious says...

Name: Tew.

Age: 49.

Gender: Male.

Appearance: Tew is quite a hefty man; substantial in both width and length. This gives him a very grand effect, and his grey hair adds some wisdom to his appearance. Although, Tew has poor eyesight and so he wears glasses that don't attract attention to the fact he has poor vision. They look like sunglasses, but are in fact very strong spectacles. Beneath his glasses are Tew's aqua blue eyes, stained with a hazy grey tinge around his pupil.

He dresses rather loosely so that he can move around with ease, but despite this, Tew is almost always wearing a waistcoat or some sort of jacket to cover his arms.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Tew acts as if he is very wise, and will blurt out lots of riddles that even he doesn't know the answer too, but as a matter of fact he isn't what he likes people to think he is. He isn't stupid, bur nor is he clever. When it comes to strategies, he can have his golden moments, but at times also miscalculate to the point where he gets everything wrong.

Strengths: Tew, although he has bad eyesight, is very fond with a bow, but not an arrow. Instead, he uses arrowheads. which are far more easier to control in his opinion, rather than a full arrow which usually requires nimble fingers.

Weaknesses: Being old has left Tew's muscles withered now, and thus he isn't very fast and nor can he swim. Not only that, but he is quite quick to form an unnecessary war/battle/strategy or suspect somebody; his trust isn't very firm at all.

Likes: Tew is adores silence. Solitary silence. Simple enough. The only company he enjoys the most is wildlife and plantlife.

Dislikes: Tew absolutely hates arrogant people and will try his best to humiliate them. Not only that, but Tew also hates arguments and loud noises.

Brief History: Tew has had quite a rocky upbringing, and due to the things he encountered as a child, Tew has become quite anti-social and quick to accuse even the innocent. Whilst in his early adulthood, during the golden years, Tew met the love of his life. Settling down with her, it was two years later that Tew lost his lover because of child birth. In a state of depression and denial, Tew couldn't find any pride or joy over his new son Echan, and used to blame him for his mother death, but now that he has his dignity back and has forgotten about his former wife, Tew focuses and bringing Echan up as a successful and wealthy man.

He joined the group because his trust in Delfar is like thin ice; he reckons he will run this place back into the Earth and cause absolute terror and chaos to run wild. He prefers the good ol' days when there wasn't a true leader of the Clock City.

Up for love: Not really.

Other: He has no piercings, but he does however have a tattoo on his neck like the following, and if something happens to his glasses, Tew is prepaired and has contact lessons.

Spoiler! :
"Lost time is never found again."

-Benjamin Franklin

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Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:11 am
Calligraphy says...

When are we going to start?

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Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:23 pm
FinalFreedom says...

Hopefully someone will claim Delfar soon so we can start; I'm getting anxious!

"In Vabbi , I was ambushed by six of them! They wielded blunt wooden sticks and were hissing at me about overdue fines... Bandits? Oh, no. These were library envoys."

-- Vael/Nathanael, Guild Wars: Eye of the North

The Twelve Makeovers of Haircules is the stuff of legend. He defeated the Erymanthian Beard. One could say it was a hair raising adventure.
— KateHardy