
Young Writers Society

Darkmoor Juvenile Prison CT

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Fri Sep 17, 2010 10:48 pm
Rydia says...

You should aim to make your characters as realistic and well developed as possible, but consider this your first draft. Once you have posted your profile, someone will contact you to discuss any changes you might need to make or to ask you to expand on some sections. If you're struggling, don't worry. Just post what you have and we'll help you through the process :)

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~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:02 pm
SisterItaly says...

ZOMG! Griff wasn't joking! Well, he told me I should join, so I will listen to the almighty Griff.
*will finish*

Name: Jada Livingston

Age: 16

Crime: Breaking and entering, that got her a restraining order and community hours. Violating a restraining order, quiet a couple times.

Appearance: Jada is about 5'2", and only weighs about 120lbs, she has soft girlish curves. Her finger nails are nice and long, she doesn't bite them because to her that is unsanitary. Her arms and legs and slender, she doesn't work out much. But they aren't flab. Her hair is naturally thin and straight, but soft to the touch. She is often bouncy and much to hyper, and always in motion. You'll almost never see here without a smile on her face, and she brushes her teeth religiously. She often has that, glowing appeal to her.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Jada is nice, and definitely not a fighter, she's much to bubbly and hyper for that. She's one of those people... who can easily irritate you just by being in the same room. She's constantly in some form of motion, and can't sit still for a moment. She's easily persuaded, and spends most her time thinking, thinking about irrelevant and unimportant things. She was often told how strange she was, and frankly she doesn't care. So don't be surprised if your conversation about the economy can suddenly change to a conversation about dogs.

History: Jada grew up in a well off family. So she didn't need to work, and grew up in high society. Her father didn't like her hyperness and strange way of thinking, and worried she may ruin his reputation. He was a very important business man. He often told her to keep her thoughts to herself. Her mother encouraged her creativity, and imagination. Her first boyfriend didn't know about her hyperness and way of thinking, and soon became freaked out by her. She broke into his house one day to visit him, getting a restraining order and community hours. Since she really enjoyed his compony, she broke that order several times.

Last edited by SisterItaly on Sun Sep 19, 2010 6:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Even in the end --even in death-- I can't hate you." - Neri Hereford's last words.

"The Gods demand blood, for they... do not bleed." Jaska.

The Book.

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Sat Sep 18, 2010 10:54 am
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Georgiexx says...

Name: Mahrissa Matherson


Public intoxication

Appearance: Mahrissa is rougly 5'10" and model thin. Her long legs are usually covered with designer jeans and the lastest Jimmy Choo's when she is out of prison. Her wavy black hair hangs down to her waist and is usually worn down without any care. She never removes her black diamond pendant which was a hand-me-down from her sister. Her green eyes have always been classed as evil eyes from anyone who glances at her wrong, seeing as black rings cover the inner and outter of the iris. Her thin, arched eyebrows draw no attention away from her cherry red lips; which rarely form a smile. Mahrissa does have a few noticable features that pull her away from the glamourous; the skin over her collar-bone forever remains carved with a rugged scar. The back of her neck reveals a deep black tattoo which reads 'Corrupt' in Chinese. Lastly she has numerous piercing that cover her ears and one on her belly-button.

Personality: Mahrissa is the kind of girl who will do things without thinking. She is a hands on person and is always ready for a fight; not obeying rules very well. She has the habit of flirting with mostly anyone and loves to take the chance of ending with a bit of romance. She doesnt get along with her parents anymore and is a very self reliant type of girl. The only time anyone see's her smile is when she is inflicting pain, shopping or trying to seduce one of the few people she cares for. People may think she is heartless but that is not the case at all, she cares for those people she has allowed close and her emotions are normal visable for those around her.

History: Mahrissa was never origanally the violent type. But everything changed three years ago when her younger sister Felicity died of cancer at the age of ten, and Mahrissa never said her good-bye. Mahrissa has blamed herself for the loss of her sister ever since; thinking that she should have been able to help her, able to take away her pain. Mahrissa was visiting her sisters grave when she became stalked by an older man who follwed her home, the man held Mahrissa to knife point but was over powered by her and killed after he managed to slice into her chest. The Judge charged Mahrissa with murder when truely it was only a case of self defence; her parents disowned her afterwards and have made no attempt to stay in touch with her in the two and a half years she has been so far imprisoned.
Last edited by Georgiexx on Sat Oct 02, 2010 1:38 am, edited 5 times in total.
Today im happier than a bird with a french fry ;)

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Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:17 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Name: His name is Leslie Moore, but he refuses to tell anyone his real first name so he goes by Chance. Chance Moore.

Age: Just turned seventeen


Appearance: Chance has dyed black hair and big blue eyes. He normally has snake bites, but they won't let him have them because 'they could be used as a weapon. He's pretty thin but he's also about 5 feet and nine inches tall. He has a large, colorless dragon that twists around his bicep. He was going to get it colored but got put in juvy before he could.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Chance appears to be a tough, stone hearted guy. He won't turn down a fight or challenge. But really, he's a caring, compassionate guy...he just has a hard shell on the outside. He's really smart, a braniac really, but he chooses not to show it unless needed. Chance knows the difference between right and wrong, he just has trouble speaking up. He's not shy but he's not exactly outgoing either-it's sort of an in between state.

History: Chance grew up in a pretty normal family. They weren't rich, but they weren't poor. He has two younger sisters, his dad, and his stepmom. His real mom died several years ago. His family is very loving.

On the day the crimes were commited, Chance was with his two friends. They all just so happened to have black hair, blue eyes, and snake bites. That's how it all happened...
One of Chance's friends thought it would be fun to steal some stuff from a nearby store. Not speaking up, Chance went with them. But things went further than stealing...

Somehow, it turned into a whole list of crimes. The next thing Chance knew, he had a gun in his hands, his one friend robbed the place, his other friend told everyone to get down. There was this one girl who outright refused to obey. She started cussing them all out and standing up for herself and everyone in the store. Chance's friend got fed up and he struck her across the face, then continued beating her until she was on the floor and bleeding. Chance said to them "Guys, stop! Let's just get out of here." His friends ignored him

Chance then heard sirens and yelled "Guys, the cops are coming!" The next thing Chance knew, his friends were pushing past him. When they pushed him out of their way he fell back into the shelves and his gun went off, which hit someone in the chest. His friends were gone without a backwards glance at him. The cops then arrived and Chance was being tackled to the ground. All the hostages said that all they saw was a guy with black hair, blue eyes, and snake bites...none of them saw all three of them, just one. Chance insisted that there were two others, but when they went to check it out, his friends were gone. And that's how Chance is now in Juvenile Detention.

He doesn't tell anyone it wasn't him anymore. Now, he just lets people believe what they want to...he got tired of people not believing him and calling him a liar.

His family still keeps in contact with him. He often gets letters and gifts...they're the only ones that believe him

Other: None
Last edited by fictionfanatic on Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Sep 18, 2010 10:06 pm
NinjaCookieMonster says...

Fifth time's the charm?

Name: Click Marshal. She hates her real name, Annaleigh, and Click fits her better.

Age: 15

Crime: Hacking, resisting arrest, breaking and entering, assault, theft, bootlegging.

Appearance: Dark skin, eyes, and ultra short hair, with freckles. Three cartilage piercings in her right ear and two piercings in each earlobe. Average to tall height, about 5'6", and rail thin. When not in her prison get up, she's in cargo shorts, Converse, and snug tees, with pockets and hoods, in varying shades of black and neon.

Spoiler! :

Personality: Snide, sarcastic, unforgiving, sharp tongued, cynical and untrusting. She can pack a punch, and avoids alcohol and parties like the plague. She takes care of herself well, and can sniff out trouble very well. She's extremely, extremely smart, a prodigy, and misses the city wholeheartedly.

History: Click grew up in the heart of the city, and it's where she belongs. She worked and practically lived in the family auto shop; she's one of the best mechanics of her day and age. Her older brother Markie raised her, and she loved him more than anyone. When she was ten, he was killed in a drunk driving accident. She bribed the landlady into letting her stay. She started breaking into her neighbor's apartments when they were out when she couldn't afford food, and got into a brutally rough fight with one of Markie's exes. Not long after, a close friend of hers ratted her out to the cops, both for hacking, and for selling software and hardware before it was supposed to be released. Suffice to say she's ticked at the world right now.

Other: High school drop out. Has been hacking since she was eight. Very defensive of her brother. Has been in juvie for about two years. Can dismantle, rebuild, rework, and hack anything, basically. The only person who she really cares about and who cares about her is the girl Markie was dating when he died, who he was going to propose to, Rachel. She keeps in contact with her.
Last edited by NinjaCookieMonster on Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:31 pm, edited 4 times in total.
hey, Jude, don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let it into your heart
then you can start
to make it better.

~make books, not war~

"Not vampires, fish from space."

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Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:15 am
MilkNCookies says...

Sorry, I really never got into this. Sorry again!
Last edited by MilkNCookies on Tue Nov 02, 2010 11:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:39 pm
BenFranks says...

Name: Reginald "The Priest" Carter
Known as: "Reggie" or "The Priest"

Age: 16 Years, 4 Months & 6 days. He counts every one of the days as if he were living on borrowed time.

Crime: "Organised Gang Crime". After Reggie was attacked, he set up a gang of youths in his local neighbourhood. They did various crimes such as mugging, attacking, drug dealing and grand theft auto. He was arrested after being caught on CCTV with his 'mates' - all of which were facing trial for assault and other charges. His 'mates' then testified that they'd been forced to do it by "The Priest Reggie".

Appearance: Reggie isn't particularly large in build, nor is he skinny either. He has cropped, greasey jet-black hair and black-brown eyes.
Spoiler! :
Slightly shorter than this.

Personality: Reggie is a deeply religious Catholic, having been raised by a mob family who held God in high prestiege. After his parents were killed in a drive-by, Reggie turned to God for help and was taken in by a local Priest, where he was raised for the remainder of his childhood. He's rough due to his short time on the streets and dealing with "first class scum" as he calls it. Rarely does Reggie like being told what to do, but he's fairly intelligent to know when to and when not to speak up. Despite this he has many flaws, he is not a good fighter - merely impressive with language - and he is not very good under extreme pressure - he tends to lose his steam and goes angry. However, Reggie is well-mannered, despite his horrid ways, and hates the use of swear words. He does a lot of thinking and a lot of people regard him as 'mentally unsafe'.

History: Reggie was raised by a Catholic family mob. He worked the trade and was home-schooled by the local church. He learnt about money, functions, being a good leader and most importantly, that he was second only to the Pope and God himself. After his parents were brutally shot dead by a drive by when he was aged 12, Reggie took to the streets and began angrily attacking innocent people to try and relieve his mournful sorrows. After a couple of months, he turned to God and visited his local Church. The Priest - a friend of the family and the mob - took Reggie under his wing and raised him until he reached his fourteenth birthday. When he was fourteen, the Priest had died and Reggie fleed his home town. He took to the streets in a larger city and began building his reputation as "The Priest" among youths who were looking for purpose. He promised them security, richness and beyond all else - the love of him and the love of God. He was arrested four months later and put on trial. After a long and tiresome eleven months with a state-funded lawyer, Reggie Carter was proven guilty on charges of Organised Crime, Drug Dealing, Aggression, Disordely Conduct and sixteen counts of Assault. He was then sentenced to three years in Juvenile Prison school and then five years in a state prison, no parole.

Other: He likes Italian food and culture, mainly because of his Catholic and Mob upbringing. He hates annoying noises and people whom he regards as a 'waste of space'. He rarely talks unless he has to, or wants to, and his mind is constantly under attack from madness.
Last edited by BenFranks on Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:53 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Sun Sep 19, 2010 8:48 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Dragon, which one is she in the picture?
Live, Love, Laugh

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Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:14 pm
Elinor says...

Name: Lisa Mary Miller
Age: 17
Crime: Alcohol, marijuana and tobacco use, resisting arrest

Appearance: Lisa is 5'4 with an extremely thin, curvy body. Her skin is pale with dark circles under her eyes and veins that are visible in various areas of her body. She has almond-shaped dark brown eyes and thin, wispy eyebrows. Her hair is wavy and light brown, going just past her shoulders. She has two tattoos; a white rose on her left shoulder and a star on her ankle.

Personality: Lisa is very mean-spirited and rude. This could be attributed to her merciless bullying throughout school and poor parenting from her mother and father. She has no friends or anyone that should call close, and fell into deep depression very early on. Drugs and alcohol were her refuge until she was caught. Without them, she has become increasingly unstable. She thinks the whole world is against her and is set to make her life miserable. She does have a side that's caring and incredibly kind, but it's deep down within her and she refuses to acknowledge that it's there.

History: Lisa's parents were both eighteen and unmarried when she was born. Her mother's parents wanted to care for little Lisa so that the couple would have a chance to go to college, but her mother and father said no. They married and moved into a tiny apartment in the city slums--they both were unskilled and had meager jobs, and as such, it was all they could afford. However, as the years went by her parents realized that keeping Lisa was a mistake. They could not afford to expenses of raising her or get better jobs. They soon came to view Lisa as a burden and tried to give her back to her mother's parents, but they refused. At school, she was bullied and teased for being poor and ugly.

One day, when she was thirteen, she stole money from someone at school and used it to buy a cigarette. She was soon hooked, and stole whatever money she could get her hands on to buy cigarettes. This continued throughout high school, the time that she started to experiment with marijuana and alcohol. Junior year she was caught by a police officer getting high late one night. She was promptly arrested, but didn't take it well; shaking and screaming, she attempted to punch the officer in the eye and make a run for it. However, she was restrained and taken to the station. Her parents were furious, making no attempt to make contact or acknowledge her existence after she was sentenced to four years in juvenile prison school and two years in federal prison.

Other: N/A

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:08 pm
Rydia says...

Name: Tobias Dorian LaBelle
Nickname: Toby
Age: 17
Crime: Murder. Toby walked down to the police station two years ago and made a full confession to a murder that nobody was even aware of yet. He said he also wanted to bring an allegation of rape against the deceased on the behalf of his friend. The police shook their heads at him, one or two had a good laugh and they told him to beat it before they really did arrest him for wasting police time. Tobias said he would come down to the station on the following morning when they were ready for him. Sure enough, a report came in for a murder and the police set about searching for Tobias, expecting that he'd have done a runner and would be laughing his head off at them. The search was unsuccessful but to their surprise, the following morning, at nine O'clock prompt, Toby turned up at the station.

Appearance: Image Tobias is half French and half English, the French part coming from his mother who travelled to England as a young girl and got herself into a whole heap of trouble. Toby has an old photo of her and likes to think that's where a lot of his features came from. He has the strong cheek bones of the French, curly brown hair, pouty lips and their smooth complexion. What he is missing, however, is the startling blue of their eyes. Instead he's herited brown from his father and a stockier build. He stands at a decent 5'8'' and is expected to grow quite a bit more. Tobias has some slight nicotine stains on his fingers and his teeth have that slightly yellow look of someone whose smoked too much.

Personality: A brutally honest, down to earth boy. Tobias tells it as it is and he believes in some odd things, such as karma and life cycles. He's intelligent but has a simple way of living, giving to others what he thinks they deserve, both physically and mentally. He'll usually say what's on his mind but doesn't do nonsense talk or surplus babble. He doesn't see the point in conversations about the weather. He seems to not be interested in much and is quite content in his current position, but there are times when he'll hit a sudden spiral of depression/ 'his madness' as he calls it. He says it's the product of his mother's sin and the burden he must carry for her in the hopes that she'll be given a fresh start.

History: Tobias lost his mum when he was young. He lost her to drugs and prostitution, to alcohol, to the big, black hole that just opened up in front of her and to suicide. He doesn't think of her like that though, no matter how often his father curses her or brings it up, he thinks of her only as the innocent angel in his photograph and hopes that through his inherited burdens, she is somehow released. In all honesty, Tobias just can't bare to think of never getting to meet his mother in another life. So toby was brought up by his dad. David was a hard man to live with, taking every opportunity to blame their poverty and his drinking problems on his dead girlfriend. They had kids young and he never grew out of his teenage years, stuck in a cycle of regrets and false starts. Toby resents him and has avoided him wherever possible, which was what led to him spending a lot of time down the road.

Sophia was always beautiful, she was sweet, happy, airy and innocent and she was everything that Tobias thought his mother to be. Even her name was French. Beautiful, wonderful Sophia who he could never get enough of, who invited him to have dinner with her family, who was lured and raped by a college boy. Toby recognised the change in her straight away and she confided in him, desperate to speak to someone, to be held and comforted by somebody who could understand. Toby had taken a lot of shit in his life. Toby had fallen out of the cradle addicted to cigarettes, got into fights at school over his shoddy clothes and been cursed out by his drunken father. But Toby could not understand. He found out where the boy lived, killed him with a kitchen knife and turned himself in that same day with the result already mentioned above. Tobias has been in Juvy ever since and in a few months will be moved up to big people prison where he'll wait out his sentence patiently. Tobias has no regrets and has never lied about the incident. Sophia went on to college but occasionally visits. She doesn't tell Toby that she tried to kill herself with an overdose and he pretends to not have heard in a furious letter from her parents.

Other: Tobias doesn't and never could love Sophia. She's meant for something better and he refuses to drag a girl who's so far above him down. He will not committ the crimes of his father but a girl as twisted and messed up as him? Maybe, just maybe he could love a girl like that.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:01 pm
jok101 says...

Name: Nick Brown

Age: 17

Illegal organised street fighting

Appearance: 5"10 he has visible muscles but not so much that he gets slowed down [if you know what I mean]. He's got brown hair and a wide jaw. He's got a small scar on the top of his eyebrow from when he lost a fight when he was six. He's got a small tatto on his back thats says HOUND DOG as well as a scar across his chest from when he got shot.

Personality: He's a nice guy thats use to an easy life and is finding prison annoying. He's the loud quite type who can keep himself to himself but also likes to talk when he feels like it. He dosen't except excuses and thinks that every body in prisons here for a reason.

History: Nick moved into the city sixteen years ago when he was one his mother a prostitute and his farther an angry Pimp that he never met. He's been best friends with the same guy since he was a kid, Phil Halwell or Hal, Together the've maneged to build a name for themselves. Starting off when they were eleven selling drugs to the other kids a their school. When Nick was twelve he got into street fighting with other youths it was easy money, if you could fight, Lukily for Nick he could fight and earned a lot of respect. He almost lost his life when he 13 when after he beat a big fighter in the underworld he got shot on his way out. He was out of hospital eight months later.

When he was 14 it took a sinister turn and what had just been harmless fun in comparison turned in to a matter of life or death. Nick often regrets taking the contract with Hal but when the local Crime lord, Big, asked them how could they refuse.

After they aced the first one they just kept coming and soon they'd built a reputation for them selves as the guy's who would kill some one for no more than 10k each. It goes without saying then that Nick was surprised when the police burst through his small flats door in the middle of the night and arrested him for street fighting and not for something more serious.

He got six years but after three escape attempts his sentence has been extended to ten years on a new type of sentence
[I can't remember what it's called but basically it this type of sentence you can get, yes young offender as well, were you go a certain amount of time without parole and then your sentence is indefinate until you get released on parole, it may be called no barlift, anyway] He's recently been transported from a prison 100 miles away to Darkmoore because it's considered safer he's only been in prison for eight months and is considered a escape hazard

other: Hal visits him alot and he get a lot of letters from people he knew.

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Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:09 pm
MilkNCookies says...

fictionfanatic wrote:Dragon, which one is she in the picture?

The one in the middle with the blue hair
"Fantasy is a way of looking through the wrong end of the telescope."

"The writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads!"


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Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:30 pm
Lava says...

Name: Vivian Amar Joseph

Age: 16, soon to be 17.

Crime: Illegal distribution of copyrighted media, drug abuse (marijuana, cocaine.)

Appearance: He is quite short at 5"7'. He has a distinct brown skin, black, long hair with red highlights at the tips. He is one of those new generation-Indians. He wears frameless spectacles but has a set of coloured lenses as well. He spent a considerable time working on his muscles and is pretty strong. His stature however doesn't show off his strength. He has a chipped tooth and has yellow stains. One thing that was always with him was a black leather finger-less glove for the right hand, which was visibly old. He also wears a gold ring, which belonged to his dad and has a yellow stone.

Personality: He was never anti-social, yet his friend circle in school was pretty small. He, however, did have a number of older friends and a number of interweb acquaintances he happened to meet.
He has a good way of dealing with people he doesn't like and it doesn't take much to anger Viv. He also has a fascination for animals. He enjoys caring for them and just being surrounded by animals. As a young boy, he wanted to be an environmentalist, and even now, he still believes in environment protection schemes.

History: Viv was born in the UK, and called himself British. He has visited his homeland only to get to his grandparents' house in the Nilgiri Hills district. He was well cared for by his parents, both of whom had grown up in the UK. They had an arranged marriage and did bicker quite a bit. This didn't affect Viv as much as the fact that his mother was an alcoholic. She would come home after her job as an IT consultant, inebriated, and resort to hitting Viv. It became worse when his dad died of cancer and his older brother moved out to India. His mother lost her job soon after and has been trying to hold a job for more than three months. He didn't excel at school nor did he flunk. He had an inkling toward computers and enjoyed tinkering with programs.

He got into illegal distribution at around 15, when he felt the need for independence and this seemed a good starting point. A college friend of his, who called himself Sha, helped him get into the business. This was followed by an entry into drugs. He was caught selling packets to a 15 year old.
The environmentalist in him was justified by the fact that he was just using a product obtained from plants.

Other: As far as romance goes, he had a liking for brown-haired girls. He hasn't been in many relationships and currently feel like he wants to find 'that' girl.
He's been at juvie for just over a months and was still getting used to it. His mother hardly visited him
Pretending in words was too tentative, too vulnerable, too embarrassing to let anyone know.
- Ian McEwan in Atonement

sachi: influencing others since GOD KNOWS WHEN.


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Fri Sep 24, 2010 3:10 am
XChangeX says...

OMG! I am so excited about this one! You may have to make another one for all the people, Kitty :)

Name: Alisandra "Andi" Hayden Koren
Age: 17
Charges: Assault and Battery with intent and Resisting Arrest with Violence.

Appearance: Andi has long, dark, curly hair that she leaves wild and in a mess around her face. She has icy blue eyes and it's rumored that her heart is the same color. She has pale white skin, being locked up doesn't do much for complexion. She is a decent height, a little taller than average but not much so. She's lacking in the weight department and has sworn that once she gets out she will never wear orange again. She has a multitude of tattoos, they are a fascination of hers. She has a pistol tattooed on her lower stomach, 'Love=Lie' on her left forearm, the Chinese symbol for DANGER on her neck, And SAVIOR on her calf for Leo.
Spoiler! :

Personality: Andi is aggressive and is the type of person you don't mess with. Even though she won't admit it, this prison scares her. She has a mouth worse than a sailor's and is quick to use it. Once you get on her good side she will protect you with her life, no one messes with her friends or family (not that she has many of either), but it's a rough road to get there. She has a soft spot for the underdog, so tries to stick up for some of the smaller inmates when they get pushed around. Overall, Andi is a bitch and doesn't care what anyone thinks but it's in a good way.

History: Andi was found in a dumpster when she was approximately 6 hours old. She fought for her life in the hospital and has been fighting ever since. She was moved to different foster and group homes, enduring the ones that used and abused, until she was fourteen and ran away. She was a prostitute and a drug mule, and when she couldn't do those anymore she picked up random jobs on the street like buying and selling hot items and stealing. When she was fifteen she was beat and raped by a someone looking to buy a hot iPod off her. He left her bruised and bloody on the street until a man walked by and saw her. He called 911 and rode in the ambulance with her to the hospital, claiming to be her cousin. He waited for her in the hospital and once she was out insisted on her living with him once he got some of her situation out of her. She was living with him, Leo, when she found her mother on the internet and decided to go to her house. Once there the woman opened the door and Andi saw her, the woman that tried to kill her, discarded her as trash and started swinging. Andi says she blacked out and doesn't remember anything after that until the ride to the jail but she drug the woman in her house by her hair and beat her with a lamp that was sitting on the floor of the empty and dirty apartment. Her mother had to fight for her life just as Andi did. And now she's at Darkmoor Juvenile Prison.
The only constant in our lives is Change.

Revelations 21:4
He will wipe every tear from their eye. There will be no more mourning or death or pain. There will be no more crying for the old way of things has gone away.

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Sat Sep 25, 2010 6:21 pm
captain.classy says...

I'm not good at storybooks, so I'm hoping this will help! Thanks Kitty.

Name: Kisa Vandagaurd

Age: 15

Crime: Murder

Appearance: Kisa is short, about 5'0". But just because she's small, doesn't mean she's weak. She has an A cut for her hair, which means the front is longer than the back. The front two strands of her hair hit her shoulders while the back just barely touches her back. She has a beautiful strawberry-blonde color, and believes her hair is the best part about her.

It is a bit true, since she has a pig-nose and small thin lips. And her freckles make it look like she has an orange face from the distance. But she has these huge green eyes that anyone could get lost in. But it's still her hair that make others double-take.

Kisa is extremely thin. It was the result of being abused for the past two years. She has absolutely no curves whatsoever, and sometimes has to wear boy's jeans because others won't fit.

Personality: Kisa has always had a short temper. When her boyfriend, who was 22, struck her the first time, she punched a wall in. When he hit her the last time, he was found in his room with a knife in his throat. Why is Kisa in Juvinile hall? She loved him too much to destroy him. She thinks of it as 'coppupting innocence,' a phrase well taught to her through Catcher in the Rye, her favorite book. She didn't want his parents to remember him as the guy who raped his girlfriend. So she told the cops that she had just killed him. For no reason. The bruises and cuts on her body? She did it to herself. She is emotionally depressed. Or at least that's what she told them.

Kisa doesn't like to see others cry because of other people, but has no problem making others cry. It's one thing that Kisa finds entertaining, inflicting pain on others that can't be healed with popping a Motrin. She likes to get deep into the minds of others and use their secrets against them. She likes to mentally torture others. And most of the time, she doesn't even know she's doing it.

History: Kisa met Bobby when she was thirteen. She was just an eighth grader, and was already thinking herself old since she only had a year until high school. She never liked boys her age. They were far too dumb for her. So she found Bobby as she was walking past a bar. He saw her through a window, and ran outside, half drunk, to catch up with her.

He seemed perfect. He was sweet and caring, and took her shopping and for picnics on the beach. But that all stopped on their first anniversary. He saw that their relationship wasn't getting anywhere anymore, but was still stuck on the same high path they had always been on. So he wanted to add a little excitement. He struck her across the face when they were in bed. She was pissed, and jumped out as soon as possible, punched in his wall, and ran out into the neighborhood half naked.

The last time was in her bedroom. Her parents didn't care about him. They didn't care about Kisa at all, and her being in an illegal, abusive relationship didn't strike them as note-worthy. So they were upstairs, and he took her and pushed her against the wall. He kissed her hard, then punched her face. He punched her again, in the stomach that time. Then finally he kicked her legs so she was forced to the ground. He was in the process of taking off her pants when she drove the knife into his neck.

Other: Kisa thinks she can talk to ghosts (an affect of the abuse). She thinks that they tell her secrets about other people, when she really just heard them from gossip and had forgotten.

** Oh my goodness the history part got really intense. Please tell me if I need to change it! **
Last edited by captain.classy on Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:58 pm, edited 3 times in total.

The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings. It is a sad spectacle to see the weaklings bruised, exhausted, fluttering back to earth.
— Kate Chopin, The Awakening