
Young Writers Society

Sky Knights: New Beginning

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9 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1490
Reviews: 9
Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:20 am
Ben10 says...

All rights and reserved go to Asaph "Ace" Fipke the creater of “Storm Hawks,” and Nerd Corps Entertainment, the company that put it to air.

Sky Knights: New Beginning (SB)


o Killing off others characters is not permitted. Unless you are enabled by either myself or the person controlling the character, otherwise, it is not allowed.
o Romance is allowed, though, it cannot be vivid. It must be restrained so that it doesn’t over populate the story book with gooshy gooshy love!
o All posts must have 150 words, and must be correct in grammar and spelling wise. The posts must also be very current and not left to three days and wonder why your character is gone.
o All profiles must be posted in the DT. This is compulsory, only when the story book starts can actual writing be published in the storybook page. So this also goes for question, or plot ideas. Everything in the DT.


In the before time an evil ruler named Master Cyclonis, an old haggered lady who wanted Atmos to yield before her, and her servants, the Cyclonians, threatened Atmos and the civillian within. The original Storm Hawks, a squadron talented and strong, known by all who passed them, led the Squadrons in a war against them.

A large gorish battle followed afterwards, with many losses from both sides. Good against Evil, Ying against Yang. When it seemed the Storm Hawks and the squadrons from other terras were going to be victorious in destroying Cyclonis and her evil minions, the Storm Hawks were betrayed and defeated by one of their own.


Storm Hawks is set in a fictional world called Atmos, a largely mountainous world consisting of scattered masses known as terras. Because of the geography, travel is mostly dependent on flight.

The technology of Atmos is based around energy-generating crystals, used to power the various devices in the series. Patrolling the skies of Atmos are the Squadrons, all led by a Sky Knight, groups of warriors who pilot motorcycle-like vehicles called Skimmers that can semi-transform into flying machines. These warriors are loosely managed by the Sky Knight Council.

In the backstory of the series, an evil ruler named Master Cyclonis and her servants, the Cyclonians, threatened Atmos. The original Storm Hawks led the Squadrons in a war against them, but were betrayed and defeated by one of their own (later known as The Dark Ace).

Ten years later, a group of teenage rebels stumble upon the wreckage of the Storm Hawks' carrier, the Condor, and unofficially take on the Storm Hawks name in the hopes of becoming Sky Knights themselves, despite not being old enough to even legally fly the vehicle.Using their sheer wits, and rebelious hopes, the “Storm Hawks” fly through Atmos defying Cyclonis in hope of bringing the civilisation of Atmos back to their feet.

Setting (Terras):

Spoiler! :
Terra Amazonia is a terra that is covered with rain forests. It is a remote terra said that the trees of Amazonia grow back two months after being chopped down.

Terra Aquanos is the home of the Neck Deeps squadron. The native inhabitants of the terra are intelligent half-man/half-fish humanoids.

Terra Atmosia is the home terra of the Sky Knight council, as well as the beacon tower containing the Aurora Stone. It is guarded by the Red Eagles, until their leader attacked his crew.

Terra Blizzaris is a snowy terra home to the Absolute Zeroes. Based on Repton's comments in "Fire and Ice", the name Blizzaris isn't applied to one specific terra, but rather the current and appropriately terraformed home of the Blizzarians. The first (or previous) one was apparently conquered by the Cyclonians, after which the Blizzarians simply moved to another uninhabited terra and froze it over using a blizzard crystal.

Terra Bluster is a terra conquered by Cyclonia and ruled by Ravess.

Terra Bogaton is the home terra of the Raptors. Bogaton sports the best aerial defence system in Atmos: a network of energy cannons scattered about the terra detect anything that goes above the treeline and shoot it down with deadly accuracy (even targets as small as a common fly). Because of this, ground travel is a necessity within its borders. The system does not discriminate from friend and foe, so the Raptors themselves are forced into ground travel as well. Their vehicles, however, are designed to operate efficiently on the rough terrain, so they still have the advantage.

Cyclonia (usually referred to without the "Terra" prefix) is the home terra of Master Cyclonis' empire. It dwarfs every other terra in Atmos, due in part to the large number of secondary peaks surrounding it. Fitting with the ever-expanding Cyclonian Empire, Cyclonia itself is much more industrialized than is standard for terras, its operations extending well into the wastelands below it. Cyclonia is a highly militarized terra, for they are known for the massive Talon armies that conquer whole terras. The terra's sky never is blue; it is always stormy with a blood-red hue.

Obscured by thick clouds, Terra Deep is filled with craggy rocks, impossibly deep caverns, and no solid ground to speak of. Because of its geographical features, Terra Deep doesn't show up on any current maps; the one Stork retrieves marking it is over 200 years old. The Murk Raiders, a band of vicious pirates, make Deep their home, raiding ships and leaving their wreckage strewn about the landscape. Due to the dense clouds, the atmospheric pressure increases as a ship descends until it is eventually crushed.

Engineers from Edmontonia (its name resembling the Canadian city Edmonton, Alberta) co-developed the Ice Grinder with engineers from Terra Blizzaris.

Terra Gale is the home of the Rebel Ducks. This terra was enslaved by the Cyclonians years ago and used as one of the many factories to produce Cyclonian equipment.

Terra Glockenchime is home to the Timepulse, the central navigation system for every airship in Atmos. Essentially a massive clocktower, Glockenchime is staffed by Time Keepers, who maintain the system. However they don't have a sky knight squadron, leaving them defenceless.

Terra Greemus is where the Heliscooter was invented. They were also one of the last terras to take to the skies of Atmos.

Terra Klockstoppia is a medieval terra, and is the home of Princess Peregrine. A little old fashioned, crystals are forbidden and are kept in a cave. Thus, the technology is primitive (for example, the toasters there are powered by hamsters). There is a regent who controls the affairs of the state, and the princess' role is symbolic.

Terra Merb is Stork's home terra, a land mass frequently hit with a variety of natural disasters, leading its Merb population to adopt an extremely cautious outlook on life.

Terra Mesa was the former home of the Interceptors squadron, which Starling was a member of.

Terra Neon is a terra famous for its carnival and the 24-hour gravy buffets. It is located in the southwest. Home to a massive terra-wide carnival, Terra Neon always brings in the big crowds.

Terra Nimbus is a terra conquered by Cyclonia and ruled by Snipe. 'Nimbus' is Latin for 'cloud', which may be a clue as to its terrain.

Terra Ray is a terra characterized by lots of sunny weather.

Terra Rex was where the Sky Knights originated, though the governing body of the Sky Knights has since moved to . Terra Rex is home to the Rex Guardians. Among its features are a large, outdoor dueling arena for challenges and spacious dining halls for guests. The Rex Guardians--and, most likely, the rest of the terra's inhabitants--speak with a posh British accent. Rex is Latin for King, which is appropriate considering the status the squadron has.

Terra Saharr is a large, desert-like terra.

Terra Toledos is briefly mentioned at the end of the episode "Terra Neon", though the details are not elaborated upon.

A peaceful and undefended Terra, Snipe was planning to launch an invasion of Terra Tranqua using kids recruited by the Talon Academy using Cyclonian propaganda.

Tropica (also referred to without the "Terra" prefix) is located in the southwest. As the name and descriptions of it suggest, Tropica would seem to be a tropical paradise with surfing and swimming.

Terra Tundras has two of the three most productive crystal mines in Atmos, both of which the Cyclonians control.

Terra Vapos is a long-lost terra (thought to be a myth by the rest of Atmos) home to a society modelled after ancient Greece. Vapos was lost when a massive earthquake split the ground beneath it, releasing an army of humanoid bats that picked the town clean.

The terra is comprised of several peaks each shaped rather like a fist.

An ancient jungle-covered terra, Xoam is home to the mysterious and spooky underground ruins of the Forbidden City. There is an architectural model of the city within. The original builders of the Forbidden City believed in tricks and hoaxes, so it is full of dangerous booby traps. The only way to survive is to remember that first impressions are always wrong, and nothing is what it seems.

Terra Zartacla is a swampy, forested terra where a Cyclonian high-security prison is located.


Master Cyclonis:
Diabolically intelligent and a master of crystal transformations, the Queen of Cyclonia is hell-bent on extending her new kingdom by force. Extremely paranoid, she only trusts her shadowy henchman, the Dark Ace. Her Talon thugs are in constant fear of falling into her disapproval, which happens a lot.

Night Crawlers:
The Night Crawlers are an elite group of assassins under the direct command of Master Cyclonis. Each member wears black armor and has similarly dark skin with purple eyes (except for the squad leader, who has red eyes). They wield wrist-mounted energy crossbows, are highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat, and are well-trained in the use of weapons-grade crystals. The Night Crawlers pilot special black bikes that transform into hang gliders when in flight mode, with the wheels acting as lifting propellers.

Despite being extremely dangerous, the Night Crawlers are sensitive to light, which weakens their armor. In darkness, however, their armor is strong enough to withstand a crystal-based explosion at point-blank range. In "Five Days", the Night Crawlers had apparently upgraded to have light-resistant armor, removing their former weakness. In "Cyclonia Rising", they are outfitted with crystal technology from the far side.

The new equipment gives them energy shielding, much more powerful wrist-blasters, and a chest crystal which can unleash an energy snake to aid them in combat.
They have soft, low voices, much like that of Repton, except much quieter. They also have similar distortions in their voice as Master Cyclonis sometimes has. They are able to sense crystal power at a distance, and seem to be quite vicious.

The Cyclonian Empire's massive army of highly-trained fighters. Master Cyclonis uses her Talon legions to maintain control and expand her kingdom through brute force, capturing peaceful Atmosians and forcing them to work in the mines and factories that fuel her vast empire. The Talons are led by the infamous and deadly Dark Ace, whose only goal is to destroy the Sky Knights.

Other Information-

Crystals are very important to the whole of Atmos because of the power source they generate. Without crystal nothing would be able to operate, because of the lack of electricity and fuel that these Terras have.

The Condor:
The Storm Hawks' carrier ship is a reliable, if somewhat dilapidated ship. Little is known about it, except that it is at least 117 years old and holds the current air speed record.

Character Profiles: DT link; topic62200.html

Spoiler! :
Name: (First, Middle/Nickname, Last)
Age: (14-37)
Gender: (Make it to ratio, not a hundred females out balancing males)
Appearance: (Must be very detailed. This is not optional it must be done)
Picture: (Optional; can either be anime/manga or human)
Personality: (Please be detailed)
Allegiance: (With the cyclonians, or be with the newly formed storm hawks)
History: (How did you come to get with the allegiance you chose? What terra do you come from, and your family)
Skimmer: (What does your ride look like.)
Weapon: (What does your weapon look like, and what power does it allow you)
Status on Ship: (Leader, Technician, Strong man, Co-pilot, etc.)
Strengths/Weakness: (Be detailed, and make it different. Not always bad at strength though fast and agile.)
Likes/Dislikes: (Be detailed)
Up For love: (yes/no)
Other: (Any other information that will make you character unique)

Titles for Storm Hawks: (This is what needs to be filled up. I don’t think to much will join, but if they do then more places will be placed up, or another squadron will be created.)

Technician- (Works with crystals and fixes any maintenance the Condor falls under)
Strong Man-
Plotter- (Stays in the ship (Condor) doesn’t really have his own skimmer)
Sharp Shooter-

Title for Cyclonians: (I am aware that there are the talon which are Cyclonis sky warriors, though, the Cyclonians are new and fresh warriors hoping to over throw the Talons.)

Technician- (Works with crystals and fixes any maintenance the Condor falls under)
Strong Man-
Plotter- (Stays in the ship (Condor) doesn’t really have his own skimmer)
Sharp Shooter-

For more information, here’s a link which is rather handy; http://www.abc.net.au/rollercoaster/stormhawks/

PS. Please Join. :elephant: You can't say on to a dancing elephant
An optimist is someone who falls off the Empire State Building, and after 50 floors says, 'So far so good!'

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9 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1490
Reviews: 9
Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:16 pm
Ben10 says...

** I guess I wrote to much...this is for all the people who don't like read a hack of a lot. :smt003

Summary of Storybook:

You are a youth battling out your childhood, when you find the condor, a ship in which the old Storm Hawks use to fly. Sky Knights are galliant warriors who fly through the sky trying to protect their Terra's from the evil Cyclonians.

You role is to either become a Storm Hawk and battle it out to bring Cyclonis to her knees, or become a cyclonian and try to make all the sky knights fall.

**If you have anymore questions just ask. So yeah please join, it took me heck of a long time to get this thing up.
An optimist is someone who falls off the Empire State Building, and after 50 floors says, 'So far so good!'

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9 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1490
Reviews: 9
Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:39 am
Ben10 says...

Might as well start this.

Rae Larsen

Pushing a lock of hair from my face, I turned and stared at my captain. Her flame red hair was twisted behind her ear. She scoped the map Carl was hunched over. Looking up he grinned. The goggles he wore amplifyed his ice blue eyes.

I chuckled, "So what are we doing today, Cap'n!" I asked placing my hand up to my forehead. "Stop calling my captian and start calling Skip." She grinned wryly, her eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep.

She had been pushing herself to hard again. Carl slapped his knee and began to laugh hysterically. "No wonder this map doesn't make any sense what so ever! I have it the wrong way round." Flipping the map with a spidery movement, he pulled it up to his face narrowing his eyes skeptically.

"In my calculations..." He raised his eyes brows grinning ridiculously, "The Cylclonians are..." I waited, biting into my lip. I don't exactly know why we were in this Terra, all I knew was that frequent Cyclonian attacks have been going on around these parts and Skipper wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Skipper's determined eyes buldged, "What Carl! Where are they?" She grabbed at his shoudlers and shook them vigorously. I stared at the map, a few minor words where scattered here and there. Numbers outlined the signs with small drawings.

Carlton's face dropped, his eyes searching the map feverently "...right above us." A loud bang exploded in the hull. Screaming I was thrown to the ground as the ship began to tremble violently.
An optimist is someone who falls off the Empire State Building, and after 50 floors says, 'So far so good!'

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199 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 14356
Reviews: 199
Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:52 am
Apple says...

Yeah! This story book is alive and working. :twisted: Evil will truimphant.

Train Heartnett

Forcing the accelerator of my skimmer down, the bike rushed forwards. Wind whipping at my face as I sliced through it. I could hear my men behind me. Their loud engines echoing in the clearless sky.

I looked down at my feet to see a small little creature poke its head out. Krea. The squirrel like animal ran up my arm and onto my neck chattering loudly. It was the only creature or living this I talked to, or cared for. Excpet Cyclonis herself.

Veering to the left, my men fell in line behind me their teeth chattering as we passed through a cold breeze. They were all such blundering fools. They fly a skimmer even if you paid them. They were stupid and foolish, it is a curse to be tied down to such idiots.

Passing through a cloud, I squinted my eyes. A ship! A sky knight ship!
"Men!" I shouted over the rushing wind. "Ship, Attack!" Forcing the bike even faster, as I came in to range a small smile grew across my face.

"Aim!" I cried, forcing the bike more the left I scoped in a trojectory. "Fire!"
I spy!

I just write poetry to throw my mean callous heartless exterior into sharp relief. I’m going to throw you off the ship anyway.
— Vogon Captain (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)