
Young Writers Society

Once Upon a Time

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Mon Jul 27, 2009 3:44 pm
ZannaShepherd says...

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time in a faraway land, where magic was as real as the air we breathe, and Kings and Queens still ruled from their lavishly adorned thrones, a Princess was born. There was nothing extra ordinary about her, or hinted that she need have her story retold, at least not until her right to the Kingdom was forfeited and an impostor took the throne.

Now, I must take you back five years earlier for you to be able to understand why this turn of events occurred.

It was a beautiful spring evening and the sun had just begun its decent into the sea. The wind blew lightly with a hint of sorrow in it’s song, past a high stone wall and into a glamorous garden. The garden had blooming flowers of every kind ever imagined. There were many exotic trees and animals as well, filling the garden with a majestic atmosphere. The wind took all of this in but passed it by, choosing to take it’s journey to the castle beyond. Gliding up the enormous walls, the wind slipped easily through an opened window.

The scene beyond the window where the wind had brought itself was one of sorrow. There was a large ornate bed occupying the center of the room, a frail occupant laying still in it’s downy depths. Standing next to the bed were three women, their faces streaked with tears as they waited for the sick man to speak.

The man on the bed was the King, he was expected to die anytime and had summoned his wife and two daughters to hear his last words.

Moving his head slightly, the King faced his two daughters.
“As King of this land I have the pain of bestowing my Kingdom upon one of your two’s shoulders. I do this with a heavy heart and pray I will be forgiven for my sin of forcing one of you to take on such an arduous job. Running a Kingdom is not just about being rich or making people do what you want. There is much, much more to it, and I have tried to instill in you what it takes to be a proper leader.

Listening to your people, helping them in times of need, giving them hope and treating them fair and equally . . . ”

The King was interrupted in the middle of his speech, as a fit of coughing took hold of his weakened body.

Looking up with watery eyes the King no longer had the strength for many words. Taking his oldest daughter’s hand, the King looked gravely into her eyes. “ Allionia, my first born, I know everyone expects me to pass the throne to you, including yourself. But as I have watched you grow through the years, I have seen you look with disgust at the people of this Kingdom not as wealthy and privileged as yourself. I have seen the way you treat your maids when they displease you and how you think yourself better than everyone else. Therefor I will not give you the Kingdom as you wish but your sister Aurelia will become Queen.” Allionia, with her beautiful long blond curls, and deep hazel eyes let out a strangled scream of rage and flew from the room, slamming the intricately carved doors behind her.

Turning at last to his youngest daughter, with her long straight golden hair, and her trusting sapphire eyes, tears streaked the old King’s cheeks. His voice a harsh whisper and barely audible, the King gave away his beloved Kingdom to his equally beloved daughter.

“Aurelia, my sweet girl, I’m grieved to have to ask you to perform such a task. But unlike your sister I know you will rule this Kingdom well. When you were young, you had no problem playing with the commoner’s children, when you saw a beggar you gave him your purse, when a sick child needed help you healed her yourself. These are just a few of the many instances that show me you are far more suited to run this Kingdom, then your sister. So with many grievances I leave the Kingdom of Guilloche in your capable hands.”

Aurelia, her heart breaking, answered shakily.
“I will try my best father and try to do things always for the good of the Kingdom and . . . ” Aurelia stopped talking as she realized her father could no longer hear her.

Taking his last breathe, the King released himself from his mortal prison, to join the waiting wind and its everlasting dance.

That night in her room, Aurelia the new Queen faced her hate-filled sister.
“I did not ask for this Alli, I as much as anyone else was positive Father would give you the Kingdom. You are three years my Sr. and much more capable of running this Kingdom than I, but I cannot change our Fathers wishes.” Aurelia said gently, trying to persuade her sister to see things in a different light.
“That may be so, but all of my life I have dreamed of becoming Queen of the Kingdom of Guilloche and now the only thing stopping me from fulfilling my dreams is you.” Alli spit in hatred, glaring at her sister.
“What do you want me to about it? Kill myself?” Aurelia questioned, hurt that her sister would treat her like an enemy.
“There is nothing either of us can about it now, but be forewarned I can make your life a living hell. This I promise you, when you have children of your own, I will curse your firstborn, as our father cursed his firstborn by killing her chance to live her dreams. Your child will never rule this Kingdom in your stead, I will make sure of that!” Alli growled, turning in fury to leave the room, a pain in her heart she knew would never heal.

Returning to where we left off, a Princess had just been born to Queen Aurelia, it was her firstborn child and she lay in her bed still recovering from her lengthy childbirth. She was alone in the room except for the sleeping baby in it’s cradle, the King had been absent for his child’s birth as he was away debating with another Kingdom.

Aurelia daydreamed of the time she and her new daughter would share, they would take walks in the gardens, and spend hours by the side of the lake, exploring, and re exploring the Kingdom. She would teach her daughter how to love her people and how to run a Kingdom properly.

Aurelia’s dreams were interrupted as an earsplitting noise ripped through the silent room, bringing both her and her baby fully awake.

Sitting up quickly in the large bed, Aurelia found a women standing near the door. Black curls cascaded down her back, matching her equally black attire, a tight black dress, covered with a flowing cape. Turning to face her, the Queen gasped as their eyes met. They were her sister’s deep hazel eyes.
“Alli?” Aurelia whispered in astonishment. The dark women gave no reply, but none was needed.

The two women’s locked gazes broke apart and turned in unison as the penetrating cry of a baby rent the air.

Alli took a step forward, a cruel smile flickered across her face as she headed for the young Princess.

Aurelia, remembering the threat her sister had made five years ago, rose swiftly, moving on shaky legs to her baby’s side.
“I won’t let you touch her.” Aurelia whispered, looking her sister defiantly in the eyes. “You can’t punish her for a sin our father committed, she has done nothing wrong.” Aurelia pleaded.
“Huh, that’s what you think dear sister, but every day I look at all you have and think of how it could have mine.” Alli growled, glaring at her sister.

Looking down at the baby, a crazed look entered her eyes. “She could have been mine.” Alli whispered harshly. Taking the last few steps to the crib, Alli pushed her weak sister to the ground. Grabbing the soft covers half covering the still screaming baby, Alli wrenched them away.

A pained tone entered her voice, “Why is it that you always get everything better than me, the Kingdom a kind Husband, and now a beautiful baby.”

Aurelia tried to rise again but her sister’s hand whipped out from under her cloak and grabbed her throat.
“I told you I’d make you pay for taking the Kingdom and I intend to keep that promise. I’m giving you a choice, you can let me carry out my plan and live, or you can die. It’s that simple” Alli hissed, her face mere inches from her sisters.

Aurelia didn’t answer, her body paralyzed with weakness and fear.
“I’m going to take your place, I will be Queen of this land, wife to you husband, and mother of his beautiful children.”
“No!” Aurelia choked. “You can’t, you’ll ruin this Kingdom.”

Releasing her sister, Alli kicked her away in disgust. “There’s nothing you can do to stop me, you’re too weak.”

The baby began another volley of cries, annoying Alli immensely.
“Yes, then there’s the matter of you,” Alli said coldly, turning back to the baby. “I would have to dispose of you, I couldn’t stand raising my sister’s baby.” A wicked expression crossed her face. “I will replace you with my own, and rid myself of anyone who knows you were born.”

Aurelia gasped in disbelief, “Please, don’t kill my baby. I’ll do anything you want, just swear to me you won’t hurt her.” She begged.
“Hm, I suppose I could let her live a life of poverty among the villagers if you’d prefer that.” Alli mused. “That would almost be worse than dying.”
“Why can’t she stay here?” Aurelia pleaded.
“Because you fool, I’m going to replace her with my son. You see while you were running a Kingdom, I to have given birth. He is the son of Iago the most powerful warlock alive.” Alli replied harshly.

In the next instant the same earsplitting noise as before exploded through the room.
Standing beside Alli, the figure of a young man had appeared.
“This is Karr my son.” Alli told her sister, gesturing at the man.
“But he looks like he’s twenty years old!”Aurelia exclaimed in disbelief.
“Eighteen actually, I made him age quicker so he would come into his full powers. I will undo that spell and turn him into a baby, everyone will think the Queen has given birth to a son after I have disposed of the few who know of your baby.” Alli said wickedly

“You won’t get away with this, the King will know you’re not me.” Aurelia threatened, finally regaining control of her voice.
“No he won’t.” Alli replied evenly. Pointing her finger at her head, a light shot from its tip growing in size and intensity until it had covered her entire body.

The light became so bright Aurelia was forced to look away. When she was able to look back, the sight that met her eyes sent cold shivers down her spine. Standing in front of her, was an exact replica of her own self in every way.
“Do you like it? I think this will do nicely to convince your darling husband I’m you.” Alli taunted, her voice sounding exactly like Aurelia’s.
“No, how can this be happening?” Aurelia moaned, burying her face in her hands.

Having heard enough out of her sister, Alli once again raised her finger. Pointing it toward Aurelia, she watched as light enveloped her sister. When the light had receded, nothing seemed to have changed.

Glancing up at her sister, Aurelia opened her mouth to ask what she’d done but no sound came out. Grabbing her throat, Aurelia looked in despair at her sister, tears filling her eyes.

“I told you I’d make your life a living hell didn’t I?” Alli replied to her sisters unspoken
question, a wicked smile giving a harsh tone to her sister’s beautiful features.

Now that there was nothing in her way, Alli was unstoppable. She forced her sister to leave the Kingdom after having her drop her baby off on the Church steps. She than turned her son into a new born baby and had all of the people who knew of the Queens daughter quietly disappear.

After the King returned things stayed the same and a year later, the Queen gave birth to a beautiful golden haired daughter, Princess Ilona. That same year she had the King declare war on the neighboring Kingdom of Laicize, wanting to expand the land she ruled over. Alli selfishness, breaking the peace that the two Kingdoms had shared for several hundred years. She slowly raised taxes, and forced her people to work ever harder, changing the Kingdom for the worse, and her own gain. All the while keeping a bitter eye on her growing niece, the one reminder she was a fake and would never be accepted as her true self. She would always be living a lie in her younger sister’s shadow.
Last edited by ZannaShepherd on Thu Jul 30, 2009 7:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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13 Reviews

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Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:06 am
Critical_Point says...

Your story is very captivating and well written. I like the caracters but I think that you should give more details on how they are feeling.
Also You should slow things down a little in the story. You seemed to skip past a lot. And the jumps back and forth are confusing. A suggestion is that you could get rid of the first paragraph. You could start with the father's death and then jump forward to five years later.
Other than that it was great and I will continue reading.

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Tue Jul 28, 2009 1:35 am
TaylaChase says...

Hi, Zanna!
I really liked your story! I did find a few nitpicks for you, though.

sorrow in it’s song

It should be 'its'

to take it’s journey

Again, 'its' not 'it's'

Therefor I will not

Comma after therefor (I think)

I as much as anyone

Comma after 'I'

baby in it’s cradle

You should go over your story and check it yourself.

This was really good! Keep working on it and write some more!

Last edited by TaylaChase on Fri Aug 28, 2009 6:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
~Albert Einstein

I'm not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens.

I am the author of my life. Unfortunately I'm writing in pen and I can't erase my mistakes. . .

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Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:58 am
DakotaK says...

You Go Girl!

Slight cliche' with the riches to poor, hidden princess stuff but still, I liked it! I think you did an awesome job creating their world (more detail????) though so far it's just been the castle. The two sisters both show their clashing personality's and their own souls, not two cookie cutter princesses here. It definitely has potential for a longer story (you are writing more aren't you?!) Oh yeah, I loved the names too, very creative.

I want to know more!!!!

~Being Pesky~Dakota
What is important is to know fear and yet take a step forward.
Rosette Christopher

Looking for peeps to review my novel:)


As if you were on fire from within. The moon lives in the lining of your skin.
— Pablo Neruda