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A small extract from my novel.

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Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:24 am
miyaviloves says...

Ok, well first thing's first. This is not the beginning of the story, this is just a bit from one of the later chapters. I am really struggling with this part because:

1. There are five important Characters:
- Isaac
- Cecilia (married to Isaac)
- Juan (Having an affair with Cecilia)
- Gabriel (Juan's best friend, works for Isaac, is with Lara)
- Lara (Gabriel's partner)

2. Now then, Isaac thinks that Cecilia is having an affair with Gabriel, so has got Lara drunk to sleep with her to very stupidly try and get back at Gabriel.

3. I love Isaac and I don't want him to come across as too mean here, so I think that's why I am finding it so difficult. So please ANY help at all would be great as it is currently driving me insaneeee! :shock: Anway, here it is:

This has a G rating becuase it is leading towards a sexual scene just so you know ;)

Isaac climbed the stairs warily, his fingers gently intertwining with Lara’s. He looked back at her for a split second. What was he doing? Was this kind of revenge that he had planned? Cecilia would never even know that he had been with her. Maybe that was what motivated him. Lara was beautiful. Not like Cecilia, but she was beautiful in her own right. Cecilia. Was she really that beautiful? Just lately her skin appeared to be blemishing more than ever before, wrinkles enveloping her forehead when she smiled. The smile false. He scowled at the thought of her. At the top of the stairs he pulled Lara into his arms, trailing kisses down her tanned neck. She tasted of the autumn, crisp…decay. He devoured the rotten taste, as she was willing to sleep in his bed, fall into the cold winter he was offering to her. She would freeze in his tangled sheets, the cold shoulder of deceit. He took her into their bedroom. He sat on the edge of the bed and watched as she took off her clothes, hurriedly, no grace in her movements. As he watched all he could think about was the news that was circulating with a buzz of excitement around France that day. Henri Seimet had made the first non-stop flight from Paris to London in less than three hours. Unlike the public Isaac thought this was a pretty poor performance. London never seemed that far away when he took Cecilia there. Maybe it was Cecilia that stole the hours from boredom, Maybe it was Cecilia who bended time for him. Maybe…

“Want to touch?” Lara smirked, approaching him. He looked at her body. Her left breast was significantly larger than the right, the top of her legs plump. Little white stretch marks danced across the top of her legs and across the sides of her stomach. He didn’t really want to touch her, but he let his hands circle round her thighs before he pulled her close to him. In return she wrapped her arms around him, holding his head close to her chest. He could smell her skin. She smelt of cigarettes.
Last edited by miyaviloves on Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:02 pm
Canada'sGotMyHeart says...

This has a G rating becuase it is leading towards a sexual scene just so you know

* I'm guess you meant R and not G ( or at least PG 13) because that excerpt is not for a general audience e.g. younger children on the board.

As for the story I like it. I didn't find anything wrong with it. Although you character is going to be very surprised when all of this is over. :roll: he guessed the wrong guy that has been sleeping with his wife...

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Fri Dec 05, 2008 8:53 pm
CastlesInTheSky says...

Hey there, miya! I'm Sarah and I'm your friendly neighbourhood reviewer for today. I have to admit that what drew me in to the story was the French title. I have an obsession with all things French.

Seeing as this was only an extract, I found it a bit difficult to critique, but don't worry. I hope this helps, anyway. [/ramble]

Quote: He looked back at her for a split second. What was he doing? Was this kind of revenge that he had planned? Cecilia would never even know that he had been with her. Maybe that was what motivated him. Lara was beautiful. Not like Cecilia, but she was beautiful in her own right. Cecilia. Was she really that beautiful? Just lately her skin appeared to be blemishing more than ever before, wrinkles enveloping her forehead when she smiled. The smile false.

This whole quote, starting from 'What was he doing?' has to be italicised. Seeing as this is a third person piece, you can't suddenly break out into thoughts, as that can be rather unnerving for the reader, and break the flow of the book. Secondly, this passage was slightly rambling. There were a load of short sentences and he was constantly changing his mind, opinion-wise. Don't show us the whole thought-process, the reader isn't interested in that. Just show us the main conclusion he arrives at, instead of beating round the bush pointlessly, showing the different things he considered. It would certainly read a lot better.

Quote: At the top of the stairs he pulled Lara into his arms, trailing kisses down her tanned neck.

This happened a bit quickly, and the whole trailing kisses thing is a bit melodramatic. Think about it - are real romances so flowing, so perfect? There's awkward moments, silences, people not knowing fully what to do. I haven't read the rest of your book so maybe they're already very well acquainted, but I still think you should give this more flaws. It would make it more real.
Oh and minor detail - there's an unnecessary extra space between 'her' and 'tanned'. Just thought I"d tell you. XD

Quote: She tasted of the autumn, crisp…decay.

I'm not sure why you've used the elipses here. It's a nice description and imagery/allusion but I think you should remove the elipses (...) and break this into two sentences. It would flow much better and add effect and meaning to your words, rather than rushing it frenziedly. Look how much better it would sound, "She tasted of the autumn. Crisp decay." I don't know about you, but that sonuds a whole lot better to me when I read it aloud.

Quote: He devoured the rotten taste, as she was willing to sleep in his bed, fall into the cold winter he was offering to her.

I'm not sure rotten is the right word usage, it's a bit icky and reminds one of mould and mush. I like the way you've turned the idea of decay into something beautiful, but to describe it in the next paragraph as 'rotten' just destroys that whole allusion. If I were you, I'd change 'rotten' in this sentence.
Also, this is a bit of a clumsy phrasing. I don't understand the whole think. Break it up, figure out what you're trying to say.

Quote: She would freeze in his tangled sheets, the cold shoulder of deceit.

I love the first part of this sentence, it's original. But I don't like the second part, or at least the 'shoulder' bit. The 'deceit' part is fine but you should put it into another sentence, it would be so much more effective. See how it would read: "She would freeze in his tangled sheets. The cold deceit." On second thoughts, remove the whole 'deceit' idea completely. It dumbs down the 'tangled sheets' bit, which is strong.

Quote: Maybe it was Cecilia who bended time for him. Maybe…

The second maybe would sound more effective if you removed the elipses and replaced it with a fullstop.

Quote: “Want to touch?” Lara smirked, approaching him.

I'm not sure 'smirk' is the right verb choice here. Smirk is usually used to make illusions to disdain, sneering and condescension. I don't know your characters, again, because this is only an extract, so maybe Lara is looking down on him. Forgive me if I'm wrong and if the smirk was intended.

I quite liked this. It was a bit overdone in parts, where the wording and adjectives came across as slightly ludicrous. But it all seemed stylish and polished. I like that in a story. I know you're fond of Isaac, which is normal with the main male character, but you need to figure out whether he's going to be portrayed as good or bad. I doubt the conventional 'good' person would sleep with another woman to get back at the man he thinks is sleeping with his wife. It seems like something the conventional rogue would do. Then again, maybe I'm wrong.
This needs some revision, and obviously the old cliched rule of 'show, don't tell.' Dialogue takes care of this - just insert more dialogue where you feel you're beating about the bush too much.

Good luck with your writing!

Had I the heavens embroider'd cloths,
I would spread the cloths under your feet.
But I being poor, have only my dreams,
So tread softly, for you tread on my life.

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Fri Dec 05, 2008 9:16 pm
miyaviloves says...

Canada - thankyou for taking the time to read!

Sarah - Thankyou so so much! That really helped. I'm finding this piece quite difficult to write as It is set in 1912, so I am having to do a lot of research about the era and it's taking over the whole thing at the moment, yet I am devoted to this, so an in depth look at it from you really has helped me a lot!

The thing with Isaac being a good or bad charcter I am also having such trouble with, he's wealthy and him and Cecilia often use their money to hide away from the problems that they have, and he can be very cold to the less wealthy characters (Such as Gabriel, Juan and Lara) I am trying to make it a flaw of his class, I have been reading thing's like 'House of Mirth' and 'Les Liasons Dangereus' to try and get a feel of rich and poor, even though they were set before.

Thanks for taking the time, it really is appreciated :)


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Sat Dec 06, 2008 1:12 am
lilymoore says...

Okay, so here it goes. But I am going to warn you that my reviews are a bit unique.

Isaac climbed the stairs warily, his fingers gently intertwining with Lara’s. He looked back at her for a split second (Here). What was he doing?

I would suggest adding something in here like the words “with hesitation” or “with regret,” something to lead to his reason for beginning to ask all these questions.

Was this (the) kind of revenge that he had planned?

Cecilia would never even know that he had been with her.

Another suggestion I feel I should make is altering the word “even” to “have to.” The phrase “never even” seems to much like “never ever” and I stumbled over it the first couple of times reading it. Also, I find “never even” has an awkward feel to it when spoken out loud.

Lara was beautiful. Not like Cecilia, but she was beautiful in her own right.

I felt this needed a little shaking up too. Perhaps: “Lara was beautiful, not in the same way Cecilia was, but she was beautiful in her own right.” Otherwise, these two sentences can be a bit confusing. You don’t know if the last portion is referring to Lara or to Cecilia and it took me a while to sort out.

Cecilia. Was she really that beautiful? Just lately her skin appeared to be blemishing more than ever before, wrinkles enveloping her forehead when she smiled. The smile false.

Again, I feel this needs some reassembly. Try: “Was Cecilia really all that beautiful? Lately, her skin has appeared more blemished then ever before and wrinkles had begun to form in her forehead when she smiled that (some sort of adjective describing the smile), false smile.” The adjective would be something that describes Isaac’s feelings towards her smile.

At the top of the stairs he pulled Lara into his arms, trailing kisses down her tanned neck. She tasted of the autumn, crisp…decay. He devoured the rotten taste, as she was willing to sleep in his bed, fall into the cold winter he was offering to her.

Again, I find this needs a little reworking. Like: “At the top of the stairs he pulled Lara into his arm and forced kisses down her (another adjective describing Lara’s neck other than ‘tanned’) neck. He devoured her rotten taste like that of autumn, crisp and decaying. She was willing to sleep in his bed, fall into the cold winter her was offering her.”

Sorry, too, for all the little rewrites and edits like this one and the others. I find it’s an effective way of giving advice.

She would freeze in his tangled sheets, the cold shoulder of deceit.

I see there as being only two options with this sentence. Either, one, get rid of it or two, try something like this: “If only she knew she would freeze in his tangled sheets and meet the cold shoulder of his deceit.”

He took her into their bedroom. He sat on the edge of the bed and watched as she took off her clothes, hurriedly, no grace in her movements.

Everything after these lines needs to be placed into its own paragraph.

Also, this could be morphed into one sentence. Oh jeeze, I’m doing it again: “He led her into the bedroom and sat himself on the edge of the bed, watching as she hurriedly removed her clothes, lacking grace in her movements.”

As he watched all he could think about was the news that was circulating with a buzz of excitement around France that day. Henri Seimet had made the first non-stop flight from Paris to London in less than three hours. Unlike the public Isaac thought this was a pretty poor performance.

This feels very out of place here. It just makes no real sense and has no place here. I see what you’re going for though, by incorporating historical events into the story to give it some relevance to what happened in the past, which I admire.

London (had) never seemed that far away when he took Cecilia there. Maybe it was Cecilia that stole the hours from boredom, Maybe it was Cecilia who bended (bent) time for him. Maybe…

I really liked this part. It was poetic and moving and gave some real life to the Isaac/Cecilia relationship.

He could smell her skin. She smelt of cigarettes.

Okay, after this, I promise I’ll quite with the rewriting. “He could smell the (stench if he looks at the smell negatively, perfume or fragrance is it’s a positive smell) of cigarettes on her skin.”

However, I didn’t like this so much as an ending. Continue farther to the point just before where it gets *clears throat*…um…dirty.

Still, I really like this and I enjoyed the idea. It’s rare to find a piece set in this year outside of stories based on the Titanic. Also, I don’t think that Isaac is exactly a bad guy. I think the general thought that “good has to be good and bad has to be bad” is what’s coming into play here. He’s human, he feels love and craves revenge and want to…well, get into Lara’s long johns if you know what I mean. :D But he’s not a mean character. He just has an attitude and a moral compass that doesn’t quite point north.

Plus the thing about Isaac and Cecilia hiding behind they’re wealth is a characteristic trait worth building on. Readers are more apt to relate to characters with flaws and problems. So don’t worry about the things you’re worrying about. It was all very engaging.
Never forget who you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.

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Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:17 am
Merry_Haven says...

When I first saw the title, I immediately had to check this out. Oh, and plus, I'm huge for historical fiction. Either it has romance or not. I still love it.

What story are you talking about? Because I didn't see a chapter one or is this an excerpt of a story you're writing?

The names you choose Cecilia and Gabriel...I likey! Cecilia is such a historical set name. And so is Gabriel.

Oh, how is this G rated? Did you mean PG-13 or R? Because there is some indication of sexual content.

I see that the grammar mistakes are already pointed out. I have to ask, are you planning on continuing? Because I like to know more about these secret affairs.

You might know or might not, but did you know that the early 1900s is the Edwardian Era? I've never really read anything in that era, so I guess this is my first. -- That's a good thing. :wink:

Oh, and if you need any tips of the culture, check out Eras of Elegance. (website) That site helps so much if you're writing a historical-set novel. (Believe me. I've have)

Anyway, off topic, here. Sorry about that. To the point. I like to read more. I have no questions concerning this piece. Great Job!

Mary had a little lamb. Little lamb. Little lamb!

Ugh!! I really hate my name. >.<

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Sat Dec 06, 2008 3:26 pm
KJ says...

Isaac climbed the stairs warily, his fingers gently intertwining with Lara’s. He looked back at her for a split second. What was he doing? [This should probably be in Italics] Was this kind of revenge that he had planned? [There's a word missing in this sentence. reread and you'll see what I mean] Cecilia would never even know that he had been with her. Maybe that was what motivated him. Lara was beautiful. Not like Cecilia, but she was beautiful in her own right. Cecilia. Was she really that beautiful? Just lately her skin appeared to be blemishing more than ever before, wrinkles enveloping her forehead when she smiled. The smile false. He scowled at the thought of her. [This guy seems like a woman to me - he changes his mind so quickly. Oh, Cecilia is so beautiful. But wait... she's been getting ugkier lately. See what I mean?] At the top of the stairs he pulled Lara into his arms, trailing kisses down her tanned neck. She tasted of the autumn, crisp…decay. [Uh, why does she smell of decay? That's gross] He devoured the rotten taste, as she was willing to sleep in his bed, fall into the cold winter he was offering to her. She would freeze in his tangled sheets, the cold shoulder of deceit. ]New paragraph here. You should try breaking this whole block of text up more, actuallly] He took her into their bedroom. ['Their' bedroom? Does he mean Cecilia's and his? Specify for the reader] He sat on the edge of the bed and watched as she took off her clothes, hurriedly, no grace in her movements. [This sentence is awkward. There's no need for the comma before hurriedly] As he watched [Comma] all he could think about was the news that was circulating with a buzz of excitement around France that day. Henri Seimet had made the first non-stop flight from Paris to London in less than three hours. Unlike the public [Comma] Isaac thought this was a pretty poor performance. London never seemed that far away when he took Cecilia there. Maybe it was Cecilia that stole the hours from boredom, [Should that be a period, or did you not mean to fapitalize Maybe?] Maybe it was Cecilia who bended time for him. Maybe…

“Want to touch?” Lara smirked, approaching him. He looked at her body. [How did he look at her body? With conceled disgust?] Her left breast was significantly larger than the right, the top of her legs plump. ['Top of her legs' doesn't sound right. Just use thighs or something] Little white stretch marks danced across the top of her legs and across the sides of her stomach. He didn’t really want to touch her, but he let his hands circle round her thighs before he pulled her close to him. In return she wrapped her arms around him, holding his head close to her chest. He could smell her skin. She smelt of cigarettes.

Your description of Lara's body is really good, actually. Though I didn't really want to, I could pictue the stretch marks *Shudder*

The title was what caught my attention - I always enjoy it when a writer seems to know what they're talking about. Your grasp on this time and events during the era seems pretty firm.

You do need to split up some of the paragraphs above, and work on your odd sentences. I've already pointed out what I think needs working on, so hopefully I've made the way easy.

As to the read, while I can't say I was enraptured, because it was mostly the MC's internal struggles with sleeping with Lara, and thinking about France politics, it wasn't dull. Perhaps if or when you give YWS mroe of the story I'll get more into it.

So keep writing, and I hope this critique helps.


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Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:09 pm
Angel of Death says...

Hey Miya!

I must say that I love the title. It just makes me wonder what a bottled butterfly has to do with the story. Your characters are well developed for such a small portion of your story. You have a beautiful way of describing things and it makes this story so elegant.

Favorite Part:

“Want to touch?” Lara smirked, approaching him. He looked at her body. Her left breast was significantly larger than the right, the top of her legs plump. Little white stretch marks danced across the top of her legs and across the sides of her stomach. He didn’t really want to touch her, but he let his hands circle round her thighs before he pulled her close to him. In return she wrapped her arms around him, holding his head close to her chest. He could smell her skin. She smelt of cigarettes.

I can really picture Lara, and though this isn't a beautiful description, it was executed well and it was a perfect way to end this.

Great Job and I hope you post more,

Au revoir,

True love, in all it’s celestial charm, and
star-crossed ways, only exist in a writer’s
mind, for humans have not yet learned
how to manifest it.

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Sun Dec 07, 2008 4:03 pm
miyaviloves says...

Thank you so so so much for all these critiques, all of you are great and have helped so much!

I have now edited this and will post the revision soon, and I am also thinking of posting the first part of chapter one, so keep your eyes open ;)

Again thank you all very much!

Merry Christmas!


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