
Young Writers Society

Welcome to Miami: Chapter 10.

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Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:01 pm
day tripper says...

WHOA. Im so happy at how fast this is going:D I want to think Kat [alwaysawriter] for helping me with this chapter. BIG HELP:D Thank you!!

Carly and I made it back to the hotel room in laughs. I succeeded in helping her feel better, but now it was time to sleep. I pulled out the key and opened the door. The room was black and when we turned on the lights we realized it was completely empty.

“Boys gone?” Carly asked as she opened her suitcase to take out some clothes to sleep in. “What happened with Aaron?”

“You know, I’m starting to really regret telling you I liked him. He should have never come on this trip.” I ignored her question and changed into shorts and a tank top.

“Ah, come on. Admit it, it made you feel more confident into getting with him.” Carly winked, opening up the sheets of her bed.

“But am I? No. So, no it doesn’t make me feel more confident.” I pulled out a book from my suitcase.

“Whatever. I’m going to sleep. Goodnight.” Carly plugged in her headphones to her iPod and turned out her night light. I climbed into my bed and sat up, opening up the book to where I last left off in the car.

A few hours passed and I was almost finished, ready to call it a night when I heard the door unlock. I stared at the door frame, awaiting to see who would appear.

“Hi…” Aaron quietly greeted. I looked at him then back at my book. “Are you mad at me?”

“Not necessarily. I don’t really have a reason, all you did was walk out.” I continued to keep my eyes on my book. I felt Aaron’s presence move closer and looked up. He was dressed in the same clothes from earlier today, but only now they looked rugged and dirty. His face looked torn up and his hair was distraught.

“You do have a reason, Evie. You don’t understand, I don’t know one thing about ‘love’. When we kissed, pounds of information and questions went through me and it felt uncomfortable. I couldn’t handle it. I couldn’t handle you.” Aaron was kneeling beside me, whispering so he didn’t wake up Carly. I set my book down and turned on my side to face him.

“Then why didn’t you say so? Why are you so mean and- and… mean!” I Stuttered, flustered with how else to put it.

“I’m not mean, I’m just straightforward. When I’m not, I’m quiet. Don’t get angry because I don’t spill out my life story like no big deal.” Aaron spat back.

“What?! I don’t do that!” I climbed out of the bed as Aaron started to walk in the kitchen.

“What about that time on the beach when you asked me what’s my life about? Hmm?” Aaron started to raise his voice.

“Shh!” I hissed, “That’s only because I’m interested in you…” I slowly ended my sentence, turning away from him. I heard Aaron sigh and then he told me to look at him.

“I didn’t come back to start anything. The truth is is that I was going to go aboard an airplane tonight and go back home. But then I realized something…” Aaron stepped closer and pressed his forehead against mine. I silently gulped, expecting the words I’ve been dying to hear.

“I like you, Evie.” He whispered, then bent down and kissed me right in the middle of the kitchen. The kiss reminded me of earlier when everything in my mind bushed together and my thoughts clouded. I couldn’t place what it was, but a feeling in my stomach made me feel so many emotions I wanted to cry.

Aaron didn’t just stop at a kiss though. He continued to hold me, one hand on my shoulder and the other on my waist. He started to take small steps and I just followed. I wrapped my arms around his neck before I lost my balance and he left his hands on my waist.
We flopped down on the bed, careful to not awake Carly, when I realized something.

“You jerk!” I hissed and slapped him on the shoulder. Of course Aaron didn’t understand and was a little confused.

“What did I do?!” He stuttered. I pushed him off of me and stood up.

“You know what I noticed, hmm? Every time you’re nice to me is when we kiss or come close to it. Is that what you want from me?” I demanded, hissing since I couldn’t yell.

“What? No!” He hissed back, getting up off the bed to walk over.

“Yes! It is true!” Why did I always do this. Why did I always have to think out everything and ruin it. Why couldn’t I just be happy with the fact Aaron kissed me?

“No, really it’s not.” Aaron touched my arm but I squirmed away.

“Then explain.” I crossed my arms. Aaron was very tall so to look tough but have to look up wasn’t so easy.

“I don’t do these things, Evie! I don’t go around telling girls ‘my heart and feelings’ to make them say ‘aw’ and fall into my arms. I didn’t care if I have a girlfriend or not, it wasn’t my main priority. Ever since I knew you, you had a way of making that my first priority because I’ve always wanted you.” Aaron’s eyes were now pleading.

“So why are you always a jerk to me?”

“Because you make me want something I never wanted before, a relationship. It made me angry that you had that kind of power over me.” Aaron now crossed his arms, flustered. I was so angry at him I didn’t want to give in, I didn’t want Aaron to feel he gets what he wants. But it turns out the whole time he just wanted me the same way I wanted him. My problem was that I was infatuated by Aaron too much. I wanted to give him so many chances because I couldn’t bare to let him go. I wanted him for so long, and now I’m so close and I don’t want to lose him.

This whole trip I’ve been upset and boring, this trip was for fun and for me to be myself without the stress of college applications, sports, and parents. I’ve been a whiney baby all week long. It’s time to give in and be happy. Forget all the other possibilities. I love Aaron. He’s practically begging at my feet for me to forgive him, so now it’s time to accept.

I stepped forward and hugged him. I wasn’t going to kiss him, I was going to hug him. His body was tense, stiff, uncomfortable. I tightened the hug and felt the butterflies in my stomach grow wild. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt his body ease. After a few minutes I stepped back and sighed. Aaron’s arms draped on mine as he looked me in the eyes.

“Does this mean I’m forgiven?” He smirked.

“I can’t say no to you, sadly.” I looked down at my feet and smiled. I felt Aaron’s arms enclose me again and pressed me against his chest. I snuggled in close and for the first time this trip I felt free. I felt happy, worry-less, and just plain free.

Aaron rested his chin on my head as he held me. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment before he grabbed my arms and unraveled them from his waist. “Want to go to bed?”

“Sure.” I yawned. I grabbed my clothes and padded into the bathroom to get changed. I pulled off my shirt and then placed on an old football t-shirt. I stripped of my pants and pulled on some pajama shorts, then I looked into the mirror. I smiled and I meant it. I giggled with excitement and then turned.

Aaron stood in the doorway and smiled. That’s how I fell for Aaron Risoni; his smile. I thought back on that day when I was at the mall with Carly and Jessica. We sat at an outdoor table drinking smoothies when I looked through the fountain’s water and recognized a boy. “Who is that? Doesn’t he go to our school?” I asked my friends. Carly looked closer and then laughed, “Oh yeah, his names like Eric or something. He came here in the seventh grade. He use to be, like, really fat.” Then Jessica laughed, “Oh yeah! I remember that. He’s so quiet… weird.” I looked at my friends as they laughed and then turned my attention back to the boy.

The next day at school I was walking in the hallways from second period when I saw the boy from the mall. I ran up and he stared at me like I was crazy. “Weren’t you at the mall yesterday?” I asked, smiling up at him. “Oh, yeah… why?” He switched his backpack from one shoulder to the next. “I just thought I saw you there, that’s all. I’m Evie.” I smiled and held at out a hand. The boy shook my hand and said, “Aaron.” Then he smiled down at me and walked away.

I nearly fainted, my knees wobbly, my heart beating fast. I never got how someone could have an amazing smile until that day. I use to think a smile was a smile and everyone’s was different. But that day, Aaron proved me wrong. His smile lasted in my brain for the rest of the day which kept me smiling. I couldn’t get it out of my mind, all I thought or talked about was Aaron’s smile.
My friends thought I was crazy and called me weird for liking some out cast boy. I asked them how could he be an outcast with a smile like that? They all just laughed until one day Carly ran up to me, “Evie! I see it! I see the adorable smile! But… his teeth are wack!”

I laughed at the memory and then walked up to Aaron. “Yes?” I asked, smiling up at him.

“Are you coming or am I going to have to wait all night long?” He smiled, rubbing my arm. This felt strange. Aaron being… flirtatious and sweet. I wasn’t used to it, it wasn’t the Aaron I knew. But I accepted it anyways. I got on my toes and gave him a light peck on the lips.

“Few more minutes, I promise.” Then I pushed him out the door and closed it. I returned to the mirror and examined my face one last time. I was really, truly happy.


Brad stumbled along the streets of downtown Miami. He missed Carly. Her scent, her touch, her adorable little physique. He couldn’t get her out of his mind. He stopped at a corner bench and sat. He leaned back and thought of all reasons why he had to cheat. It wasn’t like he planned it, nor did he need to. It just… happened.

Her name was Bella. She was Brad’s ex-girlfriend from middle school who never really liked the idea of Carly and him. Everyone thought she was mean and weird, but very pretty. None of the girls exactly liked Bella, especially Carly. She had dirty blond hair that waved its way down her back, a tall and fit structure, and really pretty blue eyes.

Brad was exploring Miami that morning, wanting to find something nice for Carly to give her at breakfast. He really did appreciate Carly and he wanted something to show her. He walked into a local jewelry store and explored the necklaces and bracelet’s.

“Can I help you?” Brad heard that voice and his head shot up.

“Bella?” He spoke her name and a tingly sensation went up and down his spine. The girl laughed in response.

“Brad Kesol? What on earth are you doing in Miami? Shouldn’t you be at some wild jock weekend getaway?” She smiled and leaned down on the counter.

“Uhm, no actually I’m here with… friends. What about you? I heard you moved.” Brad didn’t want to mention being with Evie or Carly. Carly obviously because they were together and Evie because she was Carly’s best friend.

“I moved here, this is my part-time job.” She batted her eyelashes as she smiled.

“Oh… cool.” Brad nodded.

“So, what can I help you out with?” Bella straightened, placing her delicate hands on the glass counter.

“I’m looking for something that basically means ‘I love you’. But not just any cheap ‘I love you‘, a ‘I really appreciate, look after, give my heart to I love you‘.”

“You mean something for Carly, right?” She crossed her arms, her voice flat.

“…Yeah.” Brad scratched his neck, expecting a rude remark.

“Right back here.” Bella smiled and she led him to another part of the jewelry store, a particularly dead part.

“This is the I love you jewelry?” Brad asked as he looked at the cheap, ugly chains and gems that hung.

“No, but this is.” Brad looked up and Bella threw herself at him. He didn’t really catch what was going on but soon they were on the floor, kissing passionately. That’s when his phone rang.

Brad almost wanted to cry. He couldn’t handle losing Carly, she was everything he strived for. All those games that he won in school was because she was there at the sidelines, screaming his name and jumping up and down, “COME ON SWEETHEART, YOU CAN DO THIS!” All the times he felt afraid, he’d talk to her. Now, he blew it. Nothing was changing that.
A little less inhuman.
A little more brutal.
Let the blood be your drug.

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10 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 10
Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:59 pm
angelcat2958 says...

haha I'm not even going to try to review this knowing kat has already edited it... you cheater! haha just kidding. good job. : )
D ETDF & DTUA haha my modo!

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107 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 2384
Reviews: 107
Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:06 am
day tripper says...

A little less inhuman.
A little more brutal.
Let the blood be your drug.

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514 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 514
Sat Sep 06, 2008 7:12 pm
JC says...

I Stuttered

You don't need to capitalize stuttered.

I wanted him for so long, and now I’m so close and I don’t want to lose him.

Watch your tense. You have a tendency to switch into present tense when Evie, or any of the characters really, thinks or has a realization. Try to avoid doing that. It's can confuse the reader and ultimately remind them that they are reading a story.

This whole trip I’ve been upset and boring, this trip was for fun and for me to be myself without the stress of college applications, sports, and parents. I’ve been a whiney baby all week long. It’s time to give in and be happy. Forget all the other possibilities. I love Aaron. He’s practically begging at my feet for me to forgive him, so now it’s time to accept.

Same thing here, because the majority of your story is in past tense, you're going to want to continue it with this as well.

And SP- whiny.

Again this was really good, the last few chapters have been my favorite. there were a few small things, as I pointed out earlier, but it was really quite captivating. I think the part from Brad's point of view felt very real and touching, very good job.

And thanks to Kat as well :D

Keep up the good work!
But that is not the question. Why we are here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come. -Beckett

fun fact i hear my evil twin once wrote a story about a hacker who used the name fyshi33k bc there are 33k-ish species of fish and she liked phishing so fyshi-33k made sense but then she got super embarrassed when someone forced her to explain
— VyperShadow