
Young Writers Society

Welcome to Miami: Chapter 5.

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Sun May 25, 2008 3:46 am
day tripper says...

Hey! Yes, I know, it's finally here! It's a tab shorter than the others, but the next one is going to be a lot longer and very dramatic, so it makes up! This one has a bit of sexual humour so be prepared!(:

“Good morning.” I said as I greeted Carly in the Starbucks of our hotel. “Got your note.” I told her as I pulled out the chair in front of her table. That morning, I walked into the kitchen and found a note left by Carly telling me that we should spend more time together and that I meet her down in the Hotel’s Starbucks café at ten. It was now ten twenty-five.

“Morning. Want some coffee?” She asked, pointing to the menu above the counter.

“Yuck, no thanks.” I smiled at her. Today, Carly was sporting a halter-top, sky blue tunic and brown leggings. Her chocolate brown hair was in two French braids and had no makeup on. I then looked at my get up: long, blue lacrosse shorts, a white polo, kobo’s, messy bun, and smudged makeup.

“Okay.” Carly giggled. She placed her chin in her hands and looked at her coffee. “So, we should talk more. We’ve been here since Saturday and the only time we really talked, I was drunk.”

“Yeah. So how have you been?” I asked, not really knowing what to say.

“I’ve been good. What about you?”

“Good.” I replied, crossing my arms on the table.

“Anything new with Aaron?” She smirked, leaning her elbows on the table.

“Well, our awkward silence is gone. Last night we went to the hotel’s pool.” I smiled to myself, remember last night. I saw Carly smile bright and lean even more forward,

“Anything happen?!” She asked excitedly.

“No!” I laughed.

“When will you two just fuck each other, all ready!” She yelled, leaning back. I started laughing at her perverseness,

“You’re sick, Carly.”

“What?” She asked defensively, “I know you want to!” I looked at her in disbelief.

“Okay, so I like the kid. Doesn’t mean I want to get down his pants!” I said quietly so people wouldn’t hear the odd conversation Carly and I were having.

“Oh please. Every time you’re with that boy, you want to jump his bones.” She said loudly, receiving some strange glances from the customers around us.

“Carly!” I hissed, reaching across the table to slap her. “Shut up! That’s not true!”

“Evie, listen to me. I’m your best friend, I know these things.” She looked at me sincerely.

“Yeah, and now I’m contemplating the fact.” I teased, leaning back. I saw her mouth gape and her eyes widen,

“Bitch!” She muttered. I laughed, my shoulders bouncing as I crossed my arms.

“Just kidding.” I smiled, looking around. I saw her smirk and lean forward to whisper something,

“I bet you can’t resist thinking anything sexually related about Aaron when he’s within ten feet of you.”

“Deal!” My face was astonished that she would say such a thing. I reached my hand out and she shook it. At that moment I understood why she said it, Aaron pulled out a chair next to me. I gulped silently to insure Carly that I hated her. I saw her chuckle and Aaron looked at us oddly.

“Good morning?” Aaron asked, not getting the point. I looked over at him. Today, Aaron had on a band t-shirt and some tight jeans. His shirt was quite tight, and his jeans were a little tighter.

“I didn’t know you wore skinny jeans.” Carly looked at me, smirking. I couldn’t help it, I looked there. Yes, there. Down there where it showed up the most. I squinted my eyes and got up to talk away from the table.

I walked towards the elevators in hopes of reaching the room and just going back to sleep. All that ran through my mind was what just happened and every time it came to that one point where I saw his… package, I felt a quenching turn in my stomach. I made it through the lobby before feeling a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Aaron starring at me with concern,

“Are you okay?” He asked. He held some hair out of his eyes, eyebrows burrowed.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. I just have a bad migraine.” I held a hand to my head as I tried hard to get those thoughts out of my mind. From behind Aaron I saw Carly walking towards the elevators, smirking at me. I glared at her but quickly took the look off my face before Aaron saw.

“Oh. Do you want to go back to the room?” He asked, still concerned. I smiled up at him and how nice he was to be so worried,

“No. I’m fine.” I changed my mind as soon as I saw Carly walk into the elevator. Aaron relaxed a little and became less tense. “So, what are you doing?” I asked trying to change topic.

“Um, nothing really. I might go work on some spring break homework later.” He placed his hands in his jeans. Oh those jeans.

“Oh, by the way, why are you wearing those type of jeans?” I asked. I know it didn’t help at all with my situation, but I was curious. Aaron glared down at his jeans and then back up at me,

“Oh! They were in my suitcase so I just decided to wear them. I’d never wear them in school though. They are kind of queer.” He chuckled to himself slightly.

“Not really, they actually look good.” I shrugged. “Well, I’ll let you get to your homework.” I waved and walked by him.

“Wait, Evie!” I turned around to look at Aaron who was making his way over to me, “Want to go for a swim later?” He winked, laughing. I playfully punched him,

“Shut up!” He waved goodbye and I did the same, going our separate ways.

Aaron opened up the hotel room door and threw his key on the shelf. He rubbed his eyes and walked lazily into the kitchen. He just had the weirdest encounter with Carly and Evie. He opened the fridge and pulled out a bottled water. He untwisted the cap and walked back out into the hallway. After taking a long gulp, he heard some laughing from within the bedroom. He set the bottle of water down on the shelf next to his key and walked into the bedroom.

“Oh, god! Sorry!” Aaron shielded his scared eyes. He had just witnessed Carly and Brad in a position that he would have rather not seen. He heard Carly laugh and some sheets rustle,

“What are you standing there for, get out of here, freak!” Brad yelled, throwing a pillow at him. Aaron stumbled and turned to get out but couldn’t see for his eyes were still shielded. He hit a wall and heard some more laughter from Carly. “Get out!” Brad yelled once more. He reached his hands out until he found the hallway. He grabbed his key with his eyes now unshielded and raced out the door.

“So, you stared at it?” Jessica asked, sipping some iced tea at the nearest pizza parlor. I met up with her there to tell her about the incident from earlier. I nodded and she laughed, trying not to let iced tea come out her nose.

“I mean, I didn’t mean to! It’s just, Carly pointed out the skinny jeans and I looked down and it just stood out!” I said, trying to explain it more clearly. All Jessica did, though, was laugh even harder.

“Well?” She asked as soon as she finally calmed down.

“Well?” I asked, not getting what she was indicating.

“….was it big?” She looked at me intently. I was stunned, how was I supposed to answer this?

“Um…” I started, not sure what to say, “I don’t know. Like, I’ve only really seen about 3 in person but two of those were just dares. I guess?” I shrugged. Jessica started to laugh again,

“Wait, what? Who’s were they?”

“Well, James’ obviously, then Luke’s as a dare last year and Zack’s at the beginning of this year as a dare.”

“Wait-hold up. Luke’s?” Her eyes became wide. I nodded and she gasped, “No way! Did James know?”

“At the time, no. But it wasn’t anything serious. It was just a truth or dare. Of course, it was-”

“-Carly’s dare.” She finished. I nodded, “I knew it.”

“Yeah…” I sighed, looking at the tiled floor.

“So, do you want to see it?” Jessica giggled.

“What is with you and Carly about seeing it, today?” I gasped.

"Come on, just answer the question!" Jessica demanded, taking another sip of her iced tea.

“In a way…yes. But nothing really serious, just you know…” I trailed off, my face burning with embarrassment.

“Oh my god! You’re so totally blushing! You really do want to jump his bones!” Jessica practically screamed out, laughing. I looked around and hushed her as parents and their children looked at us, stunned.

“No! I don’t, okay?” I said in a hushed tone.

“Prove it.” She blurted when she finally calmed down.

“Well, I haven’t really since… you know, James and all.” I crossed my arms, remembering the past relationship.

“Don’t worry, Aaron won’t turn gay, too.” She giggled. I looked at her with disbelief. I got up and walked away from the table out onto the boardwalk. “Evie! Evie, I was only kidding!” I heard her calling after me. But that hurt, James was my first real relationship. Longest, too. For her to go and tease about it like that was just wrong.

“So the weirdest thing happened to me, today.” Aaron informed me as we lay in bed. I turned on my side to face him, the moonlight from the sliding door shining in on his face.

“What was that?” I asked, resting my head in my hand.

“I walked in on Carly and Brad.” He laughed silently. I laughed a little myself, and then turned to look at them sleeping peacefully in their bed.

“Wait- they were in their bed, right?” I was just making sure.

“Oh no, definitely in this one.” He said in a sarcastic tone. Of course, I didn’t get it and started to freak out. After a few “shh’s!” from Aaron I finally stopped and understood that he was kidding.

“That’s not funny!” I stated. He chuckled and placed his hands behind his head. I saw the gold chain around his neck shine in the light and placed it in my hands.

“Did I say you were allowed to touch that?” He looked at me. I glared up at him and smiled and studied the chain.

“Is it just a plain chain?” I asked, looking at it more.

“No, here.” He lifted his neck to find the pendant. He pulled it around and laid his head back on the pillow. It was a milwoicci: the Italian good luck charm. I smiled and removed mine from under my shirt and matched it up with his. Obviously, his was larger because the men always got the bigger ones. Aaron’s eyes widened and he held ours together to look at them. “How neat is that?” He smiled, studying them. He then explored the rest of my chain to look at my other charm. It was a little girl with a blue, triangular sapphire as a body.

“My mom got me this when I was little, my birthstone is the sapphire.” I smiled. He studied it more and then let it fall next to my milwoicci.

“Are you pure Italian?” Aaron asked, resting his hands behind his head again. I lay down next to him and made sure we weren’t too close to each other.

“You know, my dad is pure, pure Italian and my mother is a tab Russian. So really, I’m more Italian than anything so I just say I am.” I explained. He nodded and confirmed that he was pure Italian also.

“So, what do you want to do tomorrow?” He asked. I thought about it and decided on something.

“Well, you said you have to work on homework. Carly and Brad will be out most of the day anyways, and I won’t have anything to do but homework unless you get done or Carly and Brad come back. So, I think I’ll stay here with you and watch some T.V. or something, keep you company.” I told him. I looked at him to see him smiling at me,

“Sure, alright. Sounds good to me.” I turned on my side and snuggled deeper into the bed,

“Goodnight.” I said as I closed my eyes. Before he could respond, I was already fast asleep.


also, for those that dont get the necklace part, I got a picture of my milwoicci
and baby chain so you can understand what Evie's looks like:
Last edited by day tripper on Sun May 25, 2008 1:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
A little less inhuman.
A little more brutal.
Let the blood be your drug.

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Sun May 25, 2008 9:28 am
mizz-iceberg says...

Hey there. I really enjoyed reading this! But I think you should rate this peice appropriately as there's some mature content. Just a reminder ;).
I'm a godmother, that's a great thing to be, a godmother. She calls me god for short, that's cute, I taught her that.
--Ellen DeGeneres

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Sun May 25, 2008 7:44 pm
day tripper says...

Fixed it. Thanks!(:
A little less inhuman.
A little more brutal.
Let the blood be your drug.

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Sun May 25, 2008 8:15 pm
writ3rindisguis3 says...

wow, nice chapter.

no major mistakes in this one. a few spelling errors is all.

please update soon!

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Mon May 26, 2008 11:10 am
budding writer says...

thanks for letting me know that this chapter was out. i was really looking forward to it. the part about sexual references, thanks for the warning ! overall it was a good story. a few grammar mistakes, but it was still okay. i loved the story, when is the next part coming out ?
## My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations ##

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Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:21 am
JC says...

I had some problems with the sexual content, not that it was there, but that it wasn't really all that accurate...

All of those involved, except for Carly and Jessica of course, seemed to be really immature about it. In the impression I got from most of them, sex wasn't that big a deal, especially considering their ages. I just thought I should point that out. You seem to be writing from an age group older than you, and that's fine, as long as you try to write as well for the point of view. I know if I walked in on my friends having sex, it would be awkward, but I would probably just make fun of it and tease instead of freak out and cover my eyes. They're acting like adults, make them adult about the situation.

Other than that, there were a few small mistakes, nothing too bad.

I was a little sad about how Aaron and Evie seemed to backtrack slightly, maybe it was because they were awkward around each other or something, but yeah. It just didn't have the same spark as the last chapter.

Overall, this is a consistently good story and I look forward to the coming chapters.

Keep up the good work!
(You know the rest)
But that is not the question. Why we are here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come. -Beckett

Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.
— Brené Brown