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Wed May 23, 2007 2:29 am
Ego says...

The Setting: Ashville, a small US city (about 80,000 people) in 2007.

The Concept: Zombies. Lots of zombies. In the small town of Ashville, an outbreak has caused the citizens to be transformed into zombie-like beings. Blood crazed, stupid, slow, and utterly unstoppable. The town was taken completely by surprise, over night it seemed. Within a day, military roadblocks were set up on the outskirts of town. Anything coming within 200 yards of the roadblocks is shot, no exceptions. Military "Sweeper" Teams are patrolling the city, heavily armed. As of yet, little is known about the virus, other than it is transmitted via open wound.

NOTE: The origin of the virus, the goal of the characters, and the entirety of the plot will be up to you guys, the writers. I am a sort of default plot driver, acting as both character and GM.

The Now: Twelve hours before the outbreak.

The Cast: That's up to you to decide. There are a few limitations:
1) You cannot be part of the Sweeper Teams that will inhabit the city. You may be a cop, or ex military, but not currently part of the military force.
2) There is a limit of three people per profession (IE, no more than three doctors, cops, tekkies, etc) to prevent overcrowding of skills.
3) no special powers; everyone is a regular Joe or Jane.
4) All characters are to be approved by the GM (me) before posting begins. Unless I say otherwise, assume you've been approved.

The Rules: (Thank you Grif)

1)No team-killing: If an active character is going to die, make sure it is thoroughly discussed between both parties involved.

2)On Writing Style: This is a Storybook RPG, so players may write in any style they please. First person, third person omniscient, it's all dependent on your personal preference.

3)On God-Moding:

God Moding is vague. Here are the rules for it.

-- Other authors may control another author's character as long as it keeps the character IN CHARACTER. For extra help, communicate with the author of the character being god-moded first.

-- Authors have every right to determine what is in or out of character for their character. As such, any action they feel is wrong for the character can be vetoed within a few days of the post.

-- This isn't a turn-based RPG, it is a real-time RPG. That means that you aren't obligated to stop and wait for the author to reply to your character. This way, we don't wait three days for a response.

4) Inactive Characters: If a character hasn't been posted for in a long time (a month) then it will go into the NPC pile. Another writer may choose to write for that character until the original author returns. If the original author returns, the character once again returns to his or her possession. If the situation calls for it, the character may also be killed off.

5) Out of character discussion is to be carried out in the Discussion Thread for this Storybook, titled "Necropolis Discussion Thread"

6) Enjoy.

*7) I reserve the right to edit any post to add a timestamp or modify content as needed in order to retain the continuity of characters and plot.

NAME: Kevin Scholler
AGE: 22
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 200 lbs
PHYSIQUE: Powerful, but not bulky
EDUCATION: High School grad, BS in Kicking ass.
PROS: Good with firearms (dad was a gun nut), handy in a fist fight. Very charismatic and level headed.
CONS: Very stoic--will not show intimacy. Very low empathy toward the well being of other people. Self comes first, others second.
BACKGROUND: Grew up in a stereotypical American household. Mother, father, and two siblings and a dog named Woofy. Don't ask, his sister named the German Shepherd/Bulldog mix. Currently lives with his two best friends and his girlfriend in a small house they are renting. Was head of the boxing club at his school, and was an accomplished Wide Receiver for the Varsity team. He works out frequently and vigorously. His hobbies are sex, sports, and, strangely, journal writing. He currently holds down a job at a sporting goods shop, where he works the firearms counter.
Last edited by Ego on Fri Oct 05, 2007 5:40 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Lumi: Don't you drag my donobby into this.
Lumi: He's the sweetest angel this side of hades.

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Wed May 23, 2007 3:00 am
TNCowgirl says...

NAME: Keri Colt
AGE: 20
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 120 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: brown
PHYSIQUE: Athletic, strong for her size
EDUCATION: High School grad, working on college but doesn 't think it'll do any good.
PROS: Knife and gun nut, loves a good fight.
CONS: could care less what happens to enemies, but when it comes to her friends she will kill anyone for them. Hates rich stuck up people and would rather crawl through a pit of fire then wear make up.

Background: (Sorry i forgot this) Keri had spent ten years of her life moving from one foster home to another. Her parnets had been peace loving hippies when they were killed in a car wreck when she was eight. She had been sent to a foster home where she was beaten, she had learned to fight back. She grew to love guns and knives, she was taught how to properaly use then by a friend at one of her schools. She ran and worked out all the time so that she could defend her self if she ever had to. She always hangs out with guys, but her few female friends she was extremly close to. She never trusted the goverment though, it had never taken care of her so she wasnt' going to trust it. She only respected those that earned the respect. She is known by most of the cops in her area. They are used to her getting in fights and usually have to try to pick her up at least once a week. They rarley catch her though and usually stop looking for her after a while.
Last edited by TNCowgirl on Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:27 pm, edited 4 times in total.
"And you wonder why we don't like you!" -Trumpkin
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Wed May 23, 2007 3:21 am
Crysi says...

NAME: Joanna McKylie
AGE: 21
HEIGHT: 5'7"
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown
PHYSIQUE: Strong and slim, but not skinny
EDUCATION: High School grad, finishing second year at a community college
PROS: Fiercely loyal, fights when threatened, energetic.
CONS: Doesn't let people come too close to her, holds grudges, angers quickly.
BACKGROUND: Joanna's parents divorced when she was young, but they lived together ever since, thinking it would be easier on her. It wasn't. She grew up to the sound of her parents yelling at each other furiously, usually drunk, and throwing items against the wall. Her parents were the ultimate "slackers," and so Joanna tried extra-hard in school, always going above and beyond everyone else. She also threw herself into the community, finding she could be happy as long as she was busy helping others.
Last edited by Crysi on Wed May 23, 2007 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Wed May 23, 2007 5:17 am
Snoink says...

Apparently I'm joining?

Anyway! I'll probably start posting NEXT week due to OMGCRAZYFINALS, but still!

Name: Larry Doolittle
Age: 19
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 150
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Phsyique: slim and way too skinny.
Education: High school grad, was working full time in Dairy Queen before this.
Pros: Knows how to make a mean ice cream sundae!
Cons: Is fairly useless in combat, especially with his big temper -- except his bark is worse than his bite.
Ubi caritas est vera, Deus ibi est.

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly." ~ Richard Bach

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Wed May 23, 2007 5:29 am
Riedawriter23 says...

NAME: Adara Iris
AGE: 21
HAIR:Brown and past her shoulders
PHYSIQUE:Shapely and somewhat muscular
EDUCATION:Dropped out in middle-school and was home-schooled by her parents. Currently trying to find time for college.
PROS:She's determined to finish what she starts and has some background in martial arts.
CONS:Needs to learn how to handle her paranoia and lies too much for her own good. She thinks the whole world is against her.
I love, love.
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Wed May 23, 2007 5:40 am
Jennafina says...

NAME: Marcus "Mev" Evens
AGE: 19
HEIGHT: 5'5"
EYES: Blue (he wears eyeliner)
HAIR: Light brown with fading dye.
PHYSIQUE: Small, average.
EDUCATION: College Freshmen.
PROS: Really good memory, naturally attractive, has a lot of money at his disposal.
CONS: "Emo" cliché, slow reflexes, apathetic, and Inherently selfish. His first impulse is to save himself. Has never really cared about anybody.
BACKGROUND: (why is everyone else skipping this?) Mev, who got his nickname by being the fifth Mark in a classroom, was an only child of incredibly rich parents. They split up, so he lived with his father until last year, when Mev bought his way into a college in Ashville. Has bounced from girl to girl, but never likes any of them enough to actually work at maintaining a relationship. Almost everyone likes him at first, but they often change their minds after a while.
Last edited by Jennafina on Wed May 23, 2007 6:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Wed May 23, 2007 6:01 am
Incandescence says...

Name: Alain Kojeve.
Age: 24.
Height: 6'1".
Weight: 172.
Eyes: Blue.
Hair: Black.
Physique: Sexy.
Education: PhD in Psychoanalysis from University of Ljubljana. PhD in Philosophy from ENS. MA in Mathematics and Philosophy from Cambridge.
Pros: Acuity of wit and concision. Strong politics.
Cons: Tends to be impatient. Almost never talks about anything but theory. Also: very bad -- soft-spoken and thick accent, difficult to understand at times.

Background: The first fourteen years of Alain's life were spent between Paris and Italy and largely in isolation, as his parents felt educating him as they saw fit would be better than attending a regular school. His parents were both affluent and renowned professors in their respective fields (architecture and literature). When Alain was fifteen, his family moved to Manchester, England, where he demonstrated an aptitude far above that of the regular student. Because of his intelligence, at the age of seventeen he was admitted into Cambridge University to work on his degree in mathematics and philosophy. Upon conferral of the degree (the same year both his parents passed away in a car accident), Alain matriculated to the University of Ljubljana in Ljubljana, Slovenia. After three years of research and publishing, he received his doctorate in psychoanalysis. One year later he completed the requirements for a doctorate in philosophy from the ENS. At that time, he took up his position as a Senior Researcher at the Birckbeck Institute for Humanities in London. He is in Ashville for a seminar he is delivering at the local university.
Last edited by Incandescence on Wed May 23, 2007 6:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
"If I have not seen as far as others, it is because giants were standing on my shoulders." -Hal Abelson

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Wed May 23, 2007 6:07 am
Fand says...

NAME: Angie MacTavish
AGE: 21
HEIGHT: 5'5"
EYES: dark brown
HAIR: dark brown
PHYSIQUE: a few extra pounds, but they're in convenient places.
EDUCATION: graduated high school a year early, so now she's a college grad.
PROS: Rational, intelligent, rarely loses her cool.
CONS: Can seem very unemotional and detached, which is a major turnoff to... well, just about everyone. She's not an easy person to get along with because of it. She can also be very arrogant about her intelligence, though it's not a willful arrogance.
BACKGROUND: Angie's the only daughter of a wealthy Latino entreprenuer and his American girlfriend, a college professor. She was homeschooled through elementary and middle school and, though she started high school when most other students did, graduated in only three years. She attended NYU before returning to Ashville to take a year off and figure out what she wanted to do with her life. Though she may seem very focused, Angie has a complete lack of direction--she has no purpose or cause, and that lack is doing really bad things to her.
Bitter Charlie :: Shady Grove, CA :: FreeRice (162,000/1,000,000)

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Wed May 23, 2007 6:28 am
Insomnia says...

Name: Jamie Kornel
Age: 18
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 150
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blonde
Physique: Average weight, and strength.
Education: Freshman at the same college as Mev. Finished high school a year early.
Pros: Loyal to his friends, intelligent.
Cons: Quite timid, but if provoked enough, he can be very angry. Reluctant to become attached.
Background: When Jamie was eight years old, his mother died in the fire that burnt his house down. He hasn't made many firm bonds with people since then, because he's afraid they could die as well. Not long after he left home to go to college, his father died. As a result of these tragedies, he tends to focus on work more than relationships. He met Mev after he started in college, majoring in English, but the two are still getting to know each other. He can be very anti social, as he has a bit of a paranoid tinge to him. But those friends he does have, he can lean on heavily.
Last edited by Insomnia on Wed May 23, 2007 8:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Wed May 23, 2007 6:47 am
Squall says...

Name: Raya Cooper
Age: 16
Eye colour: Brown
Hair: Long and dark
Physique: Medium height, slim
Education: In college
Pros: Friendly (has lots of friends at school), out going and intelligent (English is her best and favourite subject). Has a serious side. Attrative, swimmer and a Christan. Nimble and quite fast. Values friends and family first. Does archery in her free time. Knows how to cook and some first aid knowledge. Loves various genres of music (mostly rock and carries her ipod nano around)
Cons: Can be immature at times. Weak and lacks strength. Scared of monsters and lighting. Can be shy when it comes to boys.
Background: Raya was born in Australia, Sydney. Her parents possesses Indian/Fijian blood. She lived there for 6 years then moved to New Zealand for it's isolation from the rest of the world, it's natural beauty and because of money problems. However, every now and then, her family would return to Sydney during the Summer. This gives Raya and her family time to catch up with her family and her friends. However, when Raya was near turning 15, her parents decide to move to Ashville in the US of A for better job opportunies. Raya was devasted that for the second time in her life, she has to say goodbye to her friends whom she built a bond for the last 5 years. Eventually, Raya got over her parents' decison. Raya now goes to Ashville College. Her mother is a doctor, her father is an accountant and her older sister just graduated Uni and hopes to obtain her degree in marine biology and in English.
Last edited by Squall on Fri May 25, 2007 12:22 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Wed May 23, 2007 7:05 am
Jennafina says...

"Cas, Honey, please. I'm sorry. We can fix this."

Cassie half-laughed through her tears, brushing a strand of blonde hair out of her face. "Mev, you've never been sorry for anyone but yourself. "

"That's not true. Cassie, you're the best thing that ever happened to me." Since Zoey.

"I bet you said that to all of them." She gestured at the photos in Mev's drawer. He hadn't gone to a lot of trouble hiding them, but it would have been easier if she'd missed them nonetheless. Mev slammed it shut.

"Well, really," Mev said. " Each girl is better than the last. They must be, like, evolving or something."

Cassie looked at him, and he noticed the shock, and hurt in her eyes. She must really have liked him. Huh.

"You're cold, Mev," Cassie said softly, her voice shaking with emotion. "You'll never change."

"I never have to."

She grabbed her coat and book bag from her chair, and her stuffed animals from his bed. He'd never understood those. She was older than him, and still couldn't sleep unless she had her bear.

Cassie left. Mev picked up the phone and called Jamie, a relatively pleasant freshmen he'd been making friends with, and invited him to a lecture his dad was making him attend. Mev had enough money to pay the entry cost for both of them.

"Yeah. See you, like, five-ish then, Jamie." Mev put the phone down, noticing the decorated photo next to it. Cassie had taken a picture of herself and Mev, smiling happily at a bench on the campus. She'd used popsicle sticks and colorful beads to make a custom picture frame. On the top, with glitter-glue, she'd written "Mev+Cas 4ever."

Mev peeled out the photo, and put it carefully in his drawer. He dropped the frame in the trash.
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Wed May 23, 2007 7:11 am
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Griffinkeeper says...

NAME: Grif Albatross
AGE: 19
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 140 lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Short brown
EDUCATION: High School, Jr. College, Eagle Scout.
PROS: Good knowledge of the City, trained in firearms, capable leader or follower. He is able to sprint over short distances.
CONS: Not very strong. He is also very easily distracted by females, which is worse because he is extremely awkward. He has never fired a shot in anger, nor has anyone ever tried to kill him, so he might freak out. He is not very good at running for long distances at a time.
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Wed May 23, 2007 7:29 am
Fand says...

Two weeks ago Angie was looking forward to her vacation back in Ashville as a much-needed respite; she loved New York City, but sometimes the hustle was just too much.

Now, as she helped her mother prepare for some lecture the university was hosting, she wished desperately that she could be battling the crowds in the subway system, headed downtown to meet Bastian and Chris. Though anything other than this would suffice, to be quite frank.

"Honey, stop scowling. You look perfectly lovely in that new top, and you go and ruin it with that sour expression!" Sarah MacTavish said, then checked the microphones again.

"Mami, that's the seventh time you've checked them," Angie said. "I think we know the mics work by now. Besides, most of these guys sound like foghorns anyway. All hot air and overesteemed opinions." Sarah shot her daughter a quelling look, but Angie shrugged it off. "I thought I was done with lectures for this lifetime," she muttered.


"I just meant until grad school, Mami," Angie mumbled assuagingly. If she ever got there, that was. A major in international relations with minors in comparative religions and sociology--what did that get her? A fat load of nothing, and no idea what to do. She was, to be quite honest, screwed.

"I'm going up to the cafeteria for something to eat," she said, waving to get her mother's attention. Sarah was bent over the soundboard, adjusting buttons; Angie rolled her eyes and made her way up the stairs and towards the school's dining hall, just wishing it would all end.
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Wed May 23, 2007 8:18 am
sanguine_dreams says...

Griffinkeeper wrote:NAME: Grif Albatross
AGE: 19
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 140 lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Short brown
EDUCATION: High School, Jr. College, Eagle Scout.
PROS: Good knowledge of the City, trained in firearms, capable leader or follower. He is able to sprint over short distances.
CONS: Not very strong. He is also very easily distracted by females, which is worse because he is extremely awkward. He has never fired a shot in anger, nor has anyone ever tried to kill him, so he might freak out. He is not very good at running for long distances at a time.

Well, hell, I don't usually do RPG threads on any of the forums I frequent, but I've been craving some zombie-related entertainment as of late so...

NAME: Lilliah Brooke
AGE: 16
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 130 (I guess. God, I'm not good at this kind of thing)
EYES: Hazel (She would describe them as brown, but others have sworn that they were green, grey, and once even a light blue!)
HAIR: Naturally brunette, but had recently been dyed crimson red
PHYSIQUE: Muscular (Plays a lot of football. I stand by my description. Someone else can be "slender" or whatever, but Lilliah must stay "muscular".)
EDUCATION: Some high school
PROS: Natural strength and wit. Unconcerned with others' perception of her. Extremely loyal to those close to her.
CONS: (Try to pick out the parts I stole from Griff's post!) Not very "pretty", per se, though one would be lying if one were to say she is not attractive. She is also very easily distracted by females. Lacks a full formal education. Due to certain issues, especially relating to her early childhood, she tends to shut others out unless they have somehow proven themselves trustworthy. Tends to see and hear things that aren't necessarily there.
BACKGROUND: I don't know. Lilliah hasn't determined if I'm trustworthy yet. ;)

Oh, yeah, that's how you write your CONS, baby!

EDIT: I know how to spell "per se", really! I'm just tired, that's all.
Last edited by sanguine_dreams on Wed May 23, 2007 8:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Wed May 23, 2007 8:29 am
Ego says...

Squallz, we've spoken already....just a reminder to edit your profile.
Got YWS? I do.

Lumi: Don't you drag my donobby into this.
Lumi: He's the sweetest angel this side of hades.

Treat all disasters as if they were trivialities but never treat a triviality as if it were a disaster.
— Quentin Crisp