
Young Writers Society

Aapeli Morgan

Return to Lux Academy  

Creator: Spearmint
Roleplay: Lux Academy
Nickname: Pel

Name: Aapeli (Pel) Morgan
Age: 17
Pronouns: he/him (though they/them also works)

Appearance: Unlike his windy magic, Pel is quite organized. He enjoys dressing neatly, and he usually sticks to neutral colors like beige or white. However, that does have the side effect of making him look a bit like a sepia photograph, considering his tan skin, coffee-brown eyes, and white hair. Pel is slim, physically somewhat weak, and of average height. His expression is usually a slightly unfocused smile, like he’s looking at something just beyond you.
Thematic: Dark gray clouds, streaks of rain on the windowpane, gusts of wind tossing dead leaves into mini whirlwinds. Bare tree branches dripping water, raindrops creating overlapping ripples on muddy puddles.
Aura Color: Stormy gray. In its partially-active state, Pel’s aura looks like the cloud cover before a rain, with streaks of lighter and darker gray. In its fully-active state, it’s dark gray with occasional brown smudges like falling leaves.

Magical Abilities: Pel specializes in Symbology, and the magical beings he summons take the form of origami. Cranes are his favorite, though he’ll also create doves or swans in a pinch. Pel is also interested in Potioncrafting.
Affinity: Winter Tempest - Pel’s aura materializes as a piercingly cold windstorm. Although the chilly gusts surround him, Pel remains untouched and can maintain his neat appearance. He uses his Affinity to disorient his opponent (it works particularly well if they have long hair or flowing clothes), as well as to increase the intensity of his attacks by letting the wind launch his flock of origami at his opponent.
Magical Weapon: Origami. Pel usually relies on his Affinity and summons a flock of cranes, doves, swans, and other assorted birds to peck and slice at his opponent with their beaks and wings. Although most people don’t think much of a single cut, it becomes harder to brush off the injuries as the flock keeps attacking. Since the origami are magically enhanced, they are more durable than paper, but not more durable than metal.

Battle Style: Pel prefers to let his flock do the work for him. This works well when the opponent is clearly visible and Pel is able to keep his distance, but when that isn’t possible, Pel retreats into defensive mode. He does this by creating a barrier of overlapping chrysanthemums, which he forms into a cocoon-like shield. His flock stays outside the shield to try to fend off Pel’s opponent. The shield can usually only withstand a couple of medium-strength attacks, though, so if Pel’s opponent breaks through before the flock can defeat them, Pel has to resort to his least favorite strategy– improvisation. Despite his having the potential to create hundreds of kinds of animals (though not all at once), Pel struggles with thinking on the spot. His version of improvisation is to launch whatever kind of animal he thinks of first at his opponent. This either goes terrifically or horribly for him. Best case is, Pel remembers to keep a shield up while trying to overwhelm his opponent with attacks from a variety of animals. Worst case, Pel gets distracted trying to decide what to do next, and only notices his opponent when they’re right in front of him, at which point he has to dodge or admit defeat. Overall, his style is to let his flock and other origami creations work as extensions of himself, which allows him to conserve his energy. However, he has a limited number of tactics, and thus is left at a disadvantage if those tactics fail.

Personality: Pel is logical to the point of frustration. He does everything step-by-step and hardly ever thinks to question the rules. Pel does enjoy fun and humor, but only as long as it’s legal and doesn’t hurt anyone’s feelings, which sometimes leads people to think of him as a wet blanket. If you take the time to get to know him, however, you’ll find that he’s a considerate, dependable friend. In a group setting, Pel prefers to listen to others instead of speaking, but when he does contribute, it’s usually something thoughtful.
Personal Strengths: Pel loves knowledge. He can often be found with his nose in a book, or staring off into the distance pondering questions or scenarios. He’s also a nice person, so if you ask him for his opinion on an outfit or something, he’ll try his best to find one detail he likes about it and comment on that. His by-the-book approach can also be handy sometimes, like if you’re trying to assemble some furniture or doing something that requires following directions.
Personal Weaknesses: He’s excessively logical sometimes, and struggles to think creatively. He also often overthinks things, trying to consider each possibility. If you’re looking for fun, Pel probably won’t be your first choice (unless your idea of fun is watching a historical documentary and taking notes).

Backstory: Pel grew up in Kalda, a city on the opposite side of Rupturia from the Fracture. While he grew up in a lower-middle class family, he and his siblings (one brother, one sister) always had enough to eat. They were fortunate to not be affected much by the happenings of the Fracture or groups such as the NPAD, though Pel’s Potioncrafting aunt occasionally gave them news from Glinthaven.
Reason for Applying to Lux Academy: None of Pel’s immediate family can use magic, so they thought it’d be best for Pel to attend Lux Academy to gain more control over his powers. He also wanted to learn Potioncrafting from his aunt and help her with her new business.
Connections to Lux Academy: Pel’s aunt is an alumnus of Lux Academy.
Personal Goal: To learn to be more flexible in battle, as well as to learn more about Potioncrafting and the other areas of magic. Pel is hoping to get a God Crystal as well, though he suspects it’s mostly because all the other mages are talking about it, and not because he has any particular use for one.
Personal Secret: The one time Pel tried to rebel a little and break the rules, he ended up in the hospital for a week and had to deal with his whole family fussing over him. It was likely the most embarrassing moment in his life. He has vowed never to speak of the incident again, and to this day, he avoids skateboards with a passion.
Personal Fear: Public speaking. Especially public speaking with no script. Besides that, though… Pel is afraid that he’ll be no match for the others at Lux Academy, especially with his struggle to improvise and adapt. He’s also worried that he’s too much of a rule-follower, but he’s reluctant to change (this reluctance is probably related to the skateboard incident above).

Other: Pel is fairly sure he's aro/ace, because he's never really felt attracted to anyone before. But he also hasn't met many people, so *shrugs*. (Side note-- I love how we’re putting all the characters' sexualities in the Other category. xD)

Thoughts on Aapeli
Railyn: similar vibes as Ezra, but I think more bearable than Ezra to Railyn. but also, potential opposites attract vibe? >.> like i can imagine ezra critiquing railyn's battle strategy, and then Aapeli like approaches him later to actually like be constructive with him and they bond over that ohh hmm, Pel might do that? he's also a little bit shy tho so idk, but if it was like an in-class thing where students are supposed to provide feedback, Pel would def be constructive about it. Pel might also just walk over bc he's interested in how Ry can use humor so well. xDyeet! I was thinking that there might be some kind of romance between the two if you would be interested in exploring that^^ i know aapeli is aro/ace but /romance/ hum hum... perhaps?? :eyes: i could change his romantic orientation >.> or he could be like thinking he's aro/ace bc Pel's never rly felt attracted to anyone before...? ooh either way that'll be interesting! yep! Pel might think Ry's juust being nice or wanting something or just confuses pel and ry's like "idk but i think you're cool" and then later on "pel, i think you're /cool/" loolll yeah, i feel like Pel would be much confused in the beginning, but that sounds fun xDD and also like ~character growth~ for Pel to adapt to new things and maybe?? be more social?? yessss i love it
Cyra: I feel like if Cyra and Aapeli do a group project together, Aapeli would remind her of her best friend's younger sibling, Neptune, so Cyra would immediately enter Snarky Older Sibling Mode TM. (They just miss their old friends, okay?)
Edalyn: Pel is a bit of a wild card. Eda thinks he's a bit of a pushover, but this doesn't draw her away from him. She finds his origami-centered magic incredibly endearing (she looooves birds!). The two could really bond over their intense love of learning, but they could clash over Edalyn's more chaotic nature, compared to Pel's logical one.
Thane: Aapeli and Thane definitely give off unlikely friends energy. They're both outcasts in a sense, but in very different ways that makes it easier for Thane to tolerate being around Aapeli than, say, Euphemia. Pel's blunt logic approach to life melds greatly with the way Thane tries to view the world. The two can exist together in silence and still feel like they have some sort of understanding of one another. yess c: Aapeli is the one person in the entire group that, before officially meeting, Thane might approach first. Because of Aapeli's logical approach to life and likely being around him the most, Thane will probably trust him the most out of everyone.
Euphemia: Pel is an interesting one because he is somewhat similar to Euphemia personality-wise, but they're also really different. She'd probably get along with him the most, but I'm not sure that they would even approach each other tbh.
Kynina: He'd be a person she'd genuinely like talking to. Kynina likes pleasant and mild people, and Pel could sometimes be a breath of fresh air to her. I could see her having some nice conversations with him and maybe being a "hallway friend" of sorts or acquaintances on good terms with each other.
Safiana: I feel like they'd get along pretty well and potentially be fast friends. There doesn't seem like there'd be too much that would clash with Safian although I don't think there's much to give Safi any sort of special curiousity either.
Ezra: I feel like Pel will kinda get along with Ezra because of their respect for rules and all. yeah, the order and efficiency part seems like something they agree on. idk how they would meet, though?? Maybe they meet in class?? Like they form a study group or something? that could work! tho pel's from a middle-lower class family, so i'm not sure how Ezra would agree to that unless Pel really impressed them, which is something i doubt he'd do xD Ezra is going to be trying to make as many positive connections as possible, so theyll be looking at potential, and given their knock off quirk it seems like the kinda thing Ezra would pay attnetion to. so they'd prob be good partners for a group proj yeah!

I'm officially making it my goal in life to become a roomba. I want to be little robot. I want knives taped to me. I want to be free.
— TheMulticoloredCyr