
Young Writers Society

Zuri Mortomo

Return to The Silver Bullet Club: Ophiuchus  

Creator: Redfang18
Roleplay: The Silver Bullet Club: Ophiuchus
Nickname: Call him Z for short

Name: Zuri Mortomo

Age: 21

Paranormal Disorder: Advanced hydrokinesis (Cryokinesis [the ability to control, generate, and/or absorb ice/snow]) that turns out of control when Zuri's furious, makes him cold to the touch even when not in use, and tends to make his fingers appear frostbitten as a price of over-usage.

Looks: His hair is fair blonde (almost white and short) and his eyes are deep blue. He has slim muscles on his bones, but not enough to be considered a bodybuilder. Just for the heck of it, he tends to dress in either white or blue, but never black. At all times, however, he wears latex medical gloves and only takes them off when he knows or is sure his ability is needed.

History: Zuri (which is an African male name for "handsome") was originally from outside town, living with his parents until he was nine years old. This was because of his hydrokinetic disorder, which first went out of control upon surfacing in response to an act of bullying in school. His parents wanted nothing to do with him after that day, so he was disowned and left on his own in the streets. He tried to win back his parents' hearts by attempting to control his hydrokinetic ability, but when he couldn't win his parents back, he finally gave up and traveled on his own at the age of thirteen. By then, his ability advanced slowly with his age and started to grow increasingly hard to maintain control of, so he stopped himself from using it to protect others from the consequences of dry land drowning. At sixteen, his ability advanced to cyrokinesis and he scared himself at this revelation when he touched a cat that froze at his touch. Over time, Zuri began to accept his ability and embrace it in spite of the fact that it made him an outsider. Now twenty-one and unemployed for safety reasons, he has already embraced his ability, but keeps it a secret from all but fellow outsiders. Currently, he's been here for the past two months, having no other place to go or settle in. By keeping his hands to himself (quite literally), Zuri protects others from getting frozen by accident, not really willing to repeat the kitten incident. He's a friend of the club and joined it because he felt like he was better off with fellow social outcasts. Half the time, though, he doesn't really discuss his semi-nomadic life before the club.

Personality: In spite his ability, he's warm and kind to fellow outsiders, of which he (in his mind, anyway) considers as brethren. Sometimes, although it's a rarity nowadays, he behaves like a gentleman and tries his hardest to not move around like a total klutz. He's only cold and hard-bitten when someone (either by luck or chance) gets on his last good nerve. Sometimes he still longs to be loved by someone who can see past his cold disorder, but this he keeps to himself in fear of humiliation or rejection. Even with his cyrokinesis, he's still flexible and fluid as his hydrokinesis (which he tends to use whenever someone needs water and nobody can find water anywhere, although the drawback of this is the feeling of sea-legs).

UFR?: Maybe or maybe not, depends on who wants the likes of him.

The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading, in order to write; a man will turn over half a library to make one book.
— Samuel Johnson