
Young Writers Society


Return to The Tale of Tomato and Strawberry  

Creator: LuminescentAnt
Roleplay: The Tale of Tomato and Strawberry
Nickname: Strawberry

Appearance: A red, juicy strawberry with soft, green, triangle leaves for hair. She has pastel yellow seeds every few inches of her body.
Personality: Energetic and funny. She loves telling and hearing a good joke and sarcasm. She can be a bit sensitive, though she tries not to think the worst of people.
Power: Producing empty jam jars. I guess that is useful when you need a container for something, but that's basically it. But the jars are like, really heavy and chunky.
Other: She secretly doesn't like ketchup, though she does like Tomato and tomatoes.

"Do not try to be pretty. You weren't meant to be pretty; you were meant to burn down the earth and graffiti the sky. Don't let anyone ever simplify you to just 'pretty'"
— Suzanne Rivard