
Young Writers Society

Jane Elliot

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Creator: Mageheart
Roleplay: The Reawakening of Hickory Grove
Nickname: Jane

Name/Nicknames: Jane Elliot

Eventual Superhero Name:

Gender/Pronouns: Currently identifies as a girl [she/her pronouns] but will realize pretty soon after getting her memories back that she's actually pretty chill with gender and gender expression. She wouldn't mind being something other than a girl, but also is pretty okay with being one right now.

Sexuality/Up for Romance: Aroace, so she's not interested in the slightest.

Age: 16

Appearance: She has short auburn hair, brown eyes and a splattering of freckles pretty much everywhere. She's just the right skin tone to very easily burn up in the sun, but she's stubborn and rarely wears sunscreen even when she knows she'll get burnt - so expect a lot of peeling sunburn on her face and shoulders. Her clothes are usually showy, but also pretty free. Her outfit usually is a crop top/tank top (depending on if they're in school or not) , denim shorts and a stylish pair of converses. In colder weather, she switches to jeans and a hoodie. She never wears makeup.

She also has a ridiculous pair of sunglasses that she thinks make her look cool. She can't really get away with wearing them in school, but she wears them all the time outside of school when walking around Hickory Grove. Even in school, she probably has them tucked into her shirt or in her pocket.

Personality: The best way to describe Jane's personality is that she's always down for an adventure - and rarely thinks things through. She really needs to be around at least one level-headed, calmer person to keep her from getting too out-of-control. She's also very assertive; in any group, she'll probably try to make herself the leader. She'll never outright say she's doing it - except maybe in the case of the superhero group - but it's obvious that's what she sees herself is.

Flaw-wise, she usually thinks she's right. And by usually, I mean almost all of the time. Jane will only admit that she's wrong if she outright fails at whatever she was doing - or if someone she really trusts points out the problem in her thought process. She's also not the most gentle person out there. She's not necessarily abrasive, but she has a tendency to push people outside their comfort zones.

Powers/Weird Other Quirks: Before the storybook starts, Jane's power is basically a little...feeling she can't quite shake. She gets a good feeling in her chest whenever she hears/reads something that she knows is right. Outside of powers, she can't shake the feeling that something is missing from her life. I'll get more into her explanation for it down below, but she was supposed to have a twin - so she's always assumed the feeling is because of that.

Once her power starts developing, it becomes clear that Jane works as a lie detector - she can tell when the truth is spoken, so she can also technically tell if someone is lying. She's terrible with half truths, though. Besides that, she can also compel people to tell the truth. It's like Wonder Woman's truth lasso, the thing Lucifer does with people's desires in the Lucifer tv show, and the Veritaserum does in Harry Potter.

(As the storybook progresses, she'll also get the ability to sense the truth about people. If someone has a secret, she might find herself somehow knowing it - and accidentally blurting it out.)

Family Situation: Jane is an only child with relatively normal parents. But she wasn't supposed to be an only child. Jane was supposed to be a twin, but her twin never was actually born. Something called Vanishing Twin Syndrome happened - her twin was less healthy than her and died very early on in utero. Jane had nothing to do with it, but part of her has always wondered if she really was supposed to be a twin.

Jane's parents work in relatively normal fields: her mom crunches numbers for a company a few towns over, and her dad does similar office work in a place one town closer. Jane's kind of close to them, but she's honestly a lot closer to her friends at this point in her life.

Experience w/ School: Jane excels in school. She's always been great at retaining and regurgitating information; it's normal for her to get 100s on tests. Though their GPAs/class ranks haven't been released yet, everyone in the school - and in the friend group - is probably convinced that Jane will be the valedictorian. She's great at math, science and history, but struggles with things that are more personable. English is the one class she's really had to put a lot of effort into. She loves reading and loves discussing books, but she's not so good with answering open-ended questions or writing essays. Why sit at a computer for several hours when she could be out exploring Hickory Grove and interacting with people?

Backstory: Jane's lived in Hickory Grove her entire life - she was even born in town by a midwife. Her parents, Anne and Jake Elliot, both love their daughter, but neither one of them were really prepared for what Jane was actually like as she started growing up. They weren't prepared for her insistence that she wasn't supposed to be an only child, and weren't prepared for how wild Jane could be. That's why Jane became friends with the others so quickly - they were pretty okay with her wacky and impulsive ideas.

Jane's life has been pretty normal since then. She's explored every nook and cranny of Hickory Grove that she could find, excelled in school, and hung out with her friends whenever she was free. She even has a pet cat named Nathan that she totally babies.

Reincarnation History [Can Be Updated]: I won't say too much about Jane's history just yet, but she's probably the oldest character pre-reincarnation out of everyone in this storybook. She's always been around, lurking on the very edges of humanity with - you probably guessed it - a twin. And though she doesn't really remember much besides that, she does have a very strong feeling that she's responsible for her reincarnation.

...And that it was a total accident.

Other: Jane has always been obssessed with the name Nathan. She had an imaginary friend Nathan for years before actually getting her cat, and only really stopped mentioning the imaginary friend because the cat took said friend's place. She also has a total tendency to accidental blurt out really basic truths in the beginning of the storybook, long before she starts getting her memories back.

Also, she's obsessed with flower symbolism for reasons she can't really explain. Foxgloves make her sad - and weirdly make her think of her cat - while calla lilies just feel right. It's why she's had a flower garden in her yard since middle school.

Last, but not least: because of her happy truth feeling, she's obsessed with documentaries.

Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.
— Brené Brown