
Young Writers Society

Paimon Fel

Return to Aether's Heart  

Creator: Chaser
Roleplay: Aether's Heart
Nickname: Paimon

Name: Paimon Fel

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Up For Love: Yes, pansexual

Prophecy Role: The Spear

Appearance: Paimon aims for the nondescript, and to do that is easy enough as an authentic vagrant. Her travelling cloak is torn, though not in the cool way, but from fraying and repatching the burlap. She wears a muted earth-tones ensemble (think Lord of the Rings hobbits) and two different-sized shoes. She carries a rather large travel-bag on her back.

Paimon has a tall head with reddish-brown hair, and narrow eyes. She has a lanky frame on the larger side, and that is far as the eye can tell.

Personality: Paimon is laid-back and carefree. She only wishes to exist in this manner, and as such generally doesn't fret the problems around her. She lives frugally and enjoys simplicity. She sees magic as pretentious and overrated, preferring her natural skills with a sling. So far, so good. She seems to enjoy life whenever the stone isn't around; when it is, she becomes sullen for brief periods. To most people, she seems flippant and slightly rude.

Powers: Paimon has been cursed by the ghost of a rock. This rock is about six centimeters in diameter, and a perfectly smooth sphere. It has the glowing insignia of a spiral, and can be made of anything. This rock turns up near her at any point in her journey, comprised of the surface it spawned from. She is the only one capable of handling it without injury; when anything else collides with the stone, it releases the force of its elemental properties. Even if the stone were to be made of magma, she could still hold it and sling it over the horizon. The stone is also a curse and therefore unaffected by other movement spells.

Strengths: Paimon is capable of living in the wilderness and has generally good stamina and instincts. She's not the best at brewing potions, but she is good at finding useful flora and fauna. She has a relaxed attitude that helps when dealing with others.

Weaknesses: Paimon is lazy and generally doesn't address the problems at hand. She laughs off danger to the point of recklessness, and avoids the things she doesn't like. She can be rather shallow and doesn't seem to want to talk about anything personal.

Personal Quest: Paimon wants to be free of her curse. The stone causes mayhem wherever she goes.

Personal Secret: Paimon's stone came from her brother, when she killed him by accident while fighting over it.

History: Being a poor girl from the town of Nua Port, all Paimon wanted was magic. Sadly, she lacked any aptitude for it. Her younger brother was a prodigy, developing Primal Sense early on, with the family devoting their resources toward his education.

Through an accident one day, she killed her brother using the stone. The stone continued to haunt her with disaster into her adult life. She dropped out of medicinal study and began wandering the world, away from the stagnancy of her home town.

She makes her living now partially as a drifter, partially as an apothecary dealer. Her backpack now holds all sort of potion ingredients she's collected from the woods, as well as regular cooking tools.

Other: Paimon is an excellent cook, and tends to wonder about the next meal often.

You wake up in the morning and it feels impossible? Good. You do it anyway.
— Martin Scorcese