
Young Writers Society

Diamond Schnee

Return to Shattered Moons  

Creator: Omni
Roleplay: Shattered Moons

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Symbol: Diamond

Race: Human

Theme: Diamond, Sharp Angles, Colors: Chrome, Wine, and Gold.

Appearance: Diamond has piercing dark gray hair that she almost always keeps in a high ponytail. She has a narrow, sharp face, with purple eyes and high cheekbones. She is on the slight side, with formfitting chrome armor. Shoulder pads of gold rise high on each of her shoulders, and she has slits of chambers running down her midsection, accentuating her body, full of gravity Dust that she uses to replenish her weapon. A wine colored half-skirt runs down her right leg to the middle of her thight in ripples. Her armor itself ripples and shines faintly in light, giving the illusion of diamonds. She wears chrome with gold accent boots. A diamond shape cutout on each of her sleeves reveals her pale skin underneath, but she is mostly covered up beisdes that. On her chest is her symbol, a diamond, painted in dark purple and bright gold.

Weapon: Diamond's weapon is Splinter. It is a gun created uniquely out of Dust, maintaining its loose shape, transformation capabilities, and unique shots, from the gravity Dust Diamond used to craft it. In its natural form, it is a large and formidable sniper rifle of chrome and light blue, with mineral gravity Stone in its center. She has cartridges for multiple types of Dust in it. It is a fluid weapon that crafts to Diamond's arm when she uses it, allowing for easier balance and more precision when aiming. If she gets in close quarters, she can transform Splinter into a gaunlet. This gaunlet can act as a shield, ramming device, a short sword, but most importantly a shotgun.

Semblance: Diamond is a member of the Schnee family, who have the rare fortune of having their Semblance hereditary. So, she has Glyphs. At the moment, she can use her glyphs to manipulate her shots and allow her better grip on unreachable places. Her glyphs can be manipulated by Dust.

Personality: Diamond is a very calm and calculated girl, but more laid back than her training ought to have fashioned her. She has a small smile that is often outlining her face, and it represents her well. She can take a joke and can often dish some out in return, but she is hard to trust people and overly formal when she first encounters them. She has a shell that is intimidating to break past, built from the foundation of her family and their lineage. She doesn't do well around authority or people ordering her around. She's prone to excitement and impulsions at the randomnest things. That's due to her anxiety. She normally has it under control but certain overbearing people can force her back into the shell of her childhood or her outbursts. She loves people and sees the best, even if it means she stumbles all over herself even when she's right. She wants to move past her family and the traditions that follow that, which is why she moved to Vale to attend Beacon.

History: Diamond comes from the Schnee family. Her grandfather, a natural born Schnee, started a Dust company that has now made their family wealthy and almost considered royalty. However, her mother was always more relaxed about that vision than her father (which upset her sister-in-law quite a bit), and she instilled that into Diamond, which has caused them both to become mostly ostracized from the family. Her father takes it well, even though he was not born into the family and strived to make an image of himself there, though, and supports her decision to go to Beacon, even if he wishes she were in Atlas. She has had a well childhood, although her father can get nasty sometimes, and her aunt considers her not much more than filth, but she strives to look to the future. She has battled anxiety for years and hopes that coming to Vale will be a new start.

Up for love: Not right now


“Christmas won’t be Christmas without any presents!”
— Little Women