
Young Writers Society

Veronica "Ronnie" Goldstein

Return to Hogwarts Students and The Years We Lived with Harry Potter  

Creator: HazelGrace16
Roleplay: Hogwarts Students and The Years We Lived with Harry Potter
Nickname: Ronnie

APPEARANCE: (image above) Ronnie has straight and thin long red hair with deep brown eyes. She has freckles pretty much everywhere, and her skin is a light olive color. Ronnie's build is very boyish with lanky limbs and a small chest. She was described as undeniably average by her friends back at Ilvermorny.

PERSONALITY: Ronnie is very happy go lucky, and compassionate. She is known for her giggly personality, and her competitive edge. She does well in her studies, and always aims for acceptance amongst her peers. She can be overly competitive and childish in events, and she can't put something aside till it's perfect. She is a little soft spoken at first, but she'll have these moments of loud excitement where her passion will overpower her quiet mannerisms.

HISTORY: Ronnie's father is a half-blood conceived from an unmarried relationship that her grandmother had with a no-maj, and her mother is a pure blood from Europe. Ronnie grew up in New York City with her parents and her grandmother Queenie. As of recent, her father received a job in London working for the ministry of magic. Because of this, Ronnie and her family are moving, and Ronnie is being forced to transfer from Ilvermorny to Hogwarts halfway through the year. Back in the United States Ronnie skipped a year in her wizarding studies because of work and studies in magizoology.

HOUSE: Pukwudgie in the United States, and she'll be eventually transferred to Gryffindor at Hogwarts.

YEAR: 4th even though she is young for her year.

PREFERRED SUBJECT: Care of Magical Creatures

SCHEDULE: Decided later

And then, as if written by the hand of a bad novelist, an incredible thing happened.
— Bartimaeus of Uruk