
Young Writers Society


Return to 999: Nine Hours - Nine Persons - Nine Doors  

Creator: Lael
Roleplay: 999: Nine Hours - Nine Persons - Nine Doors
Nickname: Star

Code Name: Star
Actual Name: Colton Grayson-Blair
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Number: 5

Physical Appearance: Colton gives off a sort of graceful, elegant air, though he often has a cool (sometimes even cold) expression on his handsome face. He has sideswept chestnut hair, an olive-ish skin tone, and vibrant, light blue eyes. He is currently wearing a nice button-down shirt, skinny jeans, and a really nice pair of boat shoes (all designer/name brand, of course). The one thing that he is 100% sure to have, though, is a silver ring which belonged to his mother on his right pinky finger.

Personality: The first thing most would notice about Colton is how narcissistic and prideful he is. He hates getting dirty and believes himself to be above other people. This, however, in part comes from his pessimistic or cynical attitude: he believes that people are not really going to help you out of pure motives, because he has faced a lot of rejection and disappointments throughout his childhood. He would never show his weaknesses, and he is very calculating and likes to think things through before taking action, to be sure that he doesn't bring harm to himself in the process. Sarcasm makes up a big part of his personality. He doesn't like to get close to people either, fearing that he will lose them if he allows himself to love them.

History: Colton is the child of James Grayson, a high-profile business man/CEO-type, and Rebecca Blair, a scientist. Throughout his childhood, Colton's father was not there very much, leading to a resentment and distance that only grew larger after his mother died. His mother's death was a big blow to him, as she was the one who raised him the most despite all her scientific work, and it changed him. Colton never knew or cared about his father's business ventures or things his company were doing, instead preferring to pursue a career in music.

As soon as he turned 18 and graduated high school, he left home and never came back, having very little contact with his family. He quickly rose in fame as a singer-songwriter, under the name Colton Blair, and later even made ventures into acting. Success, riches, and security seemed complete.

However, a couple of years after he became famous, Colton was attacked by a masked figure whom he was unable to identify. This was one of the only times that James Grayson sought his son out personally. He asked Colton to step out of the spotlight, saying it'd be safer that way. Colton, however, believed he was safest surrounded by security guards and the latest technology.

Besides, he liked his life better now than before, since so many people adored him. He refused, and he and his father broke contact again.

Ulterior Motives and/or Secrets: Colton would do anything to protect himself from getting hurt again, even if it means betraying other players.

Strengths: Colton has a good eye for detail, is strong ("All that working out finally pays off now."), and, though he may not seem it, can be rather cunning.

Weaknesses: He has a big ego and therefore will not accept help without it being a blow to his pride. He fears rejection and having to relive the nightmare from his youth of losing someone close to him. He is also afraid of dying alone and with no one to care about or remember him.

Other: The others believe that Colton chose his code name because of his narcissism, but he actually chose it because his mother used to affectionately call him "her star" when he was a young child.

And, though it may surprise others, he lives a rather clean lifestyle for such a popular celebrity. He refuses to dabble in addictive substances or get involved in any scandals, reasoning that they would ultimately damage his fame. And deep inside, he still has a part of himself, the good, Christian boy with goals for an exemplary life, though he hasn't really been keeping in line with his faith for a long time.

I say, in matters of the heart, treat yo' self.
— Donna, Parks & Rec