
Young Writers Society

Lord Evaric Istaqa

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Creator: NPC
Roleplay: Of Blood & Royalty
Nickname: Vari, Ric, Lord Istaqa

Name: Lord Evaric Istaqa.

Age: Appears 40s, actually nearing 200.

Gender: Male.

Rank: Mage (Blood).

Appearance: Evaric stands at an even 6" with broad shoulders and a disapproving scowl that almost always seems to be on his face. He's imposing; tall and broad with greying black hair and beard/moustache. His skin is tan and he likes his finery; expensive, well-made clothes in greys and blacks with splashes of red are his go-to. He is usually seen wearing a large gold ring with a red stone set in it and with a sword strapped to his left hip.

Personality: Evaric has quite a strong personality, almost to the point of being overbearing. He's the type to know his own mind (or so his thinks, however screwy and unstable that mind is) and have strong opinions on things. Evaric is a stong supporter of mage rights. He just doesn't like any of the Prince's so-called reforms; he doesn't think they're helping. He strongly disagrees with them, in fact, and he despises the Mage prison. He calls it cruel and unneccesary--for blood mages, that is. He doesn't particularly care about other kinds of mages, or non-mages. In fact, he thinks he's above them.

Arrogant to a fault and with a very short temper, Evaric makes himself a force to be reckoned with. As unstable as he is, he's powerful. He enjoys the power, thrives on it even, and enjoys being in control. As to what kind of "control" that is, or who is controlling whom...well, that's up for debate. His control is more-or-less purely a facade; he's impulsive, petty and easily angered. Do not get on his bad side. He usually appears...in control and calm. He's even a charmer. But don't let that fool you. He's not calm. At all. Outside his magic and blood mage master race ideals (which he knows better than to share in noble, non-mage company), there is very little else he actually likes, and a hell of a lot more he doesn't like. He has a weakness for pretty faces and strong magic.

Flaws: He does not appear to be entirely mentally stable, especially to the servants, and has some rather...unusal ideas on a lot of different subjects. He has an arrogant, mightier than thou kind of attitude, and his presence is a little unnerving. He most definitely not as in control as he believes he is. May be tripped up by pretty faces and/or strong magic; to the point where he might...lash out if it frustrates or angers him.

Abilites: Strong, Blood Manipulation. The typical blood magic--blood boiling, freezing, etc. Weak, Magic Absorption and Illusions. Absorbs other mages' magic. Must be touching them to do so. His illusions are much like Arryn's, only much, much stronger. They last longer, too. Think hours and days, not just minutes. He likes to monologue to the mages/people he kills about how "you are what you eat". Usually preys on mages.

History: Evaric does not like to talk about his past. What he has divulged is this; he was born to a noble lord and lady who are no long dead. He grew up with everything and anything he wanted, except the help he sought with his blood magic. It was difficult; he father taught him control. He mother taught him that he could absorb other mages' magic. Thus began a long, dangerous journey to power.

He was married once. She died before giving him children, so he sought out a long string of lovers, hoping that at least one of them would give him a child. That woman was a young whore in the slums. She bore him a son. Evaric kept away, but he also kept tabs. He knows what his son is up to, even if no one else except, perhaps, the Guild does. Evaric approached the Guild several years ago, planted ideas in their heads and then hung around, just watching and waiting for the seeds to sprout. And sprout they did.

Currently in the Palace, keeping tabs on the goings-ons there.

Up for love: Nope. Nada. Not happening. He is seriously not interested, but may seek no-strings-attached companionship.


Spoiler! :
He is currently posing as Lord Evaric Istaqa. His real last name is Kinevart.

They laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at them because they're all the same.
— Kurt Cobain