
Young Writers Society

Eustor Kregron

Return to Jedibook [Started | Not Accepting]  

Creator: Hattable
Roleplay: Jedibook [Started | Not Accepting]
Nickname: Eustor

Name: Eustor Kregron

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Zabrak

Rank Jedi Padawan

Allegiance: Jedi

Appearance: Eustor stands at about 5'9 and has pale brown skin with darker brown tattoos stretching all over his body. Tall, strong horns sit on his head, accompanied by a wave of long black hair. He often wears a pale tunic beneath his flowing brown robes, a maroon sash wrapping around his waist. Brown boots cover his feet and steel gauntlets sit on his forearms, more for show than protection.

Personality: Eustor fears the thought of disappointing his master, Fandral Shen, or seeming immature, so he always pays close attention to what his master tells or shows him and does his best to behave seriously. It’s a bit difficult when his sense of humor insists on breaking through at every opportunity it can get, but he’s yet to earn more than a few scowls or warning glances. Usually his jokes get a grin or chuckle out of his master, so long as they don’t interrupt anything important.
Eustor loves food, especially meat, but harbors an irrational hatred towards seafood. He’s afraid of heights, but ironically flying excites him. Eustor firmly opposes the Dark Side and wishes for the eradication of all Sith, despite how it may affect the balance of the Force. He hopes that he can help bring about the end of the Sith, once and for all, but his greatest fear is facing a follower of the Dark Side, Sith lord or padawan. He tries to be brave in the face of ‘evil’, but it absolutely terrifies him. He’s an odd mix of arrogant but cautious, silly but serious.

Flaws/Weaknesses: His firm stance against the Dark Side of the Force and his aim of destroying all Sith, no matter how unrealistic a feat for a padawan to complete, is unhealthy for the balance of the Force. His wishes to please his master often lead him to attempt things alone, when he should really wait for help.

Power/s: The Force.

History: When he was only five, Eustor’s mother was the first to notice his apparent Force-sensitiveness. She reported it to his father who, unsurprisingly, was incredibly proud and happy for his son. Eustor’s mother, unfortunately, greatly disapproved of Eustor’s abilities and forbade him to use it in her presence. Eustor’s father ignored these orders and encouraged the boy to practice whenever he could, doing his best to help his son’s powers flourish. Eventually, after nearly a year, Eustor’s mother grew fed up with it all and left the two, cursing his father for further exposing him to the Force. Eustor never saw his mother again, but his father, though upset at the departure of his wife, never gave up on the boy. He soon found a way to contact the Jedi Order and alert them to his child’s ability.
A Jedi master arrived within the next few weeks and supervised the apparently Force-sensitive child. When he determined that the boy was indeed Force-sensitive, he requested permission to take Eustor to be trained as a padawan. Eustor’s father was delighted and beamed at his son, prouder than he’d ever been before. Permission was quickly given and the Jedi took Eustor back to the Order with him.
Over the next decade Eustor trained under various masters, visited his father several times, and became a padawan under a powerful Jedi master. Unfortunately, his first master gave up on him only a month after their initial pairing, determining the sixteen-year-old Eustor to be lacking any potential and incapable of ever gaining Knighthood. The boy returned to training with the other younglings. He spent much of his time pondering what he’d done wrong with his initial master, promising himself never to make the same mistakes again.
After what had seemed an eternity, Eustor was appointed to a new tutor, Master Fandral Shen. Eustor instantly liked Master Shen and behaved as maturely as he could, hoping not to appear potential-less again. At first Master Shen seemed skeptical, but the two grew quite close over time, and three years later they were still working towards Eustor’s Knighthood.

Up For Love? Not particularly, but who knows?

Other: Green lightsaber. That is all.

you should no this
— Hijinks