
Young Writers Society

Ontath Lung

Return to Jedibook [Started | Not Accepting]  

Creator: Hattable
Roleplay: Jedibook [Started | Not Accepting]
Nickname: Darth Lung

Name: Ontath Lung

Age: 56

Gender: Male

Race: Ewok

Rank Sith Lord

Allegiance: Self

Appearance: He's quite short, 3'5. I mean, he is an Ewok after all. His fur-covered body is mostly black, though some gray hairs are growing in, particularly around his ears, but he keeps those hidden under a silver helmet, beneath a large hood. His eyes glow red and his teeth are yellow and jagged. Filthy, large black claws protrude from his fingertips and toes, though boots hide his feet. His stubby legs are uneven due to his mangled right foot, often leaving him unbalanced and forcing him to hobble, rather than walk. He deals with this as best as he can with his tall staff, doubling as his lightsaber. A billowing cape trails from his shoulders and tops a cloak made of dark Ewok fur. Yes, he has a cloak made of other Ewoks' skins.

Personality: He hates his own kind. He finds more pleasure in killing them than killing anyone else, though killing anything in general will put a twinkle in his hateful eyes and a skip in his pained steps. Not the wisest tactician, but not arrogant either, Ontath enjoys separating groups of victims and toying with them before ending them. If he can't separate a particularly large group, he'll approach them personally and slay all in reach. He tends to be quite deadpanned and straightforward, even when “hinting” his plans to enemies. He's a very carefree Sith Ewok.

Flaws/Weaknesses: Partially blind in left eye. Mangled foot causes difficulties in walking and holding balance without staff.

Power/s: The Force; Force lightning; Force choke.

History: Ontath grew up on Endor, like most Ewoks. He discovered that he had an unusual ability, one that allowed him to lift and move objects with, what he assumed, was his mind. Ontath would often use this power to pester and prank his peers and elders. At first his fellows feared it, but they grew used to it. Eventually they grew irritated with him and forbid him to use the strange magic again, on threat of banishment.
One day, when Ontath was about 15, a starfighter crashed in the woods nearby his village. The pilot, a young female Jedi, about 18, survived, but her astromech droid did not, and she was forced to remain grounded. The Ewoks allowed the girl to enter their village and stay with them for a period of time. During this time, the Jedi discovered Ontath using his ability in secret. Ontath feared that the Jedi would turn him over to the others, but instead she explained to him what the power was – that he was Force-sensitive – and taught him how to better harness his ability. Over the next several months, Ontath and the Jedi grew close through their secret lessons, and it can be said that Ontath grew some sort of feelings for his new friend.
After Ontath had learned a few tricks and shown potential, the Jedi invited Ontath to be her padawan someday, if she ever got off the planet. Ontath, elated by the opportunity, agreed most enthusiastically and began looking for some way to repair the astromech, a feat that proved futile.
Unfortunately, by this time, the villagers decided that the Jedi had been with them for too long. In the night a small band of villagers entered the Jedi's hut, stole her lightsaber, restrained her, and carried her off into the woods. The Jedi awoke and realized what was happening. Thinking fast, she removed the gag in her mouth with the Force and shouted out, struggling against her captors. One of the kidnappers quickly hit her over the head with a branch, knocking her out cold. During the struggle, the lightsaber was dropped and left behind.
Ontath, catching wind of the shout, hurried in its direction. He found the fallen lightsaber and put it in his satchel, then continued in the same direction. Rushing through the underbrush, he quickly caught up to the group. From behind a tree he watched, to his horror, as his fellow Ewoks executed the Jedi in the middle of a clearing. Ontath cried out, alerting the murderers to his company. They waved their spears and fired on him with their slingshots, but Ontath ran off, deep into the woods.
He lived out the next five years of his life alone in the forests of Endor, avoiding contact with other Ewoks, especially those of his tribe. He did occasionally sneak into a village in the night to steal a new hood or blanket, but he never stayed.
Eventually, Ontath stumbled upon another starfighter in the woods. It had been much more recent and less destructive, but the pilot was dead. It was then that Ontath, now 20, made the first of many big decisions. Carefully removing the pilot's cold body, he hijacked the ship and left his homeworld.
Nearly two decades later, a much older Ontath returned to Endor. He was now an impressive Force-wielder and had a lightsaber of his own. At this point he was neither Jedi, nor Sith. He had been trained by both but remained neutral on either side. This return to his home, though, would decide which side of the Force he truly favored.
Ontath found his village, similar to how he had left it, but its residents from his time now aged and a new generation of Ewoks running amok. Ontath, however, could care less whether these villagers were old or new. Memories rushed back to him, flooding his senses, and hate overpowered him.
He slew the villagers, every last resident, burned the village to the ground along with a significant amount of forest, and began his life as a follower of the Dark Side.

Up For Love? Never again.

Other: Nope.

I know history. There are many names in history, but none of them are ours.
— Richard Siken