
Young Writers Society


Photo of sibyis

About sibyis

You see, Sibyis is not the type of person who likes to talk about herself, let alone write about herself. She finds it slightly disconcerting and uncomfortable. She'd much rather listen to others talk and occasionally add a point or two when the need arises. Due to this characteristic, she's often found lost in her favorite black and white worlds, chocolate easily within reach. She spends an unhealthy amount of time on her computer, eating unhealthy amounts of chocolate, though in her defense, when has chocolate ever been healthy?

As of this moment, she can't see past her laptop computer due to the alarmingly precarious pile of books swaying slightly. But if she could see through the paper and ink, she would see that there's nothing much else. Then those eyes snap back to the friendly glowing screen. Yes, this is what's important. Writing. Reading. The Internet. And playing video games.

She dreams of becoming a superhero. Sadly, that dream faded when she realized X-Men would never become real. Neither would she suddenly sprout wings in her sleep. Currently, she dreams of writing a novel, changing a life - preferably doing both at the same time. Optimistically, she wants to be a famous author, someone who's books would bring tears. Realistically, she'll manage to get an education, get a degree and get a job. Her airy dreams of novels and awards will have to be shelved in this website.

Does that mean she'll stop writing? Of course not. Sibyis is not the type of person to give up even when she realizes that might be the better choice. No, she'll keep going until her fingers are too cramped to keep typing.

This looks like a really bad episode of Green Acres.
— David Letterman