
Young Writers Society


About savetheoceans

I'm an IB student at my high school, which means I study 24/7, am frequently high on caffeine, and am very much sleep deprived. Nevertheless, I enjoy the small things in life and cherish the precious moments. I love being outside, I can hardly stand sitting in a room all day so I take most of my homework outside, the weather is usually nice where I live. Anyway, I've always been into reading, ever since I grabbed Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone as a little girl, I've been captivated by the world books held. I like a variety of genres, and I read many nonfiction books related to science or biographies. I plan on pursuing a career in science but, I will always be a writer so my goal is to make science interesting and entertaining to the average person (:


science, literature, directing



Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.
— Joseph Campbell