
Young Writers Society


About rainbowcabbit

I live a life. I was born someday and will die someday. I am quite the nontypical teenager. I may just be the typical nontypical teen (or not). I love fantasy (of course). I started writing because I hated books. The books from school were of course all the same at the time I decided I'd rather make my own novels. Now I actually can find good books and love to read. I despise gender roles. I don't care if you want to call me a he or a she just not an it or a they.


Homestuck, music, drawing, writing


Writing and drawing

'Tis the season to shovel enormous amounts of watermelon into your mouth while hunched over the cutting board like a dehydrated vampire that hasn't fed on blood in four hundred years and the only viable substitute is this questionable Christmas-colored fruit.
— Ari11