
Young Writers Society

An Awful Lot Of Nonsense

Photo of missbethy123


I would say something cliche, about how I'm just an 'average' 14 year old girl. But I'm not, to be honest.
I'm pretty sure being an average 14 year old girl does not involve sitting in your bedroom for hours upon end crying over fictional characters.
But there you have it- that's what I do for up to 4 hours a day.
I'm a nerd, but I was a writer first. I was a writer from the before the moment I could hold a crayon in my hand and scribble nonsense across a piece of paper. I literally cannot imagine myself without the need (because it isn't a hobby, it's a raw need. Story-writing is just another necessity on the list of things such as oxygen and water) to write.
Nowadays, I struggle to write enough. I don't really go to school anymore- I suffer from ME, and have done for ten years, it's only the past 2 or 3 that it's gotten really bad- but my days are spent sleeping off the absolute exhaustion I'm saddled with.
However, I still manage a few sentences every evening. I just hope that I can battle through a few paragraphs more than that, and put them on here to share with you lovely people.

I also seem to think I'm a gangster.


Tumblr (fandoms: Sherlock, Cabin Pressure, Doctor Who, Merlin), Writing far too much, Reading about ten books at a time, Drawing terribly.


Sleeper, napper and all round lazy person who occasionally becomes a High School Student. I also blog a bit as well.



Lots of times you have to pretend to join a parade in which you're not really interested in order to get where you're going.
— Christopher Darlington Morley