First off, I'd like to say I enjoyed this. Very interesting piece. All I really have to critique are a couple nitpicks about diction (word choice). And although I'll only ...
Nov 19, 2010
This is a slight spin off of an activity I've always loved from my creative writing class. It involves poetry, and it involves an image that speaks to your heart. ...
Nov 19, 2010
Nutcracker bombs is the story of ballets, revolutions, and death. Each year on Christmas Eve, a highly exclusive showing of a ballet is set up for politicians, billionares, and foreign ...
Nov 9, 2010
Hello YWS. This, it seems, will be my first poetry posting on the site. A year ago, I hated the idea of poetry and only wrote when forced. A few ...
Nov 7, 2010
I want you to take that gun and shoot me in the... Sorry, what?
Nov 2, 2010
Ender's Game: The world's fate is put on a six-year-old's shoulders, and we win.
Sep 9, 2010
I can remember the crash. I remember two screams (mine? Or maybe two of the passengers?) and someone shouting, “Oh my God!” (was that me?) I remember the way I ...
Sep 4, 2010
... smashed my face into the locker-owner's sweaty gym clothes and...
Sep 4, 2010
How about a haiku? It's all I got time for. My name is Joa In Haven's Darkness, I've lived But Light hath found me.
Jul 29, 2010
I didn't read the other review, so pardon any repeating on my part. Although shadows seemed to leap out at her and tall shabby buildings loomed overhead on either side, ...
Jul 1, 2010
To give people that unexplainable feeling.
Jun 30, 2010
Never is the story of Johnny Nix, a college student pursuing mathematics and statistics, who begins to notice an increasing frequency of highly improbable happenings. With each improbable happening, t
Jun 30, 2010
You know you're a writer when your best friend is named Pencil, your second best friend, who is oh so close to being number one, is named Paper, and you ...
Jun 25, 2010
It was all he was able to do, because I’d gone around his head with the tape a few times for good measure. According to my English teacher, the newest ...
Jun 23, 2010
Jun 22, 2010