
Young Writers Society


Photo of meggy86

About meggy86

When I was younger, I saw a seagull swoop past and dreamed of the day when I would soar alongside it until my mom broke the news to me that penguins can't fly. After recovering from that blow, I set my sights on becoming a pilot. Unfortunately, bird-sized planes aren't usually available in department stores. I was, of course, crushed when I discovered this after just swimming hundreds of miles across the Pacific to find a Walmart and buy myself a Cessna. Still, I survived and the next year when I got a bright yellow balloon for my birthday, I held on tight and jumped off a cliff, hoping to take to the air. Needless to say, that didn't go over well. I've long since given up on taking to the skies in reality, but now have a passion for writing fanciful tales in which I can be whatever I want to be.


painting, writing, birdwatching, daydreaming, flying


Writer/ Would-Be Aviator

"And what is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures or conversations?"
— Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland