
Young Writers Society


Photo of meanderingthru

About meanderingthru

Well... I was born fourteen years, some months, and however many days ago. My childhood wasn't/isn't the ideal, what with my mentally ill mother and emotionally absent father, but I'm lucky to have an awesome bunch of friends and a generally optimistic outlook to help me through. I live in Missouri, but my second home is Beirut, Lebanon. I usually take out any angst/overly present emotions by writing songs/writing poetry/drawing/painting/etc. I'm also currently working on a novel entitled Culture War (it's pretty much a working title). My only goal for it currently is that it gets finished. :) I'll also be partaking in NaNoWriMo for the second time this year.

Oh yeah, feel free to visit my writing LJ (which is kinda vacant now, concidering I'm not using it for much at the moment). It's that link by 'website.'

That's kinda it.


Writing; music; psychology; people; life


starving artist



how can i live laugh love in these conditions
— Orion42