
Young Writers Society


Photo of malachitear

About me

I'm from Chile but currently living in Singapore for high school. Pretty much your typical student.

I have more addictions than I do hobbies, and I go through these brief phases where I love cooking, or swimming, or origami, but one thing I keep coming back to is writing, and I really want to make my visits to this site more regular.

I don't really mind talking about anything, really, so feel free to chat me up if you see me online (:

[I used to be ForgottenSpellbinder]


I love writing, but I also like to read (I'll give any genre a chance, but I prefer fantasy stuff and science fiction). I've recently gone into poetry./ I dance in my room when nobody's watching./ Something about languages and codes fascinate me, and I'm obsessed with them. / I'm a passionate archer, and even though I'm no longer in the school team, I hope to start shooting again when I get to university./ Anime is an on-off craze for me, but once I get into it, I'll never stop.


Amateur Student, Professional Procrastinator.



Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
— Mark Twain