
Young Writers Society


About listeningforthemuse

I am a romantic, dorky, blonde fifteen year old girl who plans to be a novelist but is having extreme difficulty becuase she can't complete any of her stories. (The big ones that are supposed to be novels).
If you would like to know more, I've thrown in some random facts about myself.

My aspirations are: To be all that I can be, to brighten my corner of the world, to live life to the fullest, and to worship my Savior with all of my heart. Because I am a Jesus freak.

In my spare time, I write stories and songs which I play on my guitar for friends and family; whether they want to hear them or not.

(Just a side note: I have unrealistic expectations for guys. I think I watched too many Disney movies as a kid. lol)

My dreams are all insanely realistic, so sometimes when I dream things I think they've happened. Not with big things, just small things. Like I'll dream that I finished all my math homework then get to school and be like "Aw, crap". I've never dreamed in black and white, and I've only realized I was dreaming twice. (I spent the rest of the dream apologizing to everyone because of the fact that it was a dream.)

I cannot stay organized to save my life. My record for a clean room is nine days.

I love random people. I also enjoy being random and using inside jokes around people who don't get them. I don't know why; I think I enjoy amusing myself too much.

I am also a nerd. I like learning and reading and writing even if noone wants to read what I write...

Do you think anyone will even read this?


writing (well, duh), reading, soccer, sleeping, playing guitar

I wish literally anything else I ever said made it into the quote generator.
— CowLogic