
Young Writers Society


About kryptonianmenace

Hello! My name is Kon.

I'm currently an older college student trying to get my Associate's Degree and studying French and Japanese. I used to post on wordpress, but I wanted a more writing focused website to post!

I've self-published one book here, and most of my "poetry" is more just abstract rambling, but I'm still really proud of it!

I also write fanfiction here.

I'm currently working on writing more poetry and working on a novel.


Comic books, Music





have u ever noticed how ugly rosy-lipped batfish r? and not like in the “aw ur so ugly ur cute” way that like opossums r — no they’re just hideously ugly beasts that should never have existed and r the epitome of evolution fails. the stupidity, blank look, head emptiness. they’re horrible n everyone who likes them r horrible too. they truly have the worst fan-base >:[
— Shady