
Young Writers Society


About killerchika

I write mostly in the fantasy genre, I haven't completed a book yet but I am currently working on two stories, The War of the Waters (working title) and The Oddities Trilogy (also a working title). Its hard to write when there is this large portion of my time taken up by this thing I like to call High School and this other thing I like to call Cheerleading. When I'm not being occupied by either of those I am usually too lazy to write, eating, or asleep. I currently have a severe case of writer's block.

I like a variety of music. My favorite bands are: The Killers, H.I.M., Avril Lavigne, Evanescene, My Chemical Romance, and a varitety of others.

I adore The Nightmare Before Christmas, the greatest movie of all time. Some other movies I love are: Edward Scissorhands, Howl's Moving Castle, Moulin Rouge, and the Disney Classics.

I love the show Gilmore Girls. My mommy, my sister, and I have seasons 1-6, and have gilmore-athons every time a new season comes out.

I love to read. The books I love inspire me to be a better writer, and I hope one day my stories will be as wonderful as these:

Blood & Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klaus
The Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling
Hawksong by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
Rebel Angels by Libba Bray
Snow by Tracy Lynn

There is more than that but those are the books that really stuck out in my mind.


Writing, Reading, Drawing, Movies, Music, Shopping.



I'm getting nachos~
— BluesClues