
Young Writers Society


Photo of kaiden

About kaiden

Kaiden, the curious wonderer of love, life and purpose. An old school romantic with a touch of modern cheesy pick-up lines always looks at the best in a girl that he takes a liking too. He can see past the flaws of a person because he knows that he has his own flaws. That's not to say that some people's flaws don't tick him off here and there.

An open mind with a love of reading, writing, and movies. A willing discusser of philosophy and the unknown and loves to engage in intelligent conversations about life in general. Can and has listened to a person talk for four hours past midnight with intense focus. Always a curious listener to people with differing views. A natural "take a mile in their shoes" kind of guy, he can see where a person is coming from with their opinions.


Life. Love. Philosophy. Video Games. Movies. Books. Girls. ;)


College Student

There is no quiet. There is only Doc McStuffins.
— Ron Swanson