
Young Writers Society


Photo of inky_libertine

About inky_libertine

If you want to achieve something, you will have to lose something. Living through photography & dancing. I love swaying to a beat. Thief. Mess. Charmer. Artist. I'm finally getting what I deserve. It seems I've got a lot of love in me and it's finally starting to shine. I've spent too many years denying myself the things that make me happy. I'm finally starting to see that now. I'm very distant at times, always have been. But it has just occurred that maybe in the way I'm distant towards others is because maybe I misinterpret things that they have said in the past. When someone cares for you & you care for them, no label is necessary. Trade rage for love and violence for sensation.


Art, Literature, Music, Photography, Culture, Laughter, Islands, Friends, Dancing, Adventures, Festivals, Gatherings, Memory, Thoughts, Perception


Construction Labourer



Prometheus, thief of light, giver of light, bound by the gods, must have been a book.
— Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves