
Young Writers Society

First thought, best thought

Photo of hyperview



I tell stories.

INFJ/Type 6 writer of psychological thrillers and dramas (sounds cooler than it actually is. Don't be fooled). Home grown Canadian but still uses British English for the sake of consistency. University student, studying literature like a pro (and dying slowly). Lover of film and just a little obsessed with Xavier Dolan. Just a bit.

I dig Balance and Composure, La Dispute, and Citizen, so if you like them or that type of music, we should chat. I also dig psychology a whole lot, so if you've got any material that needs to be looked at, it'll be hard for me to say no (unless it's unreadable).

I actually had an account on here before (two, to be exact), but I lost both login information. Good job.

I'm also on Wattpad, but I'd like to keep that separate from here.


Psychology, beats, music, film.


University student.



Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.
— Samuel Butler