
Young Writers Society



Hello. My name is Heather. I'm an aspiring writer, who dabbles in the worlds of both fantasy and Horror ― though fantasy is most definitely my forte. I love stories that show the depth of a person's madness and insanity, but also sincerity. Most of all, I strive to discover and create the conflict that ignites with the combination of both.

My goal is to eventually write a novel (or two) based around a fantasy setting. Although I'm a bookworm and I excel only in my daydreams, I find that some of my inspiration comes from Studio Ghibli's masterpieces, rather than just books and I want to eventually write something that has the same embodiment of the mind and spirit of Hayao Miyazaki.


My interest, of course, include writing, writing, watching TV shows ― though I find myself deviating from western shows right now. I'm beginning to find interest in Asian dramas and mostly Anime TV shows and Films, but I will not deny that Game Of Thrones is a winner in my books :P

You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children.
— Madeleine L'Engle, Author