
Young Writers Society


Photo of evil_kookies

About evil_kookies

Music is LIFE. I am a unfinished sentence ; do not dare try to finsih me. Do not try to fix me, for I am not broken. I am only thirteen, yet I've seen so much. My attitude changes like the weather ; warm to cold in an instant. I am no artist. You'll find that I'm only passing through. I am the same person from before, just slightly more mature. Looks can be decieving, but so can ones attitude. People may not change over night ; I am that acception. What else ? I am insane. A complete romantic that has no clue what love actually is. I'm no longer single ; Not that it's going too well. I'm a little bit of 'Roar' if you get my drift. If you dont', then may I ask you a question ? Why are you here ? Anywho. There's all I can say about myself for now , I suppose. There should be more soon... If not, then I guess your going to be waiting for nothing. Ah well, your loss.


Trahlahlah. I'm interested with life. Nuff Said.


Highschool. Still.



Turn your demons into art, your shadow into a friend, your fear into fuel, your failures into teachers, your weaknesses into reasons to keep fighting. Don’t waste your pain. Recycle your heart.
— Andréa Balt