
Young Writers Society


Photo of enidskittyteef

About Tracy :3 <3

I'm Tracy or Angelyne! I love writing and will share what I write here ahaha! I love to talk so pm me anytime.

Prns: she/it/fae !!!!



2000s scene and emo culture, Batman, Paul Dano, MCR, the Addams Family, Wednesday (show), Jurassic World and Park, Zapatopi.net and the lore behind it, writing, reading, cats, and music.


Student and Author!

“Such nonsense!" declared Dr Greysteel. "Whoever heard of cats doing anything useful!" "Except for staring at one in a supercilious manner," said Strange. "That has a sort of moral usefulness, I suppose, in making one feel uncomfortable and encouraging sober reflection upon one's imperfections.”
— Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell