
Young Writers Society


Photo of dmungrrl

About dmungrrl

Basically, I'm this pasty girl who likes sweaters, rain, chocolate, coffee, chocolate and coffee, and, of course, vampires. Yeah. That's me.

Now down to the serious stuff. My favourite writer of all time is D.J. MacHale, the author of the Pendragon series... which is, consequently, my favourite book series! (It used to be Harry Potter, but we won't even get into THAT.) If haven't read it and you're a fantasy reader, read it! It's brilliant.
Other authors I really like are Meg Cabot (my second favourite, after DJ), Tamora Pierce, Sarah Dessen, Lisi Harrison, C.S. Lewis, Stephenie Meyer (she comes right after Meg!), my two best friends Molly and Stewart, and a host of other writers who I am too lazy to list here! I am a voracious reader and am rarely seen without a book!

Music is a major source of inspiration for me. I play piano and violin and love them both. I love listening to music, especially jazz. The old standards are great, but I also love contemporary jazz singers like Jane Monheit and Jamie Cullum (they are two of the best!) The blues and rock are two genres I like a lot as well. I would say I like pop, but it's a very general term and there are different styles of pop I listen to... I'm just a big appreciator of music in general.

Besides my mad love of chocolate, coffee, hardcover books, late nights, early mornings, best friends, the colour green and VAMPIRES, that's really all you need to know about me.


writing (duh), drawing, playing the piano and the violin, drama


wannabe novelist, student



"The trouble with Borrowing another mind was, you always felt out of place when you got back to your own body, and Granny was the first person ever to read the mind of a building. Now she was feeling big and gritty and full of passages. 'Are you all right?' Granny nodded, and opened her windows. She extended her east and west wings and tried to concentrate on the tiny cup held in her pillars."
— Terry Pratchett, Discworld: Equal Rites