
Young Writers Society


Photo of diffrence21

About diffrence21

This is my bio. Maybe you already knew that. Maybe you didn't. In any case, you do now.
My name is Kati, i'm fifteen, blond, brown eyes, bublah, bublah. I recently put a blue streak in my hair. It is no longer blue. So now i look as though i am graying prematurely. I can't decide whether i like it or not.
I am a writer. Maybe you already assumed that due to the fact that we are on a writing site. Hey, maybe you didn't. I like to write about- well, actually i've yet to find out what i like to write about, due to the fact that i've yet to finish a story of any kind. I'm a ridiculously indecisive person.
My other hobbies inclue playing piano, playing bass, staring at pictures of Bill Kaulitz (it is too a hobby!), sketching Bill Kaulitz in all of his beautimusness, and writing pointless blogs that most likely no one will ever read.
I've fallen in love twice in my life. Once, on a cruise ship. I never actually found out his name, so i named him Sam. It was love at second sight. I fell in love again, with Bill Kaulitz's face. And voice. Not with him, though. I don't know him. Wish i did. But i don't. In any case, my head continues to be filled with Bill against all better judgement.
I have many irrational fears, including, but not restricted to: growing up, the beeping sound alarm clocks make, people touching my belly button, and getting lost. I am a fun-loving, easy-going, head-banging, Bill-obsessing, daydreaming procrastinator. Sooo... that's me in a really long, completely unneccessarily drawn out bio. Any questions?




full time procrastinator



The man who never makes a mistake always takes orders from one who does.
— Anonymous