
Young Writers Society


Photo of ZayZayAG

About ZayZayAG

(My friend wrote this for me)

Xzayver Gomez, a budding creative mind, stands at the threshold of his journey into the realm of arts and imagination. At just fifteen years old, this freshman in high school has already captivated those around him with his boundless creativity and passion for the arts.

Born with an innate talent and an insatiable curiosity, Xzayver has immersed himself in various forms of artistic expression. His love for drawing knows no bounds, as he meticulously brings his vivid imagination to life on paper. Whether it's sketching intricate designs or crafting vibrant characters, Xzayver's artwork reflects his unique perspective and endless potential.

Beyond his artistic endeavors, Xzayver finds solace and inspiration in the melodies of music. From the soothing rhythms of classical compositions to the electrifying beats of contemporary tunes, music serves as a constant companion in his creative journey, influencing his artistic vision and igniting his imagination.

In addition to his passion for drawing and music, Xzayver is also an avid writer, particularly drawn to the enchanting realms of fantasy fiction. With pen in hand and boundless creativity at his disposal, he weaves fantastical tales filled with daring adventures, mythical creatures, and magical landscapes. Through his stories, Xzayver invites readers to escape reality and embark on epic quests where anything is possible.

As Xzayver navigates through the halls of high school, he continues to nurture his artistic talents and explore new avenues of creativity. With each stroke of his pencil, each note of music, and each word penned on paper, he inches closer to realizing his dreams and leaving an indelible mark on the world.

With his unwavering determination, boundless imagination, and a heart full of creativity, Xzayver Gomez is poised to carve out his own path in the vast tapestry of the arts, inspiring others to embrace their passions and pursue their dreams.


Music. There's more but mainly musicВы никогда не доберетесь до следующей главы, если будете слишком заняты перечитыванием предыдущей.


High School student



It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
— Neil Armstrong