Who has a deviantart account? Let me know your username and I'll Watch you! Mine is: RoadToDarkness
Apr 29, 2012
If you have more than one nickname post it! If you have one nickname post it! If you don't have a nickname post it! I'll start. My name is Audrianna, ...
Apr 12, 2012
Mine is basically just saying how every day, I get a little bit stronger than I was yesterday. I came up with it when I was writing my first blog ...
Apr 11, 2012
Your Sig makes me feel inspired.
Apr 10, 2012
Where The Story Ends~The Fray
Apr 6, 2012
Time is the first word I think of when you say time.
Apr 6, 2012
I'm Audrianna and I'm a new person on here. Check out my new blog too! Now...... YOU HAVE TWO ITEMS THAT YOU CAN USE IN A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE: Look to ...
Apr 5, 2012
Newbie here! I'm Audrianna. My top favorite things to do are 1) WRITE and 2) PLAY SOCCER(:
Apr 4, 2012
Hi, my name is Audrianna and I'm new to this site. I was looking for a website that you could put your writing on and this was the first website ...
Mar 30, 2012