
Young Writers Society


About The Brooklyn Tiger

I've been writing for about 5 years. I'm told I have a lot of talent for my age, but I'm not sure if I believe that. However, I do know that I work harder than most teenagers my age on something that most would consider a "hobby". The characters and situations in my stories are mostly from my imagination (as with most fiction), but their reactions are drawn purely from experience. I write everything from Realistic Fiction to Fantasy. I also write poetry, though most of my poems are more concept driven rather than character driven. I’ve Had a lot of struggles in my life such as mental illness and bullying, I feel this is what helps me write and show that my writing comes from a place of authenticity.

I am what I am.
If you like that, I don't give a damn.
I speak on behalf of those with no voice.
I fight for the rights of those with no choice.
Love is my motto, but I will fight if need be.
I’m just your everyday Idiosyncratic Idealistic Freak.


Animals, Writing, Biology, Psychology, Swimming, Crafts, Spirituality, Rock Climbing, and Drawing





I would like to be the air that inhabits you for a moment only. I would like to be that unnoticed and that necessary.
— Margaret Atwood