
Young Writers Society


About SuperAnimalCrossing

Hi! My name is Zack (SuperAnimalCrossing). I specialize in sci-fi and fantasy novels. I have a soft-spot for anything under those genres, and I also have a soft-spot for anything artsy.
I also have a knack for computers, and I have the biggest love of video games. (I guess you could call me a huge nerd)
In fact, I love video games so much that I devote some of my time to create and program my own, such as my most recent project "Hangliding Simulator".
Also, I like cats very much.
Also, I'm part of the Animal Crossing cult.
So, if you don't like Animal Crossing, then be prepared to be axed a question. If you don't know what Animal Crossing is, then you should enlighten yourself and devote your very existence on this earth to Animal Crossing and serve your Animal Crossing overlords well. That is all.
That is all. Goodbye!
Oh, and if you can't tell, I'm slightly insane. So there's that.
I would also like to add:
Undertale is an extremely amazing game, which everyone should purchase and play. While you're doing that, you should also buy Undertale's soundtrack. Afterwards, you should give your firstborn child to Toby Fox.
Because why not.


Writing, Sketching, Coding/Programming, Gaming, and things that people who are generally lazy do.


Student/Game Designer/Author

The most important thing is to preserve the world we live in. Unless people understand and learn about our world, habitats, and animals, they won't understand that if we don't protect those habitats, we'll eventually destroy ourselves.
— Jack Hanna