
Young Writers Society


About SimpleBicycle

Heyo I'm Ember! I'm an 18y/o nonbinary individual (they/them). I've been writing for ten years and drawing for six.
I'm writing a novel called Until We Die, but that won't be going online for a long time. The characters are very dear to me and I use them in alternate universes to explore their characters. Basically I write fanfiction of my own novel :D

98% of what I write are Wyatt and Dalton. Everyone else is outside my comfort zone haha.

Wyatt: Shapeshifter. Angry and depressed. Suffers from PTSD. Actually a big sweetheart once you get to know him.
Dalton: Genius scientist. The bubbly one. Socially awkward but he's very friendly.
Nole: Included occasionally in aus. Wyatt and/or Dalton's best friend.

Chase, Danny, & Dakota: A different story separate from Until We Die. Chase and Dakota are aliens, and Danny is human.

I tend to write boys more than girls because writing from girls' points of view trigger my gender dysphoria. Sorry.


Drawing, digital art, sculpture, fiction writing, music, fantasy/sci-fi, DRAGONS


Art studio volunteer, college student in the fall



We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.
— Ernest Hemingway