
Young Writers Society

Jesse Rominske

Jesse Rominske

Call me Sidd. ;)

I am primarily a literary artist. I do draw stuff here and there, but mostly, I prefer to convey an image with words. I have written a large portion of a BIONICLE fanfiction called the Altronia Continuity, with help from a friend of mine called ArghYeMatey, who is awesome. I have also begun work on a science fiction story called Terra Duenuo, which will be my pet project for the foreseeable future.

I am also a disciple of Christ, so, in case you're wondering, no inappropriate content will come from me. However, my content may be philosophically provocative. If it is, then that means I am doing my job.


The Bible, BIONICLE, Transformers, Doctor Who, Marvel, Video Games, Science, History, Psychology, and, of course, Technology


College Student (Computer Science Major)/CAD Detailer



One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.
— Aldous Huxley, Brave New World