
Young Writers Society


About ShannKenn

Just another pretend adult in foolish pursuit of childhood dreams~

Hello! I'm Shann, happy to be here. I've weaved stories for about as long as I have been able to hold a pen, but I'm fairly new to sharing them. On the hunt (and greatly thankful) for reviews and critique!

I am currently an animation student and massage therapist with a deep love of fantasy. Some of my favourite authors over the years have included Phillip Pullman, Brian Jacques, Cliff McNish, Niel Gaiman, Madeline Miller, Enid Blyton and Terry Goodkind.

You can also find my posts on Wattpad and Ko-Fi - likely with some art mixed in on the latter!



Watching far too many cartoons, listening to fantasy audiobooks, and drawing as if nothing else mattered


Animation student & massage therapist



It's crazy how your life can be twisted upside down inside out and around and you can get sushi from safeway still looking like a normal person
— starchild314