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Young Writers Society


  • Sorry for the late welcome. Welcome to yws! Tag me if you want me to look at any of your works!

    Shakiraislam Sure! ♥️
    Apr 22, 2019

  • Honora
    Apr 11, 2019

    Welcome to YWS! It is an amazing place! :)

  • Hello and welcome to YWS! I'm Mage. Feel free to come to me if you ever have any questions about YWS. <3 If I'm ever not on, junior moderators, global moderators and admins definitely would be able to help you out with any questions or concerns you have, and your fellow members would be happy to help as well.

    Before you get settled in, you might want to swing by the rules thread to see what's allowed on the site, and the FAQ thread to figure out how the site works. It explains a lot about the basics of the site, like how to post your works and how to get points. It was really useful to me back when I first joined the site, so hopefully it'll be just as useful for you.

    There's also a really cool part of the site that I suggest checking out! It's called the Storybook section of the site, and it's a place where you can collaborate with other writers in roleplays or even full-blown stories. I've been in a lot of them before, so please don't be afraid to ask me more about them if that seems like something you'd be into.

    I hope you enjoy your time on YWS! <3


Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.
— H. Jackson Brown