
Young Writers Society

Welcome to my humble abode!

Photo of Seraph

Well, here's my "About" section.

Errrrrm. Hey! :D I was born in Salem, Massachusetts, USA. I currently live in Florida (Central), USA.

In summation, I'm just some person that likes maths and big words. :3
Ever since I was a wee, puerile young-un, I dreamed of becoming a scientist. Well, I consider maths a science, and that's what I'm gonna study at my university. So... Yep. It has a lot of uses. *Shrugs*

Well. Biographies detail peoples' favorites, right? My favorite colour is crimson. THERE YA GO!


I'm interested in a plethora of things! :3 Math, science and psychology are just the start!


Mathematics Student



"While we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one."
— Albus Dumbledore