
Young Writers Society


About Rubric

Howdy reader, I go by Rubric.

I like reading, writing and participating in informative argument. I'm studying Teaching at The University of South Australia to teach English Lit, Legal Studies, and History.

I love yws for its freedom of opinion, storybooks, and literary community.

Hope to hear from you, dear reader,



I enjoy philosophy, particularly civic ethics. I enjoy reading and writing fantasy and historical fiction, and spend more than enough time on steam games. I enjoy various forums of debate, including online, Model UN, Moot Courts and Formal Debating.


Pre-Service Teacher

I always knew that deep down in every human heart, there is mercy and generosity. No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.
— Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom